denote: Simple notes with an efficient file-naming scheme

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denote: Simple notes with an efficient file-naming scheme

Copyright (C) 2022-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being “A GNU Manual,” and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.”

(a) The FSF’s Back-Cover Text is: “You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual.”

This manual, written by Protesilaos Stavrou, describes the customization options for the Emacs package called denote (or ‘denote.el’), and provides every other piece of information pertinent to it.

The documentation furnished herein corresponds to stable version 3.1.0, released on 2024-09-04. Any reference to a newer feature which does not yet form part of the latest tagged commit, is explicitly marked as such.

Current development target is 3.2.0-dev.

If you are viewing the version of this file, please note that the GNU ELPA machinery automatically generates an Info manual out of it.

1 Overview

Denote aims to be a simple-to-use, focused-in-scope, and effective note-taking and file-naming tool for Emacs.

Denote is based on the idea that files should follow a predictable and descriptive file-naming scheme. The file name must offer a clear indication of what the contents are about, without reference to any other metadata. Denote basically streamlines the creation of such files or file names while providing facilities to link between them (where those files are editable).

Denote’s file-naming scheme is not limited to “notes”. It can be used for all types of file, including those that are not editable in Emacs, such as videos. Naming files in a consistent way makes their filtering and retrieval considerably easier. Denote provides relevant facilities to rename files, regardless of file type.

Denote is based on the following core design principles:


File names must follow a consistent and descriptive naming convention (The file-naming scheme). The file name alone should offer a clear indication of what the contents are, without reference to any other metadatum. This convention is not specific to note-taking, as it is pertinent to any form of file that is part of the user’s long-term storage (Renaming files).


Be a good Emacs citizen, by integrating with other packages or built-in functionality instead of re-inventing functions such as for filtering or greping. The author of Denote (Protesilaos, aka “Prot”) writes ordinary notes in plain text (‘.txt’), switching on demand to an Org file only when its expanded set of functionality is required for the task at hand (Points of entry).


Notes are plain text and should remain portable. The way Denote writes file names, the front matter it includes in the note’s header, and the links it establishes must all be adequately usable with standard Unix tools. No need for a database or some specialised software. As Denote develops and this manual is fully fleshed out, there will be concrete examples on how to do the Denote-equivalent on the command-line.


Do not assume the user’s preference for a note-taking methodology. Denote is conceptually similar to the Zettelkasten Method, which you can learn more about in this detailed introduction: Notes are atomic (one file per note) and have a unique identifier. However, Denote does not enforce a particular methodology for knowledge management, such as a restricted vocabulary or mutually exclusive sets of keywords. Denote also does not check if the user writes thematically atomic notes. It is up to the user to apply the requisite rigor and/or creativity in pursuit of their preferred workflow (Writing metanotes).


Denote’s code base consists of small and reusable functions. They all have documentation strings. The idea is to make it easier for users of varying levels of expertise to understand what is going on and make surgical interventions where necessary (e.g. to tweak some formatting). In this manual, we provide concrete examples on such user-level configurations (Keep a journal or diary).

Now the important part… “Denote” is the familiar word, though it also is a play on the “note” concept. Plus, we can come up with acronyms, recursive or otherwise, of increasingly dubious utility like:

But we’ll let you get back to work. Don’t Eschew or Neglect your Obligations, Tasks, and Engagements.

2 Points of entry

There are seven main ways to write a note with Denote: invoke the denote, denote-type, denote-date, denote-subdirectory, denote-template, denote-signature commands, or leverage the org-capture-templates by setting up a template which calls the function denote-org-capture. We explain all of those in the subsequent sections. Other more specialised commands exist as well, which one shall learn about as they read through this manual. We do not want to overwhelm the user with options at this stage.

All these commands construct the file name in accordance with the user option denote-file-name-components-order (Change the order of file name components).

2.1 Standard note creation

The denote command will prompt for a title. If a region is active, the text of the region becomes the default at the minibuffer prompt (meaning that typing ‘RET’ without any input will use the default value). Once the title is supplied, the denote command will then ask for keywords. The resulting note will have a file name as already explained: The file naming scheme

The denote command runs the hook denote-after-new-note-hook after creating the new note (Access the data of the latest note). When called from Lisp, it returns the path it generates. Before returning the path, it decides what to do with the buffer of the note, in accordance with the user option denote-kill-buffers (The denote-kill-buffers option).

[ As part of 3.2.0-dev, the denote command runs the hook and then kills the buffer, whereas it was the other way around before. ]

The file type of the new note is determined by the user option denote-file-type (Front matter).

The keywords’ prompt supports minibuffer completion. Available candidates are those defined in the user option denote-known-keywords. More candidates can be inferred from the names of existing notes, by setting denote-infer-keywords to non-nil (which is the case by default) (Create a controlled vocabulary for keywords).

Multiple keywords can be inserted by separating them with a comma (or whatever the value of the crm-separator is—which should be a comma). When the user option denote-sort-keywords is non-nil (the default), keywords are sorted alphabetically (technically, the sorting is done with string-lessp).

The interactive behaviour of the denote command is influenced by the user option denote-prompts (The denote-prompts option).

The denote command can also be called from Lisp. Read its doc string for the technicalities.

In the interest of discoverability, denote is also available under the alias denote-create-note.

2.1.1 The denote-prompts option

The user option denote-prompts determines how the denote command will behave interactively (Standard note creation).

Commands that prompt for user input to construct a Denote file name include, but are not limited to: denote, denote-signature, denote-type, denote-date, denote-subdirectory, denote-rename-file, denote-dired-rename-files.

The value of this user option is a list of symbols, which includes any of the following:

  • title’: Prompt for the title of the new note (The denote-history-completion-in-prompts option).
  • keywords’: Prompts with completion for the keywords of the new note. Available candidates are those specified in the user option denote-known-keywords. If the user option denote-infer-keywords is non-nil, keywords in existing note file names are included in the list of candidates. The ‘keywords’ prompt uses completing-read-multiple, meaning that it can accept multiple keywords separated by a comma (or whatever the value of crm-separator is).
  • file-type’: Prompts with completion for the file type of the new note. Available candidates are those specified in the user option denote-file-type. Without this prompt, denote uses the value of denote-file-type.
  • subdirectory’: Prompts with completion for a subdirectory in which to create the note. Available candidates are the value of the user option denote-directory and all of its subdirectories. Any subdirectory must already exist: Denote will not create it.
  • date’: Prompts for the date of the new note. It will expect an input like 2022-06-16 or a date plus time: 2022-06-16 14:30. Without the ‘date’ prompt, the denote command uses the current-time.

    The denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date option.

  • template’: Prompts for a KEY among the denote-templates. The value of that KEY is used to populate the new note with content, which is added after the front matter (The denote-templates option).
  • signature’: - Prompts for an arbitrary string that can be used for any kind of workflow, such as a special tag to label the ‘part1’ and ‘part2’ of a large file that is split in half, or to add special contexts like ‘home’ and ‘work’, or even priorities like ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’. One other use-case is to implement a sequencing scheme that makes notes have hierarchical relationships. This is handled by our optional extension ‘denote-sequence.el’, which is part of the denote package (Write sequence notes or “folgezettel”).

The prompts occur in the given order.

If the value of this user option is nil, no prompts are used. The resulting file name will consist of an identifier (i.e. the date and time) and a supported file type extension (per denote-file-type).

Recall that Denote’s standard file-naming scheme is defined as follows (The file-naming scheme):


If either or both of the ‘title’ and ‘keywords’ prompts are not included in the value of this variable, file names will be any of those permutations:


When in doubt, always include the ‘title’ and ‘keywords’ prompts.

Finally, this user option only affects the interactive use of the denote or other relevant commands (advanced users can call it from Lisp). In Lisp usage, the behaviour is always what the caller specifies, based on the supplied arguments.

2.1.2 The denote-history-completion-in-prompts option

The user option denote-history-completion-in-prompts toggles history completion in all denote-prompts-with-history-as-completion.

When this user option is set to a non-nil value, Denote will use minibuffer history entries as completion candidates in all of the denote-prompts-with-history-as-completion. Those will show previous inputs from their respective history as possible values to select, either to (i) re-insert them verbatim or (ii) with the intent to edit them further (depending on the minibuffer user interface, one can select a candidate with ‘TAB’ without exiting the minibuffer, as opposed to what ‘RET’ normally does by selecting and exiting).

When this user option is set to a nil value, all of the denote-prompts-with-history-as-completion will not use minibuffer completion: they will just prompt for a string of characters. Their history is still available through all the standard ways of retrieving minibuffer history, such as with the command previous-history-element.

History completion still allows arbitrary values to be provided as input: they do not have to match the available minibuffer completion candidates.

Note that some prompts, like denote-keywords-prompt, always use minibuffer completion, due to the specifics of their data.

[ Consider enabling the built-in savehist-mode to persist minibuffer histories between sessions.]

2.1.3 The denote-templates option

The user option denote-templates is an alist of content templates for new notes. A template is arbitrary text that Denote will add to a newly created note right below the front matter.

Templates are expressed as a ‘(KEY . VALUE)’ association.

  • The ‘KEY’ is the name which identifies the template. It is an arbitrary symbol, such as ‘report’, ‘memo’, ‘statement’.
  • The ‘VALUE’ is either a string or the symbol of a function.
    • If it is a string, it is ordinary text that Denote will insert as-is. It can contain newline characters to add spacing. The manual of Denote contains examples on how to use the concat function, beside writing a generic string.
    • If it is a function, it is called without arguments and is expected to return a string. Denote will call the function and insert the result in the buffer.

The user can choose a template either by invoking the command denote-template or by changing the user option denote-prompts to always prompt for a template when calling the denote command.

The denote-prompts option.

Convenience commands for note creation.

Templates can be written directly as one large string. For example (the ‘\n’ character is read as a newline):

(setq denote-templates
      '((report . "* Some heading\n\n* Another heading")
        (memo . "* Some heading

* Another heading


Long strings may be easier to type but interpret indentation literally. Also, they do not scale well. A better way is to use some Elisp code to construct the string. This would typically be the concat function, which joins multiple strings into one. The following is the same as the previous example:

(setq denote-templates
      `((report . "* Some heading\n\n* Another heading")
        (memo . ,(concat "* Some heading"
                         "* Another heading"

Notice that to evaluate a function inside of an alist we use the backtick to quote the alist (NOT the straight quote) and then prepend a comma to the expression that should be evaluated. The concat form here is not sensitive to indentation, so it is easier to adjust for legibility.

For when the ‘VALUE’ is a function, we have this:

(setq denote-templates
      `((report . "* Some heading\n\n* Another heading")
        (blog . my-denote-template-function-for-blog) ; a function to return a string
        (memo . ,(concat "* Some heading"
                         "* Another heading"

In this example, my-denote-template-function-for-blog is a function that returns a string. Denote will take care to insert it in the buffer.

DEV NOTE: We do not provide more examples at this point, though feel welcome to ask for help if the information provided herein is not sufficient. We shall expand the manual accordingly.

2.1.4 Convenience commands for note creation

Sometimes the user needs to create a note that has different requirements from those of denote (Standard note creation). While this can be achieved globally by changing the denote-prompts user option, there are cases where an ad-hoc method is the appropriate one (The denote-prompts option).

To this end, Denote provides the following interactive convenience commands for note creation. They all work by appending a new prompt to the existing denote-prompts.

Create note by specifying file type

The denote-type command creates a note while prompting for a file type.

This is the equivalent of calling denote when denote-prompts has the ‘file-type’ prompt appended to its existing prompts. In practical terms, this lets you produce, say, a note in Markdown even though you normally write in Org (Standard note creation).

The denote-create-note-using-type is an alias of denote-type.

Create note using a date

Normally, Denote reads the current date and time to construct the unique identifier of a newly created note (Standard note creation). Sometimes, however, the user needs to set an explicit date+time value.

This is where the denote-date command comes in. It creates a note while prompting for a date. The date can be in YEAR-MONTH-DAY notation like ‘2022-06-30’ or that plus the time: ‘2022-06-16 14:30’.

The denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date option.

This is the equivalent of calling denote when denote-prompts has the ‘date’ prompt appended to its existing prompts.

The denote-create-note-using-date is an alias of denote-date.

Create note in a specific directory

The denote-subdirectory command creates a note while prompting for a subdirectory. Available candidates include the value of the variable denote-directory and any subdirectory thereof (Denote does not create subdirectories).

This is the equivalent of calling denote when denote-prompts has the ‘subdirectory’ prompt appended to its existing prompts.

The denote-create-note-in-subdirectory is a more descriptive alias of denote-subdirectory.

Create note and add a template

The denote-template command creates a new note and inserts the specified template below the front matter (The denote-templates option). Available candidates for templates are specified in the user option denote-templates.

This is the equivalent of calling denote when denote-prompts has the ‘template’ prompt appended to its existing prompts.

The denote-create-note-with-template is an alias of the command denote-template, meant to help with discoverability.

Create note with a signature

The denote-signature command first prompts for an arbitrary string to use in the optional ‘SIGNATURE’ field of the file name and then asks for a title and keywords. Signatures are arbitrary strings of alphanumeric characters which can be used to establish sequential relations between file at the level of their file name (e.g. 1, 1a, 1b, 1b1, 1b2, …).

This is the equivalent of calling denote when denote-prompts has the ‘signature’ prompt appended to its existing prompts.

The denote-create-note-using-signature is an alias of the command denote-signature intended to make the functionality more discoverable.

  1. Write your own convenience commands

    The convenience commands we provide only cover some basic use-cases (Convenience commands for note creation). The user may require combinations that are not covered, such as to prompt for a template and for a subdirectory, instead of only one of the two. To this end, we show how to follow the code we use in Denote to write your own variants of those commands.

    First let’s take a look at the definition of one of those commands. They all look the same, but we use denote-subdirectory for this example:

    (defun denote-subdirectory ()
      "Create note while prompting for a subdirectory.
    Available candidates include the value of the variable
    `denote-directory' and any subdirectory thereof.
    This is the equivalent of calling `denote' when `denote-prompts'
    has the `subdirectory' prompt appended to its existing prompts."
      (declare (interactive-only t))
      (let ((denote-prompts (denote-add-prompts '(subdirectory))))
        (call-interactively #'denote)))

    The hyphenated word after defun is the name of the function. It has to be unique. Then we have the documentation string (or “doc string”) which is for the user’s convenience.

    This function is interactive, meaning that it can be called via ‘M-x’ or be assigned to a key binding. Then we have the local binding of the denote-prompts to the desired combination (“local” means specific to this function without affecting other contexts). Lastly, it calls the standard denote command interactively, so it uses all the prompts in their specified order.

