- Description
- GNU Global integration with xref, project and imenu.
- Latest
- gtags-mode-1.8.2.tar (.sig), 2024-Nov-13, 30.0 KiB
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Full description
GNU Global integration with xref, project, completion-at-point (capf) and imenu. There are many other packages with their own approach and set of more complete/complex features, maps and functionalities; like ggtags, gtags.el, gxref, agtags and some others referenced in: This package let all the work to the EMACS tools available for such functions and avoids external dependencies. Unlike the other packages; this module does not create extra special maps, bindings or menus, but just adds support to the mentioned features to use gtags/global as a backend when possible. We do special emphasis on minimalism, simplicity, efficiency and tramp support. This package may be extended in the future with new features and to support other tools, but only if they are required and included in an EMACS distribution and don't need external dependencies.
Old versions
gtags-mode-1.8.1.tar.lz | 2024-Aug-08 | 6.76 KiB |
gtags-mode-1.8.tar.lz | 2024-Jul-12 | 6.54 KiB |
gtags-mode-1.6.tar.lz | 2024-May-11 | 6.02 KiB |
gtags-mode-1.5.tar.lz | 2024-Apr-25 | 5.97 KiB |
gtags-mode-1.4.tar.lz | 2024-Apr-24 | 6.03 KiB |
gtags-mode-1.2.tar.lz | 2024-Apr-01 | 5.55 KiB |
gtags-mode-1.1.tar.lz | 2024-Mar-31 | 5.56 KiB |
gtags-mode-1.0.tar.lz | 2022-May-02 | 5.45 KiB |