GNU ELPA - buildbot


A Buildbot client for emacs
buildbot-0.0.1.tar (.sig), 2024-Mar-31, 90.0 KiB
Yuchen Pei <>
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To install this package from Emacs, use package-install or list-packages.

Full description

Buildbot is a free software continuous integration tool. buildbot.el is an emacs interface to view build information on a Buildbot instance. It supports newer versions* of Buildbot (>=0.9.0) but not older versions (<0.9.0) and shows views for branches, revisions, builds, steps, logs and builders.

It has been tested for the following instances (the urls are to be used as buildbot-host):

*: The linked release notes describes the significant changes at 0.9.0.

1. Install

1.1. From ELPA

Buildbot is currently available at elpa-devel:

(add-to-list 'package-archives
	     ("elpa-devel" . ""))
(package-install 'buildbot)

1.2. Manual install

Clone this repo, and add to load path (assuming you clone to ~/.emacs.d):

cd ~/.emacs.d
git clone
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/buildbot.el")

After that, require buildbot and set the host and builders, like so

(require 'buildbot)
(setq buildbot-default-host "")

2. Use

Entry points:

  • M-x buildbot-revision-open prompts for a revision id (e.g. commit hash in git), and opens a view of the revision, including builds associated with changes associated with the revision.
  • M-x buildbot-branch-open prompts for a branch name, and opens up a view of revisions of this branch.
  • M-x buildbot-builder-open prompts for a builder name from a list of available builders, and opens up a view of recent builds by this builder.
  • The first time any of these commands is invoked it may take a bit longer than usual because it needs to make an extra call to get all builders.

3. TODOs

  • org link integration.
  • older buildbot api (not really sure if feasible)
  • copy url of the current view
  • highlight certain builders (e.g. mandatory for push)

4. Contact and Copyright

buildbot.el is maintained by Yuchen Pei <> and covered by GNU AGPLv3+. You may find the license text in a file named COPYING.agpl3 in the project tree.