    The function call (denote-add-prompts '(subdirectory)) will append the subdirectory prompt to the existing value of the denote-prompts. If, for example, the default value is ‘'(title keywords)’ (to prompt for a title and then for keywords), it will become ‘'(subdirectory title keywords)’ inside the context of this let. Remember that this is “local”, so the global value of denote-prompts remains unaffected.

    Now let’s say we want to have a command that (i) asks for a template (ii) for a subdirectory (The denote-templates option), and (iii) then goes through the remaining denote-prompts. All we need to do is tweak the let bound value of denote-prompts and give our command a unique name:

    ;; Like `denote-subdirectory' but also ask for a template
    (defun my-denote-subdirectory-with-template ()
      "Create note while also prompting for a template and subdirectory.
    This is the equivalent of calling `denote' when `denote-prompts' has the
    `subdirectory' and `template' prompts appended to its existing prompts."
      (declare (interactive-only t))
      (let ((denote-prompts (denote-add-prompts '(subdirectory template))))
        (call-interactively #'denote)))

    The tweaks to denote-prompts determine how the command will behave (The denote-prompts option). Use this paradigm to write your own variants which you can then assign to keys, invoke with ‘M-x’, or add to the list of commands available at the denote-command-prompt (Choose which commands to prompt for).

    In the above scenario, we are using the denote-add-prompts function, which appends whatever prompts we want to the existing value of denote-prompts. If the user prefers to completely override the denote-prompts, they can set the value outright:

    (defun my-denote-subdirectory-with-template-title-and-keywords ()
      "Create a note while prompting for subdirectory, template, title, and keywords.
    This is the equivalent of calling `denote' when `denote-prompts' has the
    value '(template subdirectory title keywords)."
      (declare (interactive-only t))
      (let ((denote-prompts '(subdirectory template title keywords)))
        (call-interactively #'denote)))

2.1.5 The denote-save-buffers option

The user option denote-save-buffer-after-creation controls whether commands that create new notes save their buffer outright.

The default behaviour of commands such as denote (or related) is to not save the buffer they create (Points of entry). This gives the user the chance to review the text before writing it to a file. The user may choose to delete the unsaved buffer, thus not creating a new note (The denote-save-buffer-after-creation option).

This option also applies to notes affected by the renaming commands (denote-rename-file and related).

If this user option is set to a non-nil value, such buffers are saved automatically. The assumption is that the user who opts in to this feature is familiar with the denote-rename-file operation (or related) and knows it is reliable (Renaming files).

The denote-kill-buffers option.

2.1.6 The denote-kill-buffers option

The user option denote-kill-buffers controls whether to kill a buffer that was generated by a Denote command. This can happen when creating a new file or renaming an existing one.

The default behaviour of creation or renaming commands such as denote or denote-rename-file is to not kill the buffer they create or modify at the end of their operation. The idea is to give the user the chance to confirm that everything is in order.

If this user option is nil (the default), buffers affected by a creation or renaming command are not automatically killed.

If set to the symbol ‘on-creation’, new notes are automatically killed.

If set to the symbol ‘on-rename’, renamed notes are automatically killed.

If set to t, new and renamed notes are killed.

If a buffer is killed, it is also saved, as if denote-save-buffers were t (The denote-save-buffers option).

In all cases, if the buffer already existed before the Denote operation it is NOT automatically killed.

2.1.7 The denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date option

By default, Denote uses its own simple prompt for date or date+time input (The denote-prompts option). This is done when the denote-prompts option includes a ‘date’ symbol and/or when the user invokes the denote-date command.

Users who want to benefit from the more advanced date selection method that is common in interactions with Org mode, can set the user option denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date to a non-nil value.

2.2 Create a note from the current Org subtree

In Org parlance, an entry with all its subheadings and other contents is a “subtree”. Denote can operate on the subtree to extract it from the current file and create a new file out of it. One such workflow is to collect thoughts in a single document and produce longer standalone notes out of them upon review.

The command denote-org-extras-extract-org-subtree is used for this purpose. It creates a new Denote note using the current Org subtree. In doing so, it removes the subtree from its current file and moves its contents into a new file. This command is part of the optional ‘denote-org-extras.el’ extension, which is part of the denote package. It is loaded automatically as soon as one of its commands is invoked.

The text of the subtree’s heading becomes the ‘#+title’ of the new note. Everything else is inserted as-is.

If the heading has any tags, they are used as the keywords of the new note. If the Org file has any ‘#+filetags’ they are taken as well (Org’s ‘#+filetags’ are inherited by the headings). If none of these are true and the user option denote-prompts includes an entry for keywords, then denote-org-extras-extract-org-subtree prompts for keywords. Else the new note has no keywords (Add or remove keywords interactively).

If the heading has a ‘PROPERTIES’ drawer, it is retained for further review.

If the heading’s ‘PROPERTIES’ drawer includes a ‘DATE’ or ‘CREATED’ property, or there exists a ‘CLOSED’ statement with a timestamp value, use that to derive the date (or date and time) of the new note (if there is only a date, the time is taken as 00:00). If more than one of these is present, the order of preference is ‘DATE’, then ‘CREATED’, then ‘CLOSED’. If none of these is present, the current time is used. If the denote-prompts includes an entry for a date, then the command prompts for a date at this stage (also see denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date).

For the rest, it consults the value of the user option denote-prompts in the following scenaria:

  • To optionally prompt for a subdirectory, otherwise it produces the new note in the denote-directory.
  • To optionally prompt for a file signature, otherwise to not use any.

The new note is an Org file regardless of the user option denote-file-type.

2.3 Create note using Org capture

For integration with org-capture, the user must first add the relevant template. Such as:

(with-eval-after-load 'org-capture
  (add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
               '("n" "New note (with Denote)" plain
                 (file denote-last-path)
                 :no-save t
                 :immediate-finish nil
                 :kill-buffer t
                 :jump-to-captured t)))

Once the template is added, it is accessed from the specified key. If, for instance, org-capture is bound to ‘C-c c’, then the note creation is initiated with ‘C-c c n’, per the above snippet. After that, the process is the same as with invoking denote directly, namely: a prompt for a title followed by a prompt for keywords, assuming the default settings (Standard note creation). Concretely, this method always respects the value of the user option denote-prompts (The denote-prompts option).

It is also possible to define templates that have specific prompts or certain values set, for which there is no prompt:

Users may prefer to leverage org-capture in order to extend file creation with the specifiers described in the org-capture-templates documentation (such as to capture the active region and/or create a hyperlink pointing to the given context).

IMPORTANT. Due to the particular file-naming scheme of Denote, which is derived dynamically, such specifiers or other arbitrary text cannot be written directly in the template. Instead, they have to be assigned to the user option denote-org-capture-specifiers, which is interpreted by the function denote-org-capture. Example with our default value:

(setq denote-org-capture-specifiers "%l\n%i\n%?")

Note that denote-org-capture ignores the denote-file-type: it always sets the Org file extension for the created note to ensure that the capture process works as intended, especially for the desired output of the denote-org-capture-specifiers.

[ You may not need org-capture to do what you want (Write your own convenience commands). ]

2.4 Create note with specific prompts using Org capture

This section assumes knowledge of how Denote+org-capture work, as explained in the previous section (Create note using Org capture).

The previous section shows how to define an Org capture template that always prompts for whatever is set in the user option denote-prompts (title and keywords, by default). There are, however, cases where the user wants more control over what kind of input Denote will prompt for. To this end, we provide the function denote-org-capture-with-prompts. Below we explain it and then show some examples of how to use it.

The denote-org-capture-with-prompts is like denote-org-capture but with optional prompt parameters.

When called without arguments, it does not prompt for anything. It just returns the front matter with title and keyword fields empty and the date and identifier fields specified. It also makes the file name consist of only the identifier plus the Org file name extension (The file-naming scheme).

Otherwise, it produces a minibuffer prompt for every non-nil value that corresponds to the ‘TITLE’, ‘KEYWORDS’, ‘SUBDIRECTORY’, ‘DATE’, and ‘TEMPLATE’ arguments. The prompts are those used by the standard denote command and all of its utility commands (Points of entry).

When returning the contents that fill in the Org capture template, the sequence is as follows: front matter, ‘TEMPLATE’, and then the value of the user option denote-org-capture-specifiers.

Important note: in the case of ‘SUBDIRECTORY’ actual subdirectories must exist—Denote does not create them. Same principle for ‘TEMPLATE’ as templates must exist and are specified in the user option denote-templates.

This is how one can incorporate denote-org-capture-with-prompts in their Org capture templates. Instead of passing a generic t which makes it hard to remember what the argument means, we use semantic keywords like ‘:title’ for our convenience (internally this does not matter as the value still counts as non-nil, so ‘:foo’ for ‘TITLE’ is treated the same as ‘:title’ or t).

;; This prompts for TITLE, KEYWORDS, and SUBDIRECTORY
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
             '("N" "New note with prompts (with denote.el)" plain
               (file denote-last-path)
                (lambda ()
                  (denote-org-capture-with-prompts :title :keywords :subdirectory)))
               :no-save t
               :immediate-finish nil
               :kill-buffer t
               :jump-to-captured t))

;; This prompts only for SUBDIRECTORY
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
             '("N" "New note with prompts (with denote.el)" plain
               (file denote-last-path)
                (lambda ()
                  (denote-org-capture-with-prompts nil nil :subdirectory)))
               :no-save t
               :immediate-finish nil
               :kill-buffer t
               :jump-to-captured t))

;; This prompts for TITLE and SUBDIRECTORY
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
             '("N" "New note with prompts (with denote.el)" plain
               (file denote-last-path)
                (lambda ()
                  (denote-org-capture-with-prompts :title nil :subdirectory)))
               :no-save t
               :immediate-finish nil
               :kill-buffer t
               :jump-to-captured t))

[ You may not need org-capture to do what you want (Write your own convenience commands). ]

2.5 Create note with specific values using Org capture

The ordinary procedure to create a note with org-capture respects the value of the user option denote-prompts (Create note using Org capture): the user is prompted for all the values they have configured (title and keywords, by default). Sometimes, there is no need to have a certain prompt because the value of it will be constant. For example, the user wants to have a template that (i) respects the denote-prompts but (ii) puts the new note in an existing subdirectory of the denote-directory. The following code block does exactly that.

[ It also is possible to have a template that deviates from denote-prompts and prompts for specific values (Create note with specific prompts using Org capture). ]

(with-eval-after-load 'org-capture
  (add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
               '("r" "New reference (with Denote)" plain
                 (file denote-last-path)
                  (lambda ()
                    (let ((denote-use-directory (expand-file-name "reference" (denote-directory))))
                 :no-save t
                 :immediate-finish nil
                 :kill-buffer t
                 :jump-to-captured t)))

The values one may predefine in this way are via these variables (For developers or advanced users):

  • denote-use-date
  • denote-use-directory
  • denote-use-file-type
  • denote-use-keywords
  • denote-use-signature
  • denote-use-template
  • denote-use-title

When there exists a binding for the aforementioned variables, the corresponding prompt is always skipped. It is thus paramount to never set those variables outside the scope of a let (or equivalent).

With those granted, here is another example scenario where the user wants to have a constant value for the subdirectory but also be prompted for a date.

(with-eval-after-load 'org-capture
  (add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
               '("j" "New journal (with Denote)" plain
                 (file denote-last-path)
                  (lambda ()
                    ;; The "journal" subdirectory of the `denote-directory'---this must exist!
                    (let* ((denote-use-directory (expand-file-name "journal" (denote-directory)))
                           ;; Use the existing `denote-prompts' as well as the one for a date.
                           (denote-prompts (denote-add-prompts '(date))))
                 :no-save t
                 :immediate-finish nil
                 :kill-buffer t
                 :jump-to-captured t)))

The above highlights the hackability of the Denote code base, namely, how we can affect the behaviour of the underlying denote command by let binding variables that affect every aspect of its behaviour (Write your own convenience commands).

2.6 Create a journal entry using Org capture

[ What we document here uses the denote-journal-extras-path-to-new-or-existing-entry which is modified as part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

Denote can be used for a free-form journaling out-of-the-box. We also provide the ‘denote-journal-extras.el’ file, which contains extensions for a more streamlined workflow (Keep a journal or diary).

One of the features of those extras is the ability to create a Denote file for a given day, if there is none, but revisit the file if it exists. Users can thus leverage this to set up a workflow where they quickly add a new heading to their daily journal file via the command org-capture:

(with-eval-after-load 'org-capture
  (add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
               '("j" "Journal" entry
                 (file denote-journal-extras-path-to-new-or-existing-entry)
                 "* %U %?\n%i\n%a"
                 :kill-buffer t
                 :empty-lines 1)))

Using the above, is the same as calling the command denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry and then manually appending a heading with a timestamp. The template can be modified accordingly, in accordance with the documentation of org-capture-templates.

2.7 Create a note with the region’s contents

The command denote-region takes the contents of the active region and then calls the denote command. Once a new note is created, it inserts the contents of the region therein. This is useful to quickly elaborate on some snippet of text or capture it for future reference.

When the denote-region command is called with an active region, it finalises its work by calling denote-region-after-new-note-functions. This is an abnormal hook, meaning that the functions added to it are called with arguments. The arguments are two, representing the beginning and end positions of the newly inserted text.

A common use-case for Org mode users is to call the command org-insert-structure-template after a region is inserted. Emacs will thus prompt for a structure template, such as the one corresponding to a source block. In this case the function added to denote-region-after-new-note-functions does not actually need aforementioned arguments: it can simply declare those as ignored by prefixing the argument names with an underscore (an underscore is enough, but it is better to include a name for clarity). For example, the following will prompt for a structure template as soon as denote-region is done:

(defun my-denote-region-org-structure-template (_beg _end)
  (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
    (call-interactively 'org-insert-structure-template)))

(add-hook 'denote-region-after-new-note-functions #'my-denote-region-org-structure-template)

Remember that denote-region-after-new-note-functions are not called if denote-region is used without an active region.

2.7.1 A custom denote-region that references the source

The denote-region command simply creates a new note and includes the highlighted region’s contents as the initial text of the note (Create a note with the region’s contents). However, users may want a more streamlined workflow where the command is always used to capture quotes from other sources. In this example, we consider “other sources” to come from Emacs EWW buffers (with M-x eww) or regular files outside the denote-directory.

