- Description
- Manage Hugo posts like a barista
- Latest
- hugoista-0.2.1.tar (.sig), 2025-Mar-24, 30.0 KiB
- Maintainer
- Alexander Adolf <>
- Website
- Browse ELPA's repository
- CGit or Gitweb
- Badge
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Full description
This package is intended to help in curating and authoring a set of blog post files for a Hugo-generated website. Hugo ( is an open-source static site generator. It uses text input files (for example Markdown, Org, AsciiDoc, Pandoc, or reStructuredText) to generate static web pages. Unlike dynamic web content, static pages do not change their content based on the HTTP request. Hugo processes a set of such input files in one file-system tree into a corresponding set of HTML files in another file system tree. These HTML files can then be uploaded to a web server as a website's content. The hugoista package displays the set of those text input files in an input file-system tree, which will be processed into blog posts by Hugo. It shows them in a list view, grouped by their Hugo publication status (draft, scheduled, published, and expired) along with further Hugo metadata associated with each blog post. Within each status group, entries can be sorted by date, publication date, expiration date, or title. The text input file associated with each entry can be visited, and a new text input file for a new blog post can be created using single-key shortcuts. To show such a list of text input files, call the function `hugoista'. It accepts an optional argument, which is the root directory of a Hugo input file-system tree (that is, the directory where the `hugo.toml' file for the website is). Each hugoista buffer references it own website input directory. It is thus possible to have several hugoista buffers open at the same time, each for a different website input directory. As a convenience for when a single website is to be managed only, the optional argument can be omitted, in which case the directory indicated by `hugoista-site-dir' will be used as the default website input directory. Two operations are provided to act on individual entries. `hugoista-visit-post' (bound to RET by default), and `hugoista-new-post' (bound to N and + by default). Further operations (for example renaming, or deleting text input files) can conveniently be performed by other built-in facilities, such as for example `dired'.
Old versions
hugoista-0.2.0.tar.lz | 2025-Mar-19 | 5.16 KiB |
NEWS for ======================================================================== Release Notes for Version 0.2.1 ======================================================================== Issues Resolved with This Version --------------------------------- - [Issue #3] The test for detecting a Hugo site directory was considering simple setups only, that is with the Hugo config file at the root of the site's directory tree. Advanced configurations with a set of configuration files in the config subdirectory are now also recognised as Hugo site directories. New in This Version ------------------- None. Known Problems and Limitations ------------------------------ None. ======================================================================== Release Notes for Version 0.2.0 ======================================================================== Issues Resolved with This Version --------------------------------- None. New in This Version ------------------- - Add GNU ELPA installation instructions to readme. - Bump version to 0.2.0 to trigger GNU ELPA publication. Known Problems and Limitations ------------------------------ None. ---------------------------- End of NEWS -------------------------------