GNU-devel ELPA - eglot

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The Emacs Client for LSP servers
eglot- (.sig), 2025-Mar-08, 450 KiB
João Távora <>
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Full description

Eglot ("Emacs Polyglot") is an Emacs LSP client that stays out of
your way.

Typing M-x eglot in some source file is often enough to get you
started, if the language server you're looking to use is installed
in your system.  Please refer to the manual, available from or from M-x info for more usage

If you wish to contribute changes to Eglot, please do read the user
manual first.  Additionally, take the following in consideration:

* Eglot's main job is to hook up the information that language
  servers offer via LSP to Emacs's UI facilities: Xref for
  definition-chasing, Flymake for diagnostics, Eldoc for at-point
  documentation, etc.  Eglot's job is generally *not* to provide
  such a UI itself, though a small number of simple
  counter-examples do exist, e.g. in the `eglot-rename' command or
  the `eglot-inlay-hints-mode' minor mode.  When a new UI is
  evidently needed, consider adding a new package to Emacs, or
  extending an existing one.

* Eglot was designed to function with just the UI facilities found
  in the latest Emacs core, as long as those facilities are also
  available as GNU ELPA :core packages.  Historically, a number of
  :core packages were added or reworked in Emacs to make this
  possible.  This principle should be upheld when adding new LSP
  features or tweaking existing ones.  Design any new facilities in
  a way that they could work in the absence of LSP or using some
  different protocol, then make sure Eglot can link up LSP
  information to it.

* There are few Eglot configuration variables.  This principle
  should also be upheld.  If Eglot had these variables, it could be
  duplicating configuration found elsewhere, bloating itself up,
  and making it generally hard to integrate with the ever growing
  set of LSP features and Emacs packages.  For instance, this is
  why one finds a single variable
  `eglot-ignored-server-capabilities' instead of a number of
  capability-specific flags, or why customizing the display of
  LSP-provided documentation is done via ElDoc's variables, not

* Linking up LSP information to other libraries is generally done
  in the `eglot--managed-mode' minor mode function, by
  buffer-locally setting the other library's variables to
  Eglot-specific versions.  When deciding what to set the variable
  to, the general idea is to choose a good default for beginners
  that doesn't clash with Emacs's defaults.  The settings are only
  in place during Eglot's LSP-enriched tenure over a project.  Even
  so, some of those decisions will invariably aggravate a minority
  of Emacs power users, but these users can use `eglot-stay-out-of'
  and `eglot-managed-mode-hook' to adjust things to their

* On occasion, to enable new features, Eglot can have soft
  dependencies on popular libraries that are not in Emacs core.
  "Soft" means that the dependency doesn't impair any other use of
  Eglot beyond that feature.  Such is the case of the snippet
  functionality, via the Yasnippet package, Markdown formatting of
  at-point documentation via the markdown-mode package, and nicer
  looking completions when the Company package is used.

Old versions

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Eglot NEWS                                                     -*- outline -*-

Copyright (C) 2018-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
See the end of the file for license conditions.

Please send Eglot bug reports to '', and Cc (or
X-Debbugs-CC) the maintainer '' as well.  Please
read the chapter titled "Troubleshooting" in the Eglot manual,

This file is about changes in Eglot, the Emacs client for LSP
(Language Server Protocol) distributed with GNU Emacs since Emacs
version 29.1 and with GNU ELPA since 2018.

Note: references to some Eglot issues are presented as "github#nnnn".
This refers to  That is,
to look up issue github#1234, go to

* Changes in upcoming Eglot

** Support for call and type hierarchies

The new commands 'eglot-show-type-hierarchy' and
'eglot-show-call-hierarchy', when invoked on a symbol, pop up a special
buffer showing an interactive tree which represents a hierarchy of sub-
and super-types or callers and callees for that symbol.

** New 'eglot-advertise-cancellation' variable

Tweaking this variable may help some LSP servers avoid doing costly but
ultimately useless work on behalf of the client, improving overall

** Suggests code actions at point

A commonly requested feature, Eglot will use ElDoc to ask the server for
code actions available at point, indicating to the user, who may use
execute them quickly via the usual 'eglot-code-actions' command.
Customize with 'eglot-code-action-indications' and

** Mode line is customizable

The composition of Eglot's mode line can be fully customized by adding
or removing symbols and strings from the customizable variable

* Changes in Eglot 1.18 (20/1/2025)

** 'eglot-managed-mode-hook' now run when turning off Eglot (bug#70958)

** Better handling of 'eglot-report-progress'

Eglot no longer advertises the 'workDoneProgress' capability when this
customization variable is set to nil.  This requires a restart of the
server for the change to take effect.

** LSP MarkedString interface is now supported (bug#71353)

Some servers still use this deprecated interface for communicating
documentation snippets.

** Fixes to completion logic (bug#68699, github#1339, github#1349)

These affect mostly the "vanilla" frontend to completions (invoked with

** More strict completion expansion (bug#72705).

Ensures that "expand common" commands (such as C-M-i or TAB in
third-party frontends) don't result in fewer completions than before
they are called.

** More robust completion results when typing quickly (github#1474, bug#73279)

** Support for 'InsertReplaceEdit' objects (bug#73857)

This allows servers such as Zig's 'zls' to behave better when completion
starts from the middle of an incomplete symbol.

** Experimental support for Eglot-only subprojects (github#1337)

Useful for complex projects with subprojects needing different language
servers.  See associated github issue for examples.

** Support nested {} in server-provided globs (github#1403)

In short, play nice with 'tailwindcss-language-server' which seems to
use this.

** Eglot commands have a 'command-modes' property (bug#70554)

** Fix to function signature display (bug#74914)

** Fix command execution (bug#71642)

** New servers have been added to 'eglot-server-programs'.

- blueprint (bug#70015)
- BasedPyright (bug#69925)
- move-analyzer (bug#69796)
- millet
- nushell (bug#68823)

** Eglot uses an internal 'track-changes.el' library (bug#70077)

This should in theory help smoothen the Eglot's handling of events that
change the buffer.  The library has been problematic in the past, let's
hope we're past that phase.

* Changes in Eglot 1.17 (25/1/2024)

** Fixes to completion (github#847, github#1349)