[ This is a proof-of-concept that does not cover all cases. If anyone wants to use a variation of this, just let me know. ]

;; Variant of `my-denote-region' to reference the source

(defun my-denote-region-get-source-reference ()
  "Get a reference to the source for use with `my-denote-region'.
The reference is a URL or an Org-formatted link to a file."
  ;; We use a `cond' here because we can extend it to cover move
  ;; cases.
   ((derived-mode-p 'eww-mode)
    (plist-get eww-data :url))
   ;; Here we are just assuming an Org format.  We can make this more
   ;; involved, if needed.
    (format "[[file:%s][%s]]" buffer-file-name (buffer-name)))))

(defun my-denote-region ()
  "Like `denote-region', but add the context afterwards.
For how the context is retrieved, see `my-denote-region-get-source-reference'."
  (let ((context (my-denote-region-get-source-reference)))
    (call-interactively 'denote-region)
    (when context
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert "\n")
      (insert context))))

;; Add quotes around snippets of text captured with `denote-region' or `my-denote-region'.

(defun my-denote-region-org-structure-template (beg end)
  "Automatically quote (with Org syntax) the contents of `denote-region'."
  (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
    (goto-char end)
    (insert "#+end_quote\n")
    (goto-char beg)
    (insert "#+begin_quote\n")))

(add-hook 'denote-region-after-new-note-functions #'my-denote-region-org-structure-template)

With the above in place, calling the my-denote-region command does the following:

  • It creates a new note as usual, prompting for the relevant data.
  • Inserts the contents of the region below the front matter of the new note.
  • Adds Org-style quotation block markers around the inserted region.
  • Adds a link to the URL or file from where my-denote-region was called.

2.8 Open an existing note or create it if missing

Sometimes it is necessary to briefly interrupt the ongoing writing session to open an existing note or, if that is missing, to create it. This happens when a new tangential thought occurs and the user wants to confirm that an entry for it is in place. To this end, Denote provides the command denote-open-or-create as well as its more flexible counterpart denote-open-or-create-with-command.

The denote-open-or-create prompts to visit a file in the denote-directory. At this point, the user must type in search terms that match a file name. If the input does not return any matches and the user confirms their choice to proceed (usually by typing RET twice, depending on the minibuffer settings), denote-open-or-create will call the denote command interactively to create a new note. It will then use whatever prompts denote normally has, per the user option denote-prompts (Standard note creation). If the title prompt is involved (the default behaviour), the denote-open-or-create sets up this prompt to have the previous input as the default title of the note to-be-created. This means that the user can type RET at the empty prompt to re-use what they typed in previously. Commands to use previous inputs from the history are also available (‘M-p’ or ‘M-n’ in the minibuffer, which call previous-history-element and next-history-element by default). Accessing the history is helpful to, for example, make further edits to the available text.

The denote-open-or-create-with-command is like the above, except when it is about to create the new note it first prompts for the specific file-creating command to use (Points of entry). For example, the user may want to specify a signature for this new file, so they can select the denote-signature command.

Denote provides similar functionality for linking to an existing note or creating a new one (Link to a note or create it if missing).

2.9 Maintain separate directory silos for notes

The user option denote-directory accepts a value that represents the path to a directory, such as ‘~/Documents/notes’. Normally, the user will have one place where they store all their notes, in which case this arrangement shall suffice.

There is, however, the possibility to maintain separate directories of notes. By “separate”, we mean that they do not communicate with each other: no linking between them, no common keywords, nothing. Think of the scenario where one set of notes is for private use and another is for an employer. We call these separate directories “silos”.

To create silos, the user must specify a local variable at the root of the desired directory. This is done by creating a ‘.dir-locals.el’ file, with the following contents:

;;; Directory Local Variables.  For more information evaluate:
;;;     (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")

((nil . ((denote-directory . "/path/to/silo/"))))

When inside the directory that contains this ‘.dir-locals.el’ file, all Denote commands/functions for note creation, linking, the inference of available keywords, et cetera will use the silo as their point of reference (How to switch a silo). They will not read the global value of denote-directory. The global value of denote-directory is read everywhere else except the silos.

Use custom commands to select a silo.

In concrete terms, this is a representation of the directory structures (notice the ‘.dir-locals.el’ file is needed only for the silos):

;; This is the global value of 'denote-directory' (no need for a .dir-locals.el)
|-- 20210303T120534--this-is-a-test__journal_philosophy.txt

;; A silo with notes for the employer
|-- .dir-locals.el
|-- 20210303T120534--this-is-a-test__conference.txt

;; Another silo with notes for my volunteering
|-- .dir-locals.el
|-- 20210303T120534--this-is-a-test__activism.txt

It is possible to configure other user options of Denote to have a silo-specific value. For example, this one changes the denote-known-keywords only for this particular silo:

;;; Directory Local Variables.  For more information evaluate:
;;;     (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")

((nil . ((denote-directory . "/path/to/silo/")
         (denote-known-keywords . ("food" "drink")))))

This one is like the above, but also disables denote-infer-keywords:

;;; Directory Local Variables.  For more information evaluate:
;;;     (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")

((nil . ((denote-directory . "/path/to/silo/")
         (denote-known-keywords . ("food" "drink"))
         (denote-infer-keywords . nil))))

To expand the list of local variables to, say, cover specific major modes, we can do something like this:

;;; Directory Local Variables.  For more information evaluate:
;;;     (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")

((nil . ((denote-directory . "/path/to/silo/")
         (denote-known-keywords . ("food" "drink"))
         (denote-infer-keywords . nil)))
 (org-mode . ((org-hide-emphasis-markers . t)
              (org-hide-macro-markers . t)
              (org-hide-leading-stars . t))))

As not all user options have a “safe” local value, Emacs will ask the user to confirm their choice and to store it in the Custom code snippet that is normally appended to init file (or added to the file specified by the user option custom-file).

Finally, it is possible to have a ‘.dir-locals.el’ for subdirectories of any denote-directory. Perhaps to specify a different set of known keywords, while not making the subdirectory a silo in its own right. We shall not expand on such an example, as we trust the user to experiment with the best setup for their workflow.

Feel welcome to ask for help if the information provided herein is not sufficient. The manual shall be expanded accordingly.

2.9.1 How to switch a silo

Switching to a silo directory will make all Denote commands use the silo’s path as the denote-directory, instead of the global value of that variable (Maintain separate directory silos for notes). There are three ways to switch to a silo:

  1. Visit a file inside of that directory.
  2. Use the dired command to open the directory in a buffer.
  3. Use the command cd to select the directory without moving away from the current buffer.

2.9.2 Use custom commands to select a silo

[ As part of version 2.1.0, the contents of this section are formally provided in the file ‘denote-silo-extras.el’. We keep this here for existing users. Otherwise consult the new entry in the manual (The ‘denote-silo-extras.el). ]

We implement silos as directory-local values of the user option denote-directory. This means that all Denote commands read from the local value if they are invoked from that context. For example, if ‘~/Videos/recordings’ is a silo and ‘~/Documents/notes’ is the default/global value of denote-directory all Denote commands will read the video’s path when called from there (e.g. by using Emacs’ dired); any other context reads the global value.

Maintain separate directory silos for notes.

There are cases where the user (i) wants to maintain multiple silos and (ii) prefers an interactive way to switch between them without going through Dired. Since this is specific to the user’s workflow, it is easier to have some custom code for it. The following should be added to the user’s Denote configuration:

(defvar my-denote-silo-directories
    ;; You don't actually need to include the `denote-directory' here
    ;; if you use the regular commands in their global context.  I am
    ;; including it for completeness.
  "List of file paths pointing to my Denote silos.
  This is a list of strings.")

(defvar my-denote-commands-for-silos
  "List of Denote commands to call after selecting a silo.
  This is a list of symbols that specify the note-creating
  interactive functions that Denote provides.")

(defun my-denote-pick-silo-then-command (silo command)
  "Select SILO and run Denote COMMAND in it.
  SILO is a file path from `my-denote-silo-directories', while
  COMMAND is one among `my-denote-commands-for-silos'."
   (list (completing-read "Select a silo: " my-denote-silo-directories nil t)
         (intern (completing-read
                  "Run command in silo: "
                  my-denote-commands-for-silos nil t))))
  (let ((denote-directory silo))
    (call-interactively command)))

With this in place, ‘M-x my-denote-pick-silo-then-command’ will use minibuffer completion to select a silo among the predefined options and then ask for the command to run in that context.

Note that ‘let’ binding denote-directory can be used in custom commands and other wrapper functions to override the global default value of denote-directory to select silos.

To see another example of a wrapper function that ‘let’ binds denote-directory, see:

Extending Denote Split an Org subtree into its own note.

2.9.3 The ‘denote-silo-extras.el

The ‘denote-silo-extras.el’ provides optional convenience functions for working with silos (Maintain separate directory silos for notes). Start by loading the relevant library:

(require 'denote-silo-extras)

The user option denote-silo-extras-directories specifies a list of directories that the user has set up as denote-directory silos.

The command denote-silo-extras-create-note prompts for a directory among denote-silo-extras-directories and runs the denote command from there.

Similar to the above, the command denote-silo-extras-open-or-create prompts for a directory among denote-silo-extras-directories and runs the denote-open-or-create command from there.

The command denote-silo-extras-select-silo-then-command prompts with minibuffer completion for a directory among denote-silo-extras-directories. Once the user selects a silo, a second prompt asks for a Denote note-creation command to call from inside that silo (Points of entry).

  1. Switch to a silo directory outright

    [ The code snippets in this section depend on 3.2.0-dev. ]

    Users who rely on silos may have a need to quickly switch between directories. This can be done with bookmarks or projects, both of which are built into Emacs:

    Another approach is to use the following small custom commands to (i) be prompted for a silo and (ii) either use cd or dired to switch to it.

    (defun my-denote-silo-extras-dired-to-silo (silo)
      "Switch to SILO directory using `dired'.
    SILO is a file path from `denote-silo-extras-directories'.
    When called from Lisp, SILO is a file system path to a directory that
    conforms with `denote-silo-extras-path-is-silo-p'."
      (interactive (list (denote-silo-extras-directory-prompt)))
      (denote-silo-extras-with-silo silo
        (dired silo)))
    (defun my-denote-silo-extras-cd-to-silo (silo)
      "Switch to SILO directory using `cd'.
    SILO is a file path from `denote-silo-extras-directories'.
    When called from Lisp, SILO is a file system path to a directory that
    conforms with `denote-silo-extras-path-is-silo-p'."
      (interactive (list (denote-silo-extras-directory-prompt)))
      (denote-silo-extras-with-silo silo
        (cd silo)))

2.9.4 Make Org export work with silos

The Org export infrastructure is designed to ignore directory-local variables. This means that Denote silos, which depend on setting the local value of the variable denote-directory, do not work as intended (Maintain separate directory silos for notes). More specifically, the Denote links do not resolve to the right file, because their path is changed during the export process.

I brought this to the attention of the Org maintainer. The guidance from their side is to use the ‘#+bind’ keyword to specify a local value for the denote-directory: The prerequisite is to set org-export-allow-bind-keywords to a non-nil value:

(setq org-export-allow-bind-keywords t)

I do not think this is an elegant solution, but here are two possible ways to go about it, anyway:

  1. Manually add the ‘#+bind’ keyword to each file you want to export. It has to be like this:
    #+bind: denote-directory "/path/to/silo/"
  2. Alternatively, you can make the Org front matter that Denote uses for new files automatically include the ‘#+bind’ keyword with its desired value. Here is a complete ‘.dir-locals.el’ which (i) defines the silo and (ii) modifies the denote-org-front-matter accordingly:
       ;;; Directory Local Variables.  For more information evaluate:
       ;;;     (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")
       ((nil . ((denote-directory . "/path/to/silo/")
                (denote-org-front-matter .
                 "#+title:      %s
    #+date:       %s
    #+filetags:   %s
    #+identifier: %s
    #+bind:       denote-directory \"/path/to/silo/\"

    [ Note that if you are reading the Org source of this manual, you need to use the command org-edit-special on the above code blocks before copying the code. This is because Org automatically prepends a comma to disambiguate those entries from actual keywords of the current file. ]

2.9.5 Make any Denote command work in a silo from anywhere

Denote silos are instantiated with a directory-local value for the denote-directory (Maintain separate directory silos for notes). This means that all Denote commands will operate on the silo when the user is inside of that directory (How to switch a silo). Sometimes though, the user may not want to switch to the silo, then call a Denote command, and finally switch away from the silo: this context change can be done only for the duration of a command.

Here we show how easy it is to transiently bind the value of the denote-directory to the path of a silo (well, any path for that matter).

(defun my-denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry ()
  "Like `denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry' for my silo."
  (let ((denote-directory "/path/to/silo/"))
    (call-interactively 'denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry)))

All the user needs to do here is change the exact command that is passed to the call-interactively. We use an example from the journaling conveniences that we provide (Keep a journal or diary).

With this in place, the user can now call their own command, such as the my-denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry shown above, when they need to write a note there without manually switching to the silo. Of course, these commands can be assigned to key bindings for greater convenience. For example:

(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c n j") #'my-denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry)

2.10 Exclude certain files from file prompts

The user option denote-excluded-files-regexp is a regular expression that matches files names which should be excluded from all Denote file prompts. Such prompts are present when linking to a file with one of the many commands, like denote-link (Linking notes), or when trying to open a file that may or may not exist (Open an existing note or create it if missing).

Functions that check for files include denote-directory-files and denote-file-prompt.

The match is performed with string-match-p.

For developers or advanced users.

2.11 Exclude certain directories from all operations

The user option denote-excluded-directories-regexp instructs all Denote functions that read or check file/directory names to omit directories that match the given regular expression. The regexp needs to match only the name of the directory, not its full path.

Affected operations include file prompts and functions that return the available files in the value of the user option denote-directory (Maintain separate directory silos for notes).

File prompts are used by several commands, such as denote-link and denote-subdirectory.

Functions that check for files include denote-directory-files and denote-directory-subdirectories.

The match is performed with string-match-p.

For developers or advanced users.

2.12 Exclude certain keywords from being inferred

The user option denote-excluded-keywords-regexp omits keywords that match a regular expression from the list of inferred keywords.

Keywords are inferred from file names and provided at relevant prompts as completion candidates when the user option denote-infer-keywords is non-nil.

The match is performed with string-match-p.

2.13 Create a controlled vocabulary for keywords

Denote has two ways to know about keywords: the predefined list of strings specified in the user option denote-known-keywords as well as all the keywords it finds in the files of the denote-directory when the user option denote-infer-keywords is set to a non-nil value (Exclude certain keywords from being inferred).

While this is a viable setup, users may prefer to implement a “controlled vocabulary”. This is a predefined set of keywords whose purpose is to avoid the creation of overly specific or inconsistent keywords.

