GNU ELPA - denote-search

denote-search Atom Feed

Search the contents of your notes
denote-search-1.0.3.tar (.sig), 2025-Mar-02, 120 KiB
Lucas Quintana <>
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To install this package from Emacs, use package-install or list-packages.

Full description

denote-search: A simple search utility for Denote


This package provides a search utility for Denote, the simple-to-use, focused-in-scope, and effective note-taking tool for Emacs.

The command denote-search is the main point of entry. It accepts a query, which should be a regular expression, and then searches the contents of all the notes stored in denote-directory for it. The results are put in a buffer which allows folding and further filtering; all standard commands offered by Xref are available as well.

This package has the same code principles as Denote: to be simple-to-use, focused-in-scope, and effective. We build upon Xref to be good Emacs citizens, and don't use any dependencies other than Denote and built-in libraries.

See the file for a comprehensive manual.


denote-search is available in GNU ELPA. You can install the package by doing:

M-x package-refresh-contents RET
M-x package-install RET denote-search RET

If for whatever reason you prefer to install it from source, you can do so by evaluating the following code:

   :url ""
   :doc ""))

Sample configuration

(use-package denote-search
  :ensure t
  ;; Customize keybindings to your liking
  (("C-c s s" . denote-search)
   ("C-c s d" . denote-search-marked-dired-files)
   ("C-c s r" . denote-search-files-referenced-in-region))
  ;; Disable help string (set it once you learn the commands)
  ;; (denote-search-help-string "")
  ;; Display keywords in results buffer
  (denote-search-format-heading-function #'denote-search-format-heading-with-keywords))

Old versions

denote-search-1.0.2.tar.lz2025-Feb-2824.4 KiB