To establish such a controlled vocabulary, users need only have something like this in their configuration:

;; Do not read keywords from files.  The only source is the `denote-known-keywords'.
(setq denote-infer-keywords nil)

;; Define the list of keywords.  Each keyword is a string.
(setq denote-known-keywords (list "politics" "economics" "emacs" "philosophy"))

2.14 Use Denote commands from the menu bar or context menu

Denote registers a submenu for the menu-bar-mode. Users will find the entry called “Denote”. From there they can use their pointer to select a command. For a sample of how this looks, read the development log:

The command denote-menu-bar-mode toggles the presentation of the menu. It is enabled by default.

Emacs also provides support for operations through a context menu. This is typically the set of actions that are made available via a right mouse click. Users who enable context-menu-mode can register the Denote entry for it by adding the following to their configuration file:

(add-hook 'context-menu-functions #'denote-context-menu)

3 Renaming files

Denote provides commands to rename files and update their front matter where relevant. For Denote to work, only the file name needs to be in order, by following our naming conventions (The file-naming scheme). The linking mechanism, in particular, needs just the identifier in the file name (Linking notes).

We write front matter in notes for the user’s convenience and for other tools to make use of that information (e.g. Org’s export mechanism). The renaming mechanism takes care to keep this data in sync with the file name, when the user performs a change.

Renaming is useful for managing existing files created with Denote, but also for converting older text files to Denote notes. Denote’s file-naming scheme is not specific to notes or text files: it is relevant for all sorts of items, such as multimedia and PDFs that form part of the user’s longer-term storage. While Denote does not manage such files (e.g. doesn’t create links to them), it already has all the mechanisms to facilitate the task of renaming them.

All renaming commands run the denote-after-rename-file-hook after a succesful operation (Access the data of the latest note). They also construct the file name in accordance with the user option denote-file-name-components-order (Change the order of file name components).

Apart from renaming files, Denote can also rename only the buffer. The idea is that the underlying file name is correct but it can be easier to use shorter buffer names when displaying them on the mode line or switching between then with commands like switch-to-buffer.

Automatically rename Denote buffers.

Find duplicate identifiers and put them in a Dired buffer.

3.1 Rename a single file

The denote-rename-file command renames a file and updates existing front matter if appropriate. It is possible to do the same with multiple files (Rename multiple files interactively).

It always renames the file where it is located in the file system: it never moves it to another directory.

If in Dired, it considers ‘FILE’ to be the one at point, else it prompts with minibuffer completion for one. When called from Lisp, ‘FILE’ is a file system path represented as a string.

If ‘FILE’ has a Denote-compliant identifier, it retains it while updating components of the file name referenced by the user option denote-prompts (The denote-prompts option). By default, these are the ‘TITLE’ and ‘KEYWORDS’. The ‘SIGNATURE’ is another one. When called from Lisp, ‘TITLE’ and ‘SIGNATURE’ are strings, while ‘KEYWORDS’ is a list of strings.

If there is no identifier, denote-rename-file creates an identifier based on the following conditions:

  1. If the denote-prompts includes an entry for date prompts, then it prompts for ‘DATE’ and takes its input to produce a new identifier. For use in Lisp, ‘DATE’ must conform with denote-valid-date-p.
  2. If ‘DATE’ is nil (e.g. when denote-prompts does not include a date entry), it uses the file attributes to determine the last modified date of ‘FILE’ and formats it as an identifier.
  3. As a fallback, it derives an identifier from the current date and time.
  4. At any rate, if the resulting identifier is not unique among the files in the variable denote-directory, it increments it such that it becomes unique.

In interactive use, and assuming denote-prompts includes a title entry, the denote-rename-file makes the ‘TITLE’ prompt have prefilled text in the minibuffer that consists of the current title of ‘FILE’. The current title is either retrieved from the front matter (such as the ‘#+title’ in Org) or from the file name.

The command does the same for the ‘SIGNATURE’ prompt, subject to denote-prompts, by prefilling the minibuffer with the current signature of ‘FILE’, if any.

Same principle for the ‘KEYWORDS’ prompt: it converts the keywords in the file name into a comma-separated string and prefills the minibuffer with it (the ‘KEYWORDS’ prompt accepts more than one keywords, each separated by a comma, else the crm-separator).

For all prompts, the denote-rename-file interprets an empty input as an instruction to remove that file name component. For example, if a ‘TITLE’ prompt is available and ‘FILE’ is ‘’ then it renames ‘FILE’ to ‘’.

In interactive use, if there is no entry for a file name component in denote-prompts, keep it as-is (The denote-prompts option).

When called from Lisp, the special symbol ‘keep-current’ can be used for the TITLE, KEYWORDS, SIGNATURE and DATE parameters to keep them as-is.

[ NOTE: Please check with your minibuffer user interface how to provide an empty input. The Emacs default setup accepts the empty minibuffer contents as they are, though popular packages like vertico use the first available completion candidate instead. For vertico, the user must either move one up to select the prompt and then type ‘RET’ there with empty contents, or use the command vertico-exit-input with empty contents. That Vertico command is bound to ‘M-RET’ as of this writing on 2024-02-13 08:08 +0200. ]

When renaming ‘FILE’, the command reads its file type extension (like ‘.org’) and preserves it through the renaming process. Files that have no extension are left without one.

As a final step, ask for confirmation, showing the difference between old and new file names. Do not ask for confirmation if the user option denote-rename-confirmations does not contain the symbol modify-file-name (The denote-rename-confirmations option).

If ‘FILE’ has front matter for ‘TITLE’ and ‘KEYWORDS’, ask to rewrite their values in order to reflect the new input, unless denote-rename-confirmations lacks rewrite-front-matter. When the denote-save-buffers is nil (the default), do not save the underlying buffer, thus giving the user the option to double-check the result, such as by invoking the command diff-buffer-with-file. The rewrite of the ‘TITLE’ and ‘KEYWORDS’ in the front matter should not affect the rest of the front matter.

If the file does not have front matter but is among the supported file types (per denote-file-type), add front matter to the top of it and leave the buffer unsaved for further inspection (Front matter). Save the buffer if denote-save-buffers is non-nil (The denote-save-buffers option).

Construct the file name in accordance with the user option denote-file-name-components-order (Change the order of file name components).

Run the denote-after-rename-file-hook after renaming ‘FILE’ (Access the data of the latest note).

This command is intended to (i) rename Denote files, (ii) convert existing supported file types to Denote notes, and (ii) rename non-note files (e.g. ‘PDF’) that can benefit from Denote’s file-naming scheme.

For a version of this command that works with multiple files one-by-one, use denote-dired-rename-files (Rename multiple files interactively).

3.1.1 The denote-rename-confirmations option

The user option denote-rename-confirmations controls what kind of confirmation renaming commands ask for (Renaming files). Its value is a list of symbols.

The value is either nil, in which case no confirmation is ever requested, or a list of symbols among the following:

  • modify-file-name means that renaming commands will ask for confirmation before modifying the file name.
  • rewrite-front-matter means that renaming commands will ask for confirmation before rewritting the front matter.
  • add-front-matter means that renaming commands will ask for confirmation before adding new front matter to the file.

The default behaviour of the denote-rename-file command (and others like it) is to ask for an affirmative answer as a final step before changing the file name and, where relevant, inserting or updating the corresponding front matter.

Specialized commands that build on top of denote-rename-file (or related) may internally bind this user option to a non-nil value in order to perform their operation (e.g. denote-dired-rename-files goes through each marked Dired file, prompting for the information to use, but carries out the renaming without asking for confirmation (Rename multiple files interactively)).

3.2 Rename a single file based on its front matter

In the previous section, we covered the more general mechanism of the command denote-rename-file (Rename a single file). There is also a way to have the same outcome by making Denote read the data in the current file’s front matter and use it to construct/update the file name. The command for this is denote-rename-file-using-front-matter. It is only relevant for files that (i) are among the supported file types, per denote-file-type, and (ii) have the requisite front matter in place.

Suppose you have an ‘.org’ file with this front matter (Front matter):

#+title:      My sample note file
#+date:       [2022-08-05 Fri 13:10]
#+filetags:   :testing:
#+identifier: 20220805T131044

Its file name reflects this information:

You want to change its title and keywords manually, so you modify it thus:

#+title:      My modified sample note file
#+date:       [2022-08-05 Fri 13:10]
#+filetags:   :testing:denote:emacs:
#+identifier: 20220805T131044

At this stage, the file name still shows the old title and keywords. You now invoke denote-rename-file-using-front-matter and it updates the file name to:

By default, the renaming is subject to a “yes or no” prompt that shows the old and new names, just so the user is certain about the change. Though this can be modified (The denote-rename-confirmations option).

The identifier of the file, if any, is never modified even if it is edited in the front matter: Denote considers the file name to be the source of truth in this case, to avoid potential breakage with typos and the like.

This command constructs the file name in accordance with the user option denote-file-name-components-order (Change the order of file name components).

3.3 Rename multiple files interactively

The command denote-dired-rename-files (alias denote-dired-rename-marked-files) renames the files that are marked in a Dired buffer. Its behaviour is similar to the denote-rename-file in that it prompts for a title, keywords, and signature (Rename a single file). It does so over each marked file, renaming one after the other.

Unlike denote-rename-file, the command denote-dired-rename-files does not ask to confirm the changes made to the files: it performs them outright (same as setting denote-rename-confirmations to a nil value). This is done to make it easier to rename multiple files without having to confirm each step. For an even more direct approach, check the command denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords.

3.4 Rename multiple files at once by asking only for keywords

The denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords command renames marked files in Dired to conform with our file-naming scheme. It does so by writing keywords to them. Specifically, it does the following:

  • retains the file’s existing name and makes it the ‘TITLE’ field, per Denote’s file-naming scheme;
  • sluggifies the ‘TITLE’ and adjusts its letter casing, according to our conventions;
  • prepends an identifier to the ‘TITLE’, if one is missing;
  • preserves the file’s extension, if any;
  • prompts once for ‘KEYWORDS’ and applies the user’s input to the corresponding field in the file name, rewriting any keywords that may exist while removing keywords that do exist if ‘KEYWORDS’ is empty;
  • adds or rewrites existing front matter to the underlying file, if it is recognized as a Denote note (per the denote-file-type user option), such that it includes the new keywords.

[ Note that the affected buffers are not saved, unless the user option denote-rename-no-confirm is non-nil. Users can thus check them to confirm that the new front matter does not cause any problems (e.g. with the diff-buffer-with-file command). Multiple buffers can be saved in one go with the command save-some-buffers (read its doc string). ]

Construct the file name in accordance with the user option denote-file-name-components-order (Change the order of file name components).

Run the denote-after-rename-file-hook after the renaming is done.

For more specialized versions of this command that only add or remove keywords, use denote-dired-rename-marked-files-add-keywords and denote-dired-rename-marked-files-remove-keywords, respectively.

3.5 Rename multiple files based on their front matter

As already noted, Denote can rename a file based on the data in its front matter (Rename a single file based on its front matter). The command denote-dired-rename-marked-files-using-front-matter extends this principle to a batch operation which applies to all marked files in Dired.

Marked files must count as notes for the purposes of Denote, which means that they at least have an identifier in their file name and use a supported file type, per denote-file-type. Files that do not meet this criterion are ignored, because Denote cannot know if they have front matter and what that may be. For such files, it is still possible to rename them interactively (Rename multiple files interactively).

3.6 Rename a file by changing only its file type

The command denote-change-file-type-and-front-matter provides the convenience of converting a note taken in one file type, say, ‘.txt’ into another like ‘.org’. It presents a choice among the denote-file-type options.

The conversion does NOT modify the existing front matter. Instead, it prepends new front matter to the top of the file. We do this as a safety precaution since the user can, in principle, add arbitrary extras to their front matter that we would not want to touch.

If in Dired, denote-change-file-type-and-front-matter operates on the file at point, else the current file, else it prompts with minibuffer completion for one.

The title of the file is retrieved from a line starting with a title field in the file’s front matter, depending on the previous file type (e.g. ‘#+title’ for Org). The same process applies for keywords.

As a final step, the command asks for confirmation, showing the difference between old and new file names.

This command constructs the file name in accordance with the user option denote-file-name-components-order (Change the order of file name components).

3.7 Rename a file by adding or removing a title interactively

The command denote-rename-file-title streamlines the process of interactively adding or removing a title to/from a file, while changing its file name accordingly. It asks for a title using the familiar minibuffer prompt (Standard note creation). It then renames the file. The command respect the values of denote-rename-confirmations and denote-save-buffers:

Technically, denote-rename-file-title is a wrapper for denote-rename-file, doing all the things that does (Rename a single file).

Concretely, this command can add or remove a title in one go. It does it by prepopulating the minibuffer prompt with the existing title. Users can then modify it. An empty input means to remove the title altogether (The file-naming scheme).

[ NOTE: Please check with your minibuffer user interface how to provide an empty input. The Emacs default setup accepts the empty minibuffer contents as they are, though popular packages like vertico use the first available completion candidate instead. For vertico, the user must either move one up to select the prompt and then type ‘RET’ there with empty contents, or use the command vertico-exit-input with empty contents. That Vertico command is bound to ‘M-RET’ as of this writing on 2024-06-30 10:37 +0300. ]

3.8 Rename a file by adding or removing keywords interactively

The command denote-rename-file-keywords streamlines the process of interactively adding or removing keywords to a file, while changing its file name and front matter accordingly. It asks for keywords using the familiar minibuffer prompt (Standard note creation). It then renames the file (Rename a single file based on its front matter). The command respect the values of denote-rename-confirmations and denote-save-buffers:

Technically, denote-rename-file-keywords is a wrapper for denote-rename-file, doing all the things that does (Rename a single file).

Concretely, this command can add or remove keywords in one go. It does it by prepopulating the minibuffer prompt with the existing keywords. Users can then use the crm-separator (normally a comma), to write new keywords or edit what is in the prompt to rewrite them accordingly. An empty input means to remove all keywords (The file-naming scheme).

[ NOTE: Please check with your minibuffer user interface how to provide an empty input. The Emacs default setup accepts the empty minibuffer contents as they are, though popular packages like vertico use the first available completion candidate instead. For vertico, the user must either move one up to select the prompt and then type ‘RET’ there with empty contents, or use the command vertico-exit-input with empty contents. That Vertico command is bound to ‘M-RET’ as of this writing on 2024-06-30 10:37 +0300. ]

3.9 Rename a file by adding or removing a signature interactively

The command denote-rename-file-signature streamlines the process of interactively adding or removing a signature to/from a file, while changing its file name accordingly. It asks for a signature using the familiar minibuffer prompt (Standard note creation). It then renames the file. The command respect the values of denote-rename-confirmations and denote-save-buffers:

Technically, denote-rename-file-signature is a wrapper for denote-rename-file, doing all the things that does (Rename a single file).

Concretely, this command can add or remove a signature in one go. It does it by prepopulating the minibuffer prompt with the existing signature. Users can then modify it. An empty input means to remove the signature altogether (The file-naming scheme).

[ NOTE: Please check with your minibuffer user interface how to provide an empty input. The Emacs default setup accepts the empty minibuffer contents as they are, though popular packages like vertico use the first available completion candidate instead. For vertico, the user must either move one up to select the prompt and then type ‘RET’ there with empty contents, or use the command vertico-exit-input with empty contents. That Vertico command is bound to ‘M-RET’ as of this writing on 2024-06-30 10:37 +0300. ]

3.10 Find duplicate identifiers and put them in a Dired buffer

Denote takes care to create unique identifiers, though its mechanism relies on reading the existing identifiers in the denote-directory or the current directory. When we are renaming files across different directories, there is a small chance that some files have the same attributes and are thus assigned identical identifiers. If those files ever make it into a consolidated denote-directory, we will have duplicates, which break the linking mechanism.

As this is an edge case, we do not include any code to address it in the Denote code base. Though here is a way to find duplicate identifiers inside the current directory:

(defun my-denote--get-files-in-dir (directory)
  "Return file names in DIRECTORY."
  (directory-files directory :full-paths directory-files-no-dot-files-regexp))

(defun my-denote--same-identifier-p (file1 file2)
  "Return non-nil if FILE1 and FILE2 have the same identifier."
  (let ((id1 (denote-retrieve-filename-identifier file1))
        (id2 (denote-retrieve-filename-identifier file2)))
    (equal id1 id2)))

(defun my-denote-find-duplicate-identifiers (directory)
  "Find all files in DIRECTORY that need a new identifier."
  (let* ((ids (my-denote--get-files-in-dir directory))
         (unique-ids (seq-uniq ids #'my-denote--same-identifier-p)))
    (seq-difference ids unique-ids #'equal)))

(defun my-denote-dired-show-duplicate-identifiers (directory)
  "Put duplicate identifiers from DIRECTORY in a dedicated Dired buffer."
    (read-directory-name "Select DIRECTORY to check for duplicate identifiers: " default-directory)))
  (if-let* ((duplicates (my-denote-find-duplicate-identifiers directory)))
      (dired (cons (format "Denote duplicate identifiers" directory) duplicates))
    (message "No duplicates identifiers in `%s'" directory)))

Evaluate this code and then call the command my-denote-dired-show-duplicate-identifiers. If there are duplicates, it will put them in a dedicated Dired buffer. From there, you can view the file contents as usual, and manually edit the identifiers as you see fit (e.g. edit them one by one, or change to the writable Dired and record a keyboard macro that makes use of a counter to increment by 1—contact me if you need any help).

3.11 Faces used by rename commands

These are the faces used by the various Denote rename commands to style or highlight the old/new/current file shown in the relevant minibuffer prompts:

  • denote-faces-prompt-current-name
  • denote-faces-prompt-new-name
  • denote-faces-prompt-old-name

4 The file-naming scheme

Notes are stored in the denote-directory. The default path is ‘~/Documents/notes’. The denote-directory can be a flat listing, meaning that it has no subdirectories, or it can be a directory tree. Either way, Denote takes care to only consider “notes” as valid candidates in the relevant operations and will omit other files or directories.

Every note produced by Denote follows this pattern by default (Points of entry):


The ‘DATE’ field represents the date in year-month-day format followed by the capital letter ‘T’ (for “time”) and the current time in hour-minute-second notation. The presentation is compact: ‘20220531T091625’. The ‘DATE’ serves as the unique identifier of each note and, as such, is also known as the file’s ID or identifier.

File names can include an arbitrary string of alphanumeric characters in the ‘SIGNATURE’ field. Signatures have no clearly defined purpose and are up to the user to define. They can serve as special labels, such as ‘part1’ and ‘part2’ of a large file, or as priority indicators like ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, or even context/scope specifiers like ‘home’ and ‘work’. Another use-case is to write sequences of thoughts, such that notes form a hierarchy, something we support with the optional and comprehensive extension ‘denote-sequence.el’ (Write sequence notes or “folgezettel”). Signatures are an optional extension to Denote’s file-naming scheme. In the simplest form, they can be added to newly created files on demand, with the command denote-signature, or by modifying the value of the user option denote-prompts (The denote-prompts option).

The ‘TITLE’ field is the title of the note, as provided by the user. It automatically gets downcased by default and is also hyphenated (Sluggification of file name components). An entry about “Economics in the Euro Area” produces an ‘economics-in-the-euro-area’ string for the ‘TITLE’ of the file name.

The ‘KEYWORDS’ field consists of one or more entries demarcated by an underscore (the separator is inserted automatically). Each keyword is a string provided by the user at the relevant prompt which broadly describes the contents of the entry.

Each of the keywords is a single word, with multiple keywords providing the multi-dimensionality needed for advanced searches through Denote files. Users who need to compose a keyword out of multiple words such as camelCase/CamelCase and are encouraged to use the denote-file-name-slug-functions user option accordingly (Sluggification of file name components).

The ‘EXTENSION’ is the file type. By default, it is ‘.org’ (org-mode) though the user option denote-file-type provides support for Markdown with YAML or TOML variants (‘.md’ which runs markdown-mode) and plain text (‘.txt’ via text-mode). Consult its doc string for the minutiae. While files end in the ‘.org’ extension by default, the Denote code base does not actually depend on org.el and/or its accoutrements.


The different field separators, namely ‘--’ and ‘__’ introduce an efficient way to anchor searches (such as with Emacs commands like isearch or from the command-line with find and related). A query for ‘_word’ always matches a keyword, while a regexp in the form of, say, ‘"\\([0-9T]+?\\)--\\(.*?\\)_"’ captures the date in group ‘\1’ and the title in ‘\2’ (test any regular expression in the current buffer by invoking ‘M-x re-builder’).

Features of the file-naming scheme for searching or filtering.

The denote-prompts can be configured in such ways to yield the following file name permutations:


When in doubt, stick to the default design, which is carefully considered and works well (Change the order of file name components).

While Denote is an Emacs package, notes should work long-term and not depend on the functionality of a specific program. The file-naming scheme we apply guarantees that a listing is readable in a variety of contexts. The Denote file-naming scheme is, in essence, an effective, low-tech invention.

4.1 Change the order of file name components

Our standard file-naming scheme prescribes a specific order for the file name components (The file-naming scheme). Though we provide the user option denote-file-name-components-order to let the user reorder them as they see fit.

The value of this user option is a list of the following symbols:

  • identifier: This is the combination of the date and time. When it is the first on the list, it looks like ‘20240519T073456’ and does not have a component separator of its own due its unambiguous format. When it is placed anywhere else in the file name, it is prefixed with ‘@@’, so it looks like ‘@@20240519T073456’.
  • signature: This is an arbitrary string that can be used to qualify the file in some way, according to the user’s methodology (e.g. to add a sequence to notes). The string is always prefixed with the == to remain unambiguous.
  • title: This is an arbitrary string which describes the file. It is always prefixed with ‘--’ to be unambiguous.
  • keywords: This is a series of one or more words that succinctly group the file. Multiple keywords are separated by an underscore prefixed to each of them. The file name component is always prefixed with ‘__’.

All four symbols must appear exactly once. Duplicates are ignored. Any missing symbol is added automatically.

Some examples:

(setq denote-file-name-components-order '(identifier signature title keywords))
;; =>

(setq denote-file-name-components-order '(signature identifier title keywords))
;; =>

(setq denote-file-name-components-order '(title signature identifier keywords))
;; =>

(setq denote-file-name-components-order '(keywords title signature identifier))
;; =>

Also see how to configure the Denote prompts, which affect which components are actually used in the order specified herein (The denote-prompts option).

Before deciding on this, please consider the longer-term implications of file names with varying patterns. Consistency makes things predictable and thus easier to find. So pick one order and never touch it again. When in doubt, leave the default file-naming scheme as-is.

4.2 Sluggification of file name components

Files names can contain any character that the file system permits. Denote imposes a few additional restrictions:

  • The tokens “‘=", =__’ and ‘--’ are interpreted by Denote and should appear only once.
  • The dot character is not allowed in a note’s file name, except to indicate the file type extension. Denote recognises two extensions for encrypted files, like ‘.txt.gpg’.

By default, Denote enforces other rules to file names through the user option denote-file-name-slug-functions. These rules are applied to file names by default:

  • What we count as “illegal characters” are removed.
  • Input for a file title is hyphenated. The original value is preserved in the note’s contents (Front matter).
  • Spaces or other delimiters are removed from keywords, meaning that ‘hello-world’ becomes ‘helloworld’. This is because hyphens in keywords do not work everywhere, such as in Org. Plus, hyphens are word separators in the title and we want to keep distinct separators for each component to make search easier and semantic (Features of the file-naming scheme for searching or filtering).
  • Signatures are like the above, but use the equals sign instead of hyphens as a word separator.
  • All file name components are downcased. Further down we document how to deviate from these rules, such as to accept input of the form ‘helloWorld’ or ‘HelloWorld’ verbatim.

Denote imposes these restrictions to enforce uniformity, which is helpful long-term as it keeps all files with the same predictable pattern. Too many permutations make searches more difficult to express accurately and be confident that the matches cover all files. Nevertheless, one of the principles of Denote is its flexibility or hackability and so users can deviate from the aforementioned (User-defined sluggification of file name components).

4.3 User-defined sluggification of file name components

The user option denote-file-name-slug-functions controls the sluggification of file name components (Sluggification of file name components). The default method is outlined above and in the previous section (The file-naming scheme).

The value of this user option is an alist where each element is a cons cell of the form ‘(COMPONENT . METHOD)’. For example, here is the default value:

'((title . denote-sluggify-title)
  (signature . denote-sluggify-signature)
  (keyword . denote-sluggify-keyword))
  • The ‘COMPONENT’ is an unquoted symbol among ‘title’, ‘signature’, ‘keyword’, which refers to the corresponding component of the file name.
  • The ‘METHOD’ is a function to format the given component. This function must take a string as its parameter and return the string formatted for the file name. Note that even in the case of the ‘keyword’ component, the function receives one string representing a single keyword and returns it formatted for the file name. Joining the keywords together is handled internally by Denote.

One commonly requested deviation from the sluggification rules is to not sluggify individual keywords, such that the user’s input is taken as-is. This can be done as follows:

(setq denote-file-name-slug-functions
      '((title . denote-sluggify-title)
        (keyword . identity)
        (signature . denote-sluggify-signature)))

The identity function simply returns the string it receives, thus not altering it in any way.

Another approach is to keep the sluggification but not downcase the string. We can do this by modifying the original functions used by Denote. For example, we have this:

;; The original function for reference
(defun denote-sluggify-title (str)
  "Make STR an appropriate slug for title."
    (replace-regexp-in-string "[][{}!@#$%^&*()+'\"?,.\|;:~`‘’“”/=]*" "" str))))

;; Our variant of the above, which does the same thing except from
;; downcasing the string.
(defun my-denote-sluggify-title (str)
  "Make STR an appropriate slug for title."
   (replace-regexp-in-string "[][{}!@#$%^&*()+'\"?,.\|;:~`‘’“”/=]*" "" str)))

;; Now we use our function to sluggify titles without affecting their
;; letter casing.
(setq denote-file-name-slug-functions
      '((title . my-denote-sluggify-title) ; our function here
        (signature . denote-sluggify-signature)
        (keyword . denote-sluggify-keyword)))

Follow this principle for all the sluggification functions (Custom sluggification to remove non-ASCII characters).

To access the source code, use either of the following built-in methods:

  1. Call the command find-library and search for denote. Then navigate to the symbol you are searching for.
  2. Invoke the command describe-symbol, search for the symbol you are interested in, and from the resulting Help buffer either click on the first link or do ‘M-x help-view-source’ (bound to ‘s’ in Help buffers, by default).

Remember that deviating from the default file-naming scheme of Denote will make things harder to use in the future, as files can/will have permutations that create uncertainty. The sluggification scheme and concomitant restrictions we impose by default are there for a very good reason: they are the distillation of years of experience. Here we give you what you wish, but bear in mind it may not be what you need. You have been warned.

4.3.1 Custom sluggification to remove non-ASCII characters

A common use-case for Denote is to rename files such as videos downloaded from the Internet. Sometimes, those files have Unicode characters that (i) not all fonts support and (ii) create all sorts of problems with pattern matching, such as when searching through file names.

By default, Denote does not remove Unicode characters because users may actually want them (e.g. Latin characters with accents). Those who do, however, wish to keep everything limited to the ASCII range can use the following in their Emacs configuration (User-defined sluggification of file name components).

;; These are the same as the default Denote sluggification functions,
;; except they remove all non-ASCII characters.
(defun my-denote-sluggify-title (str)
    (replace-regexp-in-string "[][{}!@#$%^&*()+'\"?,.\|;:~`‘’“”/=]*" ""
                              (denote-slug-keep-only-ascii str)))))

(defun my-denote-sluggify-signature (str)
    (replace-regexp-in-string "[][{}!@#$%^&*()+'\"?,.\|;:~`‘’“”/-]*" ""
                              (denote-slug-keep-only-ascii str)))))

(defun my-denote-sluggify-keyword (str)
   (replace-regexp-in-string "[][{}!@#$%^&*()+'\"?,.\|;:~`‘’“”/_ =-]*" ""
                             (denote-slug-keep-only-ascii str))))

(defcustom denote-file-name-slug-functions
  '((title . my-denote-sluggify-title)
    (signature . my-denote-sluggify-signature)
    (keyword . my-denote-sluggify-keyword)))

4.4 Features of the file-naming scheme for searching or filtering

By default, file names have three fields and two sets of field delimiters between them:


When a signature is present, this becomes:


Field delimiters practically serve as anchors for easier searching. Consider this example:


You will notice that there are two matches for the word ‘denote’: one in the title field and another in the keywords’ field. Because of the distinct field delimiters, if we search for ‘-denote’ we only match the first instance while ‘_denote’ targets the second one. When sorting through your notes, this kind of specificity is invaluable—and you get it for free from the file names alone! Similarly, a search for ‘=1’ will show all notes that are related to each other by virtue of their signature.

Users can get a lot of value out of this simple yet effective arrangement, even if they have no knowledge of regular expressions. One thing to consider, for maximum effect, is to avoid using multi-word keywords as those can get hyphenated like the title and will thus interfere with the above: either set the user option denote-allow-multi-word-keywords to nil or simply insert single words at the relevant prompts.

5 Front matter

Notes have their own “front matter”. This is a block of data at the top of the file, with no empty lines between the entries, which is automatically generated at the creation of a new note. The front matter includes the title and keywords (aka “tags” or “filetags”, depending on the file type) which the user specified at the relevant prompt, as well as the date and unique identifier, which are derived automatically.

This is how it looks for Org mode (when denote-file-type is nil or the ‘org’ symbol):

#+title:      This is a sample note
#+date:       [2022-06-30 Thu 16:09]
#+filetags:   :denote:testing:
#+identifier: 20220630T160934

For Markdown with YAML (denote-file-type has the ‘markdown-yaml’ value), the front matter looks like this:

title:      "This is a sample note"
date:       2022-06-30T16:09:58+03:00
tags:       ["denote", "testing"]
identifier: "20220630T160958"

For Markdown with TOML (denote-file-type has the ‘markdown-toml’ value), it is:

title      = "This is a sample note"
date       = 2022-06-30T16:10:13+03:00
tags       = ["denote", "testing"]
identifier = "20220630T161013"

And for plain text (denote-file-type has the ‘text’ value), we have the following:

title:      This is a sample note
date:       2022-06-30
tags:       denote  testing
identifier: 20220630T161028

The format of the date in the front matter is controlled by the user option denote-date-format. When nil, Denote uses a file-type-specific format:

If the value is a string, ignore the above and use it instead. The string must include format specifiers for the date. These are described in the doc string of format-time-string..

5.1 Change the front matter format

Per Denote’s design principles, the code is hackable. All front matter is stored in variables that are intended for public use. We do not declare those as “user options” because (i) they expect the user to have some degree of knowledge in Emacs Lisp and (ii) implement custom code.

[ NOTE for tinkerers: code intended for internal use includes double hyphens in its symbol. “Internal use” means that it can be changed without warning and with no further reference in the change log. Do not use any of it without understanding the consequences. ]

The variables which hold the front matter format are:

  • denote-org-front-matter
  • denote-text-front-matter
  • denote-toml-front-matter
  • denote-yaml-front-matter

These variables have a string value with specifiers that are used by the format function. The formatting operation passes four arguments which include the values of the given entries. If you are an advanced user who wants to edit this variable to affect how front matter is produced, consider using something like ‘%2$s’ to control where the Nth argument is placed.

When editing the value, make sure to:

  1. Not use empty lines inside the front matter block.
  2. Insert at least one empty line after the front matter block and do not use any empty line before it.

These help with consistency and might prove useful if we ever need to operate on the front matter as a whole.

With those granted, below are some examples. The approach is the same for all variables.

;; Like the default, but upcase the entries
(setq denote-org-front-matter
  "#+TITLE:      %s
#+DATE:       %s
#+FILETAGS:   %s

;; Change the order (notice the %N$s notation)
(setq denote-org-front-matter
  "#+title:      %1$s
#+filetags:   %3$s
#+date:       %2$s
#+identifier: %4$s

;; Remove the date
(setq denote-org-front-matter
  "#+title:      %1$s
#+filetags:   %3$s
#+identifier: %4$s

;; Remove the date and the identifier
(setq denote-org-front-matter
  "#+title:      %1$s
#+filetags:   %3$s

Note that setq has a global effect: it affects the creation of all new notes. Depending on the workflow, it may be preferrable to have a custom command which let binds the different format. We shall not provide examples at this point as this is a more advanced feature and we are not yet sure what the user’s needs are. Please provide feedback and we shall act accordingly.

5.2 Regenerate front matter

As part of version 3.2.0 (currently 3.2.0-dev), the command denote-add-front-matter is superseded by denote-rename-file and related (Renaming files). Those commands will add missing front matter or rewrite the modified lines of existing front matter.

6 Linking notes

Denote offers several commands for linking between notes.

All links target files which are Denote files. This means that they have our file-naming scheme. Files need to be inside the denote-directory or one of its subdirectories. No other file is recognised.

The following sections delve into the details (Why are some Org links opening outside Emacs?).

6.9 Writing metanotes

A “metanote” is an entry that describes other entries who have something in common. Writing metanotes can be part of a workflow where the user periodically reviews their work in search of patterns and deeper insights. For example, you might want to read your journal entries from the past year to reflect on your experiences, evolution as a person, and the like.

The commands denote-add-links, denote-link-dired-marked-notes are suited for this task.

Insert links matching a regexp.

Insert links from marked files in Dired.

You will create your metanote the way you use Denote ordinarily (metanotes may have the ‘metanote’ keyword, among others), write an introduction or however you want to go about it, invoke the command which inserts multiple links at once (see the above-cited nodes), and continue writing.

Metanotes can serve as entry points to groupings of individual notes. They are not the same as a filtered list of files, i.e. what you would do in Dired or the minibuffer where you narrow the list of notes to a given query. Metanotes contain the filtered list plus your thoughts about it. The act of purposefully grouping notes together and contemplating on their shared patterns is what adds value.

Your future self will appreciate metanotes for the function they serve in encapsulating knowledge, while current you will be equipped with the knowledge derived from the deliberate self-reflection.

6.10 Visiting linked files via the minibuffer

Denote has a major-mode-agnostic mechanism to collect all linked file references in the current buffer and return them as an appropriately formatted list. This list can then be used in interactive commands. The denote-find-link is such a command. It uses minibuffer completion to visit a file that is linked to from the current note. The candidates have the correct metadata, which is ideal for integration with other standards-compliant tools (Extending Denote). For instance, a package such as ‘marginalia’ will display accurate annotations, while the ‘embark’ package will be able to work its magic such as in exporting the list into a filtered Dired buffer (i.e. a familiar Dired listing with only the files of the current minibuffer session).

To visit backlinks to the current note via the minibuffer, use denote-find-backlink. This is an alternative to placing backlinks in a dedicated buffer (The backlinks’ buffer).

6.11 Use the ‘markdown-obsidian’ file type

[ This is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

The optional ‘denote-md-extras.el’ file which is part of the Denote package includes features that are relevant for users of Markdown files. Among them is the ability to write files using the Obsidian-style front matter (Convert ‘:denote’ links to paths in Markdown or Obsidian style). This is a plain representation of the file’s title as a top-level heading, without any further data.

Include this in the Denote configuration:

(require 'denote-md-extras)

7 Choose which commands to prompt for

The user option denote-commands-for-new-notes specifies a list of commands that are available at the denote-command-prompt. This prompt is used by Denote commands that ask the user how to create a new note, as described elsewhere in this manual:

The default value includes all the basic file-creating commands (Points of entry). Users may customise this value if (i) they only want to see fewer options and/or (ii) wish to include their own custom command in the list (Write your own convenience commands).

8 Fontification in Dired

One of the upsides of Denote’s file-naming scheme is the predictable pattern it establishes, which appears as a near-tabular presentation in a listing of notes (i.e. in Dired). The denote-dired-mode can help enhance this impression, by fontifying the components of the file name to make the date (identifier) and keywords stand out.

There are two ways to set the mode. Either use it for all directories, which probably is not needed:

(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'denote-dired-mode)

Or configure the user option denote-dired-directories and then set up the function denote-dired-mode-in-directories:

;; We use different ways to specify a path for demo purposes.
(setq denote-dired-directories
      (list denote-directory
            (thread-last denote-directory (expand-file-name "attachments"))
            (expand-file-name "~/Documents/vlog")))

(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'denote-dired-mode-in-directories)

The user option denote-dired-directories-include-subdirectories specifies whether the denote-dired-directories also cover their subdirectories. By default they do not. Set this option to t to include subdirectories as well.

The faces we define for this purpose are:

For more control, we also provide these:

#+vindex denote-faces-year #+vindex denote-faces-month #+vindex denote-faces-day #+vindex denote-faces-hour #+vindex denote-faces-minute #+vindex denote-faces-second

For the time being, the ‘diredfl’ package is not compatible with this facility.

The denote-dired-mode does not only fontify note files that were created by Denote: it covers every file name that follows our naming conventions (The file-naming scheme). This is particularly useful for scenaria where, say, one wants to organise their collection of PDFs and multimedia in a systematic way (and, perhaps, use them as attachments for the notes Denote produces if you are writing Org notes and are using its standand attachments’ facility).

9 Automatically rename Denote buffers

The minor mode denote-rename-buffer-mode provides the means to automatically rename the buffer of a Denote file upon visiting the file. This applies both to existing Denote files as well as new ones (Points of entry). Enable the mode thus:

(denote-rename-buffer-mode 1)

Buffers are named by applying the function specified in the user option denote-rename-buffer-function. The default function is denote-rename-buffer: it renames the buffer based on the template set in the user option denote-rename-buffer-format. By default, the formatting template targets only the ‘TITLE’ component of the file name (The file-naming scheme). Other fields are explained elsewhere in this manual (The denote-rename-buffer-format).

Note that renaming a buffer is not the same as renaming a file (Renaming files). The former is just for convenience inside of Emacs. Whereas the latter is for writing changes to disk, making them available to all programs.

9.1 The denote-rename-buffer-format option

The user option denote-rename-buffer-format controls how the function denote-rename-buffer chooses the name of the buffer-to-be-renamed.

The value of this user option is a string. The following specifiers are placeholders for Denote file name components (The file-naming scheme):

  • The ‘%t’ is the Denote ‘TITLE’ in the front matter or the file name.
  • The ‘%T’ is the Denote ‘TITLE’ in the file name. [ The ‘%T’ is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]
  • The ‘%i’ is the Denote ‘IDENTIFIER’ of the file.
  • The ‘%d’ is the same as ‘%i’ (‘DATE’ mnemonic).
  • The ‘%s’ is the Denote ‘SIGNATURE’ of the file.
  • The ‘%k’ is the Denote ‘KEYWORDS’ of the file.
  • The ‘%b’ is an indicator of whether or not the file has backlinks pointing to it. The indicator string is defined in the user option denote-rename-buffer-backlinks-indicator, alias denote-buffer-has-backlinks-string.
  • The ‘%%’ is a literal percent sign.

In addition, the following flags are available for each of the specifiers:


Pad to the width, if given, with zeros instead of spaces.


Pad to the width, if given, on the right instead of the left.


Truncate to the width and precision, if given, on the left.


Truncate to the width and precision, if given, on the right.


Convert to upper case.


Convert to lower case.

When combined all together, the above are written thus:


Any other string it taken as-is. Users may want, for example, to include some text that makes Denote buffers stand out, such as a ‘[D]’ prefix. Examples:

;; Use a literal [D] prefix, followed by the title and then the
;; backlinks indicator (default).
(setq denote-rename-buffer-format "[D] %t%b")

;; Customize what the backlink indicator looks like.  This two-faced
;; arrow is the default.
(setq denote-rename-buffer-backlinks-indicator  "<-->")

;; Use just the title and keywords with some emoji in between, because
;; why not?
(setq denote-rename-buffer-format "%t 🤨 %k")

;; Use the title with a literal "[D]" before it.
(setq denote-rename-buffer-format "[D] %t")

;; As above, but also add the `denote-rename-buffer-backlinks-indicator' at the end.
(setq denote-rename-buffer-format "[D] %t")

Users who need yet more flexibility are best served by writing their own function and assigning it to the denote-rename-buffer-function.

10 Use Org dynamic blocks

[ As part of version 2.3.0, all dynamic blocks are defined in the file ‘denote-org-extras.el’. The file which was once called ‘denote-org-dblock.el’ contains aliases for the new function names and displays a warning about its deprecation. There is no need to require the denote-org-extras feature because all of Denote’s Org dynamic blocks are autoloaded (meaning that they work as soon as they are used). For backward compatibility, all dynamic blocks retain their original names as an alias for the newer one. ]

Denote can optionally integrate with Org mode’s “dynamic blocks” facility. This means that it can use special blocks that are evaluated with ‘C-c C-x C-u’ (org-dblock-update) to generate their contents. The following subsections describe the types of Org dynamic blocks provided by Denote.

A dynamic block gets its contents by evaluating a function that corresponds to the type of block. The block type and its parameters are stated in the opening ‘#+BEGIN’ line. Typing ‘C-c C-x C-u’ (org-dblock-update) with point on that line runs (or re-runs) the associated function with the given parameters and populates the block’s contents accordingly.

Dynamic blocks are particularly useful for metanote entries that reflect on the status of earlier notes (Writing metanotes).

The Org manual describes the technicalities of Dynamic Blocks. Evaluate:

(info "(org) Dynamic Blocks")

10.4 Org dynamic block to insert file contents

[ As part of version 2.3.0, all dynamic blocks are defined in the file ‘denote-org-extras.el’. The file which was once called ‘denote-org-dblock.el’ contains aliases for the new function names and displays a warning about its deprecation. There is no need to require the denote-org-extras feature because all of Denote’s Org dynamic blocks are autoloaded (meaning that they work as soon as they are used). For backward compatibility, all dynamic blocks retain their original names as an alias for the newer one. ]

Denote can optionally use Org’s dynamic blocks facility to produce a section that lists entire file contents (Use Org dynamic blocks). This works by instructing Org to match a regular expression of Denote files, the same way we do with Denote links (Insert links matching a regexp).

This is useful to, for example, compile a dynamically concatenated list of scattered thoughts on a given topic, like ‘^2023.*_emacs’ for a long entry that incorporates all the notes written in 2023 with the keyword ‘emacs’.

To produce such a block, call the command denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-files or manually write the following block in an Org file and then type ‘C-c C-x C-u’ (org-dblock-update) on the ‘#+BEGIN’ line to run it (do it again to recalculate the block):

#+BEGIN: denote-files :regexp "YOUR REGEXP HERE" :not-regexp nil :sort-by-component nil :reverse-sort nil :no-front-matter nil :file-separator nil :add-links nil


All parameters are optional except for ‘:regexp’.

The ‘denote-files’ block is also registered as an option for the command org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock.

Remember to type ‘C-c C-x C-u’ (org-dblock-update) with point on the ‘#+BEGIN’ line to update the block.

To fully control the output, include these additional optional parameters, which are described further below:

  • The ‘:regexp’ parameter is mandatory. Its value is a string, representing a regular expression to match Denote file names. Its value may also be an rx expression instead of a string, as noted in the previous section (Org dynamic blocks to insert links or backlinks). Note that you do not need to write an actual regular expression to get meaningful results: even something like ‘_journal’ will work to include all files that have a ‘journal’ keyword.
  • The ‘:not-regexp’ parameter is optional. It is a regular expression that applies after ‘:regexp’ to filter out the matching files. [ Part of 3.2.0-dev. ]
  • The ‘:excluded-dirs-regexp’ is a string that contains a word or regular expression that matches against directory files names to-be-excluded from the results. This has the same meaning as setting the denote-excluded-directories-regexp user option (Exclude certain directories from all operations). The user option has a global effect, which is overridden locally in the dynamic block. When the value of ‘:excluded-dirs-regexp’ is nil (the default), the value of denote-excluded-directories-regexp is used (which is also nil by default, meaning that all directories are included). When the value of ‘excluded-dirs-regexp’ is t or some other symbol, then the denote-excluded-directories-regexp is ignored altogether. This is useful in the scenario where the user option is set to exclude some directories but the dynamic blocks wants to lift that restriction.
  • The ‘:sort-by-component’ parameter is optional. It sorts the files by the given Denote file name component. The value it accepts is an unquoted symbol among ‘title’, ‘keywords’, ‘signature’, ‘identifier’. When using the command denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-files, this parameter is automatically inserted together with the (‘:regexp’ parameter) and the user is prompted for a file name component.
  • The ‘:reverse-sort’ parameter is optional. It reverses the order in which files appear in. This is meaningful even without the presence of the parameter ‘:sort-by-component’, though it also combines with it.
  • The ‘:file-separator’ parameter is optional. If it is omitted, then Denote will use no separator between the files it inserts. If the value is t the denote-org-extras-dblock-file-contents-separator is applied at the end of each file: it introduces some empty lines and a horizontal rule between them to visually distinguish individual files. If the ‘:file-separator’ value is a string, it is used as the file separator (e.g. use ‘"\n"’ to insert just one empty new line).
  • The ‘:no-front-matter’ parameter is optional. When set to a t value, Denote tries to remove front matter from the files it is inserting in the dynamic block. The technique used to perform this operation is by removing all lines from the top of the file until the first empty line. This works with the default front matter that Denote adds, but is not 100% reliable with all sorts of user-level modifications and edits to the file. When the ‘:no-front-matter’ is set to a natural number, Denote will omit that many lines from the top of the file.
  • The ‘:add-links’ parameter is optional. When it is set to a t value, all files are inserted as a typographic list and are indented accordingly. The first line in each list item is a link to the file whose contents are inserted in the following lines. When the value is ‘id-only’, then links are inserted without a description text but only with the identifier of the given file. This has the same meaning as with the denote-link command and related facilities (Linking notes). Remember that Org can fold the items in a typographic list the same way it does with headings. So even long files can be presented in this format without much trouble.
  • An optional ‘:block-name’ parameter can be specified with a string value to add a ‘#+name’ to the results. This is useful for further processing using Org facilities (a feature that is outside Denote’s purview).

10.5 Org dynamic block to insert Org files as headings

[ IMPORTANT NOTE: This dynamic block only works with Org files, because it has to assume the Org notation in order to insert each file’s contents as its own heading. ]

As a variation of the previously covered block that inserts file contents, we have the denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-files-as-headings command (Org dynamic block to insert file contents). It Turn the ‘#+title’ of each file into a top-level heading. Then it increments all original headings in the file by one, so that they become subheadings of what once was the ‘#+title’. Similarly, the ‘#+filetags’ of each file as tags for the top-level heading (what was the ‘#+title’).

Because of how it is meant to work, this dynamic block only works with Org files.

In its simplest form, this dynamic block looks like this, with ‘:regexp’ as the only mandatory parameter:

#+BEGIN: denote-files-as-headings :regexp "YOUR REGEXP HERE"


Though when you use the command denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-files-as-headings you get all the parameters included:

#+BEGIN: denote-files-as-headings :regexp "YOUR REGEXP HERE" :not-regexp nil :excluded-dirs-regexp nil :sort-by-component title :reverse-sort nil :add-links t

  • The ‘:regexp’ parameter is mandatory. Its value is a string, representing a regular expression to match Denote file names. Its value may also be an rx expression instead of a string, as noted in the previous section (Org dynamic blocks to insert links or backlinks). Note that you do not need to write an actual regular expression to get meaningful results: even something like ‘_journal’ will work to include all files that have a ‘journal’ keyword.
  • The ‘:not-regexp’ parameter is optional. It is a regular expression that applies after ‘:regexp’ to filter out the matching files. [ Part of 3.2.0-dev. ]
  • The ‘:excluded-dirs-regexp’ is a string that contains a word or regular expression that matches against directory files names to-be-excluded from the results. This has the same meaning as setting the denote-excluded-directories-regexp user option (Exclude certain directories from all operations). The user option has a global effect, which is overridden locally in the dynamic block. When the value of ‘:excluded-dirs-regexp’ is nil (the default), the value of denote-excluded-directories-regexp is used (which is also nil by default, meaning that all directories are included). When the value of ‘excluded-dirs-regexp’ is t or some other symbol, then the denote-excluded-directories-regexp is ignored altogether. This is useful in the scenario where the user option is set to exclude some directories but the dynamic blocks wants to lift that restriction.
  • The ‘:sort-by-component’ parameter is optional. It sorts the files by the given Denote file name component. The value it accepts is an unquoted symbol among ‘title’, ‘keywords’, ‘signature’, ‘identifier’. When using the command denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-files, this parameter is automatically inserted together with the (‘:regexp’ parameter) and the user is prompted for a file name component.
  • The ‘:reverse-sort’ parameter is optional. It reverses the order in which files appear in. This is meaningful even without the presence of the parameter ‘:sort-by-component’, though it also combines with it.
  • The ‘:add-links’ parameter is optional. When it is set to a t value, all the top-level headings (those that were the ‘#+title’ of each file) are generated as links, pointing to the original file. This has the same meaning as with the denote-link command and related facilities (Linking notes).
  • An optional ‘:block-name’ parameter can be specified with a string value to add a ‘#+name’ to the results. This is useful for further processing using Org facilities (a feature that is outside Denote’s purview).

11 Write sequence notes or "folgezettel"

[ The ‘denote-sequence.el’ is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

This section is about the optional extension ‘denote-sequence.el’, which is part of the denote package. Its commands are autoloaded, so they are avaialble in the ‘M-x’ interface at the outset and will load their file when they are invoked. Though users can explicitly load the file on demand with:

(require 'denote-sequence)

Denote defines an optional file name component called the ‘SIGNATURE’ (The file-naming scheme). This is a free form field that users can fill in with whatever text they want, such as to have a video split up into ‘part1’ and ‘part2’, or to set some kind of priority like ‘a’ and ‘b’, or even to have a special tag that stands out from the rest of the keywords.

A more specialised use-case of the ‘SIGNATURE’ is to define a hierarchical relationship between notes, such that the thoughts they expound on form sequences. For example, an article about the Labrador Retriever dog breed is a continuation of a thought process that extends something about dog breeds in general which, in turn, is a topic that belongs to the wider theme of dogs. A sequence, then, is a representation of such relationships. A note with a ‘SIGNATURE’ of 1=1 (the = is the field separator of signatures, per the Denote file-naming scheme) is thus the first child of note ‘1’ and the sibling of note 1=2. In this regard, something unrelated to dogs will be its own parent, such as ‘2’, and so on.

All the relevant functions we provide take care to automatically use the right number for a given sequence (Create parent, child, or sibling sequence notes). If, for example, we create a new child of parent 1=1, we make sure that it is the largest number among any existing children, so if 1=1=1 already exists we use 1=1=2, and the like.

The ‘denote-sequence.el’ optional extension is not necessary for such a workflow. Users can always define whatever ‘SIGNATURE’ they want manually. The purpose of this extension is to streamline this work.

11.1 Select a sequencing scheme for denote-sequence-scheme

[ The ‘denote-sequence.el’ is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

The user option denote-sequence-scheme allows users to select either the ‘numeric’ scheme, which is like 1=1=2 or the ‘alphanumeric’ scheme, which is ‘1a2’ for the same sequence (Convert from one sequencing scheme to another):

Numeric sequencing scheme

A numeric sequence consists only of numbers. The level of depth is derived from the number of fields in the sequence, separated by the equals sign. Thus, the sequence 1=1=2 consists of three levels of depth. For deeper sequences, the numeric scheme will get longer, which some users may consider unwieldy. The upside, however, is that is easier to reason about larger numbers, such as 1=100=2=50.

Alphanumeric sequencing scheme

An alphanumeric sequence combines numbers and letters. The level of depth is undestand by the alteration from numbers to letters and vice versa. As such, the sequence ‘1a2’ has three levels of depth. This scheme is more compact, which users may like but can be harder to reason about large numbers, such as ‘1zzzv2zx’ corresponding to the numeric 1=100=2=50 (this is because the number 26 is z, 27 is za, 52 is zz, and so on). In practice, large numbers may not be a problem, though this is something to keep in mind.

11.1.1 Convert from one sequencing scheme to another

[ The ‘denote-sequence.el’ is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

The decision on the desired denote-sequence-scheme wil affect new notes long-term (Select a sequencing scheme for denote-sequence-scheme). It thus is important to think through your needs and proceed accordingly.

Still, one cannot be sure which scheme they prefer until they experiment with it. It then is inconvenient to manually revert to the alternative scheme. To this end, we provide the command denote-sequence-convert. It convers one or more files from their current scheme to its counterpart.

When called from inside a Denote file, it converts that file. When called from a Dired buffer, it operates on the marked files. If no files are marked, it works with the Dired file at point.

Note that denote-sequence-convert DOES NOT REPARENT OR ANYHOW CHECK THE RESULTING SEQUENCES FOR DUPLICATES (Re-parent a file to extend a given sequence).

11.2 Create parent, child, or sibling sequence notes

[ The ‘denote-sequence.el’ is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

[ In the interest of simplicity, here we provide examples using the ‘numeric’ value of denote-sequence-scheme, though the ‘alphanumeric’ will work as well (Select a sequencing scheme for denote-sequence-scheme). ]

A new sequence note can be of the type ‘parent’, ‘child’, and ‘sibling’. For the convenience of the user, we provide commands to create such “sequence notes”, link only between them (as opposed to a link to any other file with the Denote file-naming scheme (Linking notes)), and re-parent them on demand.

Concretely, we provide the following commands:


The most general way to create a new sequence note. It prompts for a type of sequence among ‘parent’, ‘child’, and ‘sibling’ and the rest of the work accordingly. If the new sequence is not a parent, it thus prompts for an existing file to extend from. The rest of the interaction is that of all the usual Denote commands, such as to prompt for a title and keywords (Points of entry).


This is a convenience wrapper of denote-sequence which directly creates a parent sequence.


This is a convenience wrapper of denote-sequence which directly creates a child of an existing sequence, prompting for it using minibuffer completion.


This will create a new child of the current file’s sequence. If the current file does not have such a sequence, then the command behaves the same as the aforementioned denote-sequence-new-child.


This is a convenience wrapper of denote-sequence which directly creates a sibling of an existing sequence, prompting for it using minibuffer completion.


This will create a new sibling of the current file’s sequence. If the current file does not have such a sequence, then the command behaves the same as the aforementioned denote-sequence-new-sibling.

11.3 Find a relative of the current sequence

[ The ‘denote-sequence.el’ is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

While reading a file with a sequence, you may want to find what its relatives are about. To this end, the command denote-sequence-find prompts for a type among ‘parent’, ‘sibling’, ‘child’, and then asks to select a file among those matching the given type. It then visits the file.

Instead of selecting a single file, the command denote-sequence-find-dired puts all the matching files in a bespoke Dired buffer (Show all or some sequences in a Dired buffer).

11.5 Re-parent a file to extend a given sequence

[ The ‘denote-sequence.el’ is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

The command denote-sequence-reparent can be used from inside a file or for the file-at-point in Dired to make that file a child of a given sequence. It does so by prompting for the target file using minibuffer completion. Files available at this prompt are only those which contain a sequence as their file name ‘SIGNATURE’ (Write sequence notes or “folgezettel”).

11.6 Show all or some sequences in a Dired buffer

[ The ‘denote-sequence.el’ is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

[ In the interest of simplicity, here we provide examples using the ‘numeric’ value of denote-sequence-scheme, though the ‘alphanumeric’ will work as well (Select a sequencing scheme for denote-sequence-scheme). ]

The command denote-sequence-dired produces a bespoke and fully fledged Dired buffers that contains all the sequences in their order (as opposed to a regular Dired which sorts files using the ‘ls’ flags).

With an optional ‘C-u’ prefix argument, this command prompts for a prefix to only show sequences that include it (e.g. only show notes with 1=1, like 1=1=1 and 1=1=2 but not 1=2).

With an optional double prefix argument of ‘C-u C-u’, this command will prompt for the prefix as well as the level of depth to limit the results to. Here “depth” means how deep to go in a sequence where, for example, 1=1=2 is three levels of depth. It is possible to use an empty string at the prefix prompt to not limit the results to any prefix.

A more specialised alternative for only relatives of a given sequence is also available (Find a relative of the current sequence).

12 Sort files by component

The ‘denote-sort.el’ file is an optional extension to the core functionality of Denote, which empowers users to sort files by the given file name component (The file-naming scheme).

The command denote-sort-dired produces a Dired file listing with a flat, filtered, and sorted set of files from the denote-directory (Define a sorting function per component). It does so by a series of prompts, which can be configured by the user option denote-sort-dired-extra-prompts (Configure what extra prompts denote-sort-dired issues).

The out-of-the-box behaviour of denote-sort-dired is as follows:

  1. It first asks for a regular expression with which to match Denote files. Remember that due to Denote’s efficient file-naming scheme, you do not need to write some complex regular expression. Even something like ‘_journal’ will match only files with a ‘journal’ keyword.
  2. Once the regular expression is provided, the command asks for a Denote file name component to sort files by. This is a symbol among ‘title’, ‘keywords’, ‘signature’, and ‘identifier’.
  3. Finally, it asks a “yes or no” on whether to reverse the sort order.

The resulting Dired listing is a regular Dired buffer, unlike that of dired-virtual-mode (Use dired-virtual-mode for arbitrary file listings).

The dynamic Org blocks that Denote defines to insert file contents also use this feature (Org dynamic block to insert file contents).

12.1 Configure what extra prompts denote-sort-dired issues

By default, the denote-sort-dired command prompts for (i) a query to match file names, (ii) a file name component to sort by, and (iii) whether to reverse the sorting. Users can configure the latter two by modifying the user option denote-sort-dired-extra-prompts.

It accepts either a nil value or a list of symbols among sort-by-component, reverse-sort, and exclude-regexp. The order those symbols appear in the list is significant, with the leftmost coming first. [ The exclude-regexp feature is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

These symbols correspond to the following:

  • A choice to select the file name component to sort by.
  • A yes or no prompt on whether to reverse the sorting.
  • A string (or regular expression) of files to be excluded from the results.

In case of a nil value, those extra prompts will not happen, meaning that denote-sort-dired will fall back to using denote-sort-dired-default-sort-component and denote-sort-dired-default-reverse-sort.

Here are some examples:

;; The default extra prompts...
(setq denote-sort-dired-extra-prompts '(sort-by-component reverse-sort))

;; When using `denote-sort-dired', ask whether to reverse the sort and
;; then which file name component to sort by.  These are always done
;; after the prompt to search for files matching a regexp.
(setq denote-sort-dired-extra-prompts '(reverse-sort sort-by-component))

;; Do not prompt for a reverse sort.  Just use the value of
;; `denote-sort-dired-default-reverse-sort' (which is nil out-of-the-box).
(setq denote-sort-dired-extra-prompts '(sort-by-component))

;; Do not issue any extra prompts.  Always sort by the `title' file
;; name component and never do a reverse sort.
(setq denote-sort-dired-extra-prompts nil)
(setq denote-sort-dired-default-sort-component 'title)
(setq denote-sort-dired-default-reverse-sort nil)

12.2 Define a sorting function per component

When sorting by ‘title’, ‘keywords’, or ‘signature’ with the denote-sort-dired command, Denote will internally apply a sorting function that is specific to each component. These are subject to user configuration:

  • denote-sort-identifier-comparison-function [ This one was missing is older versions and is now added as part of 3.2.0-dev. ]
  • denote-sort-title-comparison-function
  • denote-sort-keywords-comparison-function
  • denote-sort-signature-comparison-function

By default, all these user options use the same sorting function, namely string-collate-lessp. Users who have specific needs for any of those file name components can write their own sorting algorithms (Sort signatures that include Luhmann-style sequences).

12.2.1 Sort signatures that include Luhmann-style sequences

[ As part of version ‘3.2.0’ of Denote, we provide the optional extension ‘denote-sequence.el’ which covers this workflow and provides several useful commands (Write sequence notes or folgezettel). ]

Niklas Luhmann would edit notes to form sequences of thoughts with branching paths, such as ‘1.1’, ‘1.1a’, ‘1.2’, ‘1.2a’, ‘1.2b’, etc. With the Denote file-naming scheme, we make the word separator in each file name component use the same character as the entire field, so words in a title have a dash between them and signatures have the equals sign (The file-naming scheme). Thus, our Luhmann-style signature will be slightly different in their looks: 1=1, 1=1a, 1=2, 1=2a, 1=2b.

When using the denote-sort-dired command with default settings, our signatures will not sort in an intuitive way. This is because they combine numbers and letters, which require a different approach than what the default sorting function is using (Define a sorting function per component). In the following code block, we show a sorting algorithm that should do the right thing while dealing with Luhmann-style signatures.

(defun my-denote--split-luhman-sig (signature)
  "Split numbers and letters in Luhmann-style SIGNATURE string."
   "\\([a-zA-Z]+?\\)\\([0-9]\\)" "\\1=\\2"
    "\\([0-9]+?\\)\\([a-zA-Z]\\)" "\\1=\\2"

(defun my-denote--pad-sig (signature)
  "Create a new signature with padded spaces for all components"
    (lambda (x)
      (string-pad x 5 32 t))
    (split-string (my-denote--split-luhman-sig signature) "=" t))

(defun my-denote-sort-for-signatures (sig1 sig2)
  "Return non-nil if SIG1 is smaller that SIG2.
Perform the comparison with `string<'."
  (string< (my-denote--pad-sig sig1) (my-denote--pad-sig sig2)))

;; Change the sorting function only when we sort by signature.
(setq denote-sort-signature-comparison-function #'my-denote-sort-for-signatures)

13 Keep a journal or diary

Denote provides a general-purpose mechanism to create new files that broadly count as “notes” (Points of entry). Such files can be daily entries in a journal. While it is possible to use the generic denote command to maintain a journal, we provide an optional set of convenience options and commands as part of ‘denote-journal-extras.el’. To use those, add the following the Denote configuration:

(require 'denote-journal-extras)

The command denote-journal-extras-new-entry creates a new entry in the journal. Such a file has the denote-journal-extras-keyword, which is ‘journal’ by default (The file-naming scheme). The user can set this keyword to an arbitrary string (single word is preferred) or a list of string (the support for a list of strings is part of 3.2.0-dev). New journal entries can be stored in the denote-directory or subdirectory thereof. To make it easier for the user, the new journal entry will be placed in denote-journal-extras-directory, which defaults to a subdirectory of denote-directory called ‘journal’.

If denote-journal-extras-directory is nil, the denote-directory is used. Journal entries will thus be in a flat listing together with all other notes. They can still be retrieved easily by searching for the denote-journal-extras-keyword (Features of the file-naming scheme for searching or filtering).

Furthermore, the command denote-journal-extras-new-entry will use the current date as the title of the new entry. The exact format is controlled by the user option denote-journal-extras-title-format. Acceptable values for denote-journal-extras-title-format and their corresponding styles are:

day-date-month-yearMonday 19 September 2023
day-date-month-year-24hMonday 19 September 2023 20:49
day-date-month-year-12hMonday 19 September 2023 08:49 PM

For example:

(setq denote-journal-extras-title-format 'day-date-month-year)

If the value of this user option is nil, then denote-journal-extras-new-entry will prompt for a title.

The denote-journal-extras-new-entry command also accepts an optional ‘DATE’ argument. When called internactively, this is a universal prefix (e.g. ‘C-u’ with the default key bindings). With ‘DATE’, it prompts for a date to create a new journal entry for. The date prompt can optionally use the Org date+calendar selection interface (The denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date option).

In terms of workflow, using the current date as the title is better for maintaining a daily journal. A prompt for an arbitrary title is more suitable for those who like to keep a record of something like a thought or event (though this can also be achieved by the regular denote command or maybe denote-subdirectory).

The denote-journal-extras-new-entry command calls the normal hook denote-journal-extras-hook after it is done. The user can leverage this to produce consequences therefrom, such as to set a timer with the tmr package from GNU ELPA (Journaling with a timer).

The command denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry locates an existing journal entry or creates a new one. A journal entry is one that has denote-journal-extras-keyword as part of its file name. If there are multiple journal entries for the current date, it prompts for one among them using minibuffer completion. If there is only one, it visits it outright. If there is no journal entry, it creates one by calling denote-journal-extra-new-entry (as described above). Depending on one’s workflow, this can be done via org-capture (Create a journal entry using Org capture).

The command denote-journal-extras-link-or-create-entry links to the journal entry for today or creates it in the background, if missing, and then links to it from the current file. If there are multiple journal entries for the same day, it prompts to select one among them and then links to it. When called with an optional prefix argument (such as ‘C-u’ with default key bindings), the command prompts for a date and then performs the aforementioned. With a double prefix argument (‘C-u C-u’), it also produces a link whose description includes just the file’s identifier.

13.1 Journaling with a timer

[ Revised as part of version 2.1.0 to conform with how we now tend to the needs of users who use Denote for journaling purposes (Keep a journal or diary). ]

Sometimes journaling is done with the intent to hone one’s writing skills. Perhaps you are learning a new language or wish to communicate your ideas with greater clarity and precision. As with everything that requires a degree of sophistication, you have to work for it—write, write, write!

One way to test your progress is to set a timer. It helps you gauge your output and its quality. To use a timer with Emacs, consider the tmr package. A new timer can be set with something like this:

;; Set 10 minute timer with the given description
(tmr "10" "Practice writing in my journal")

To make this timer start as soon as a new journal entry is created with the command denote-journal-extras-new-entry, add a function to the denote-journal-extras-hook. For example:

;; Add an anonymous function, which is more difficult to modify after
;; the fact:
(add-hook 'denote-journal-extras-hook (lambda ()
                                        (tmr "10" "Practice writing in my journal")))

;; Or write a small function that you can then modify without
;; revaluating the hook:
(defun my-denote-tmr ()
  (tmr "10" "Practice writing in my journal"))

(add-hook 'denote-journal-extras-hook 'my-denote-tmr)

;; Or to make it fully featured, define variables for the duration and
;; the description and set it up so that you only need to modify
;; those:
(defvar my-denote-tmr-duration "10")

(defvar my-denote-tmr-description "Practice writing in my journal")

(defun my-denote-tmr ()
  (tmr my-denote-tmr-duration my-denote-tmr-description))

(add-hook 'denote-journal-extras-hook 'my-denote-tmr)

Once the timer elapses, stop writing and review your performance. Practice makes perfect!

Sources for tmr:

14 Minibuffer histories

Denote has a dedicated minibuffer history for each one of its prompts. This practically means that using ‘M-p’ (previous-history-element) and ‘M-n’ (next-history-element) will only cycle through the relevant record of inputs, such as your latest titles in the ‘TITLE’ prompt, and keywords in the ‘KEYWORDS’ prompt.

The built-in ‘savehist’ library saves minibuffer histories. Sample configuration:

(require 'savehist)
(setq savehist-file (locate-user-emacs-file "savehist"))
(setq history-length 500)
(setq history-delete-duplicates t)
(setq savehist-save-minibuffer-history t)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'savehist-mode)

15 Packages that build on Denote

This is a list of packages that extend Denote. If you are a package author, please let us know about your work and we will include it here (either use the Git repositories or email Protesilaos directly).

15.1 Use the consult-denote package for enhanced minibuffer interactions

The consult-denote package by me (Protesilaos) integrates Denote with Daniel Mendler’s consult package:

The idea is to preserve the familiar patterns of interaction with the various Denote commands but add to them an extra layer of functionality, such as the preview mechanism that Consult provides (e.g. preview the file you are about to link to).

Additionally, consult-denote defines new “sources” for the consult-buffer command. This command provides a single point of entry for buffers, recently opened files, and bookmarks. With consult-denote, it has a dedicated place for Denote-specific buffers, silos, and more (all of which are configurable).

Unlike the consult-notes package by Colin McLear, consult-denote uses the same presentation of data in the minibuffer to stay in sync with Denote and make its feature set entirely optional (Use the consult-notes package). It also only works with Denote.

15.2 Use the denote-search package as a search interface

The denote-search package by Lucas Quintana provides a search utility for Denote:

It allows you to search for a regular expression in the content of your notes. Its main advantages over other similar tools are the possibility of filtering the results by file name and doing further searches in the files matched previously. This allows for advanced usage (think about finding a note with two or three specific words in different lines and with a specific keyword). More features are described in its comprehensive manual. denote-search builds upon standard Emacs libraries, namely Xref, and so it doesn’t have external dependencies other than Denote itself.

15.3 Use the denote-explore package to explore your notes

Peter Prevos has developed the denote-explore package which provides four groups of Emacs commands to explore your Denote files:

Summary statistics

Count notes, attachments and keywords.

Random walks

Generate new ideas using serendipity.


Manage your denote collection.


Visualise your Denote network.

The package’s documentation covers the details:

15.4 Use the citar-denote package for bibliography notes

Peter Prevos has produced the citar-denote package which makes it possible to write notes on BibTeX entries with the help of the citar package. These notes have the citation’s unique key associated with them in the file’s front matter. They also get a configurable keyword in their file name, making it easy to find them in Dired and/or retrieve them with the various Denote methods.

With citar-denote, the user leverages standard minibuffer completion mechanisms (e.g. with the help of the vertico and embark packages) to manage bibliographic notes and access those notes with ease. The package’s documentation covers the details:

15.5 Use the consult-notes package

[ Also check the consult-denote package by me (Protesilaos): Use the consult-denote package for enhanced minibuffer interactions. ]

If you are using Daniel Mendler’s consult (which is a brilliant package), you will most probably like its consult-notes extension, developed by Colin McLear. It uses the familiar mechanisms of Consult to preview the currently selected entry and to filter searches via a prefix key. For example:

(setq consult-notes-file-dir-sources
      `(("Denote Notes"  ?d ,(denote-directory))
        ("Books"  ?b "~/Documents/books/")))

With the above, ‘M-x consult-notes’ will list the files in those two directories. If you type ‘d’ and space, it narrows the list to just the notes, while ‘b’ does the same for books.

The other approach is to enable the consult-notes-denote-mode. It takes care to add the denote-directory to the sources that consult-notes reads from. Denote notes are then filtered by the ‘d’ prefix followed by a space.

The minor mode has the extra feature of reformatting the title of notes shown in the minibuffer. It isolates the ‘TITLE’ component of each note and shows it without hyphens, while presenting keywords in their own column. The user option consult-notes-denote-display-id can be set to nil to hide the identifier. Depending on how one searches through their notes, this refashioned presentation may be the best option (Features of the file-naming scheme for searching or filtering).

15.6 Use the denote-menu package

Denote’s file-naming scheme is designed to be efficient and to provide valueable meta information about the file. The cost, however, is that it is terse and harder to read, depending on how the user chooses to filter and process their notes.

To this end, the denote-menu package by Mohamed Suliman provides the convenience of a nice tabular interface for all notes. denote-menu removes the delimiters that are found in Denote file names and presents the information in a human-readable format. Furthermore, the package provides commands to interact with the list of notes, such as to filter them and to transition from the tabular list to Dired. Its documentation expands on the technicalities.

15.7 Use the denote-zettel-interface package

The denote-zettel-interface package by Kristoffer Balintona is designed for those who want to use Denote while adhering to a strict Zettelkasten methodology of sequence notes (Folgezettel). This method leverages the optional ‘SIGNATURE’ file name component of Denote (The file-naming scheme). The package provides a point of entry to one’s note by visualising them in a tabulated (grid) interface. Files are sorted by their Folgezettel index. Users can then use a number of commands to filter their files, navigate around, and the like.

Note that the package is in early development as of this writing (2024-12-03 10:18 +0200).

16 Extending Denote

Denote is a tool with a narrow scope: create notes and link between them, based on the aforementioned file-naming scheme. For other common operations the user is advised to rely on standard Emacs facilities or specialised third-party packages (Packages that build on Denote). This section covers the details.

16.1 Access the data of the latest note

The variable denote-current-data is updated each time a new note is created as well as after a rename operation.

This is an alist where each car is one among title, keywords, signature, directory, date, id, file-type, template. The value each of them contains is the unprocessed input (e.g. the title before it is sluggified).

Users who need to access this data as part of their custom code can rely on the hooks denote-after-new-note-hook and denote-after-rename-file-hook.

16.2 Create a new note in any directory

The commands that create new files are designed to write to the denote-directory. The idea is that the linking mechanism can find any file by its identifier if it is in the denote-directory (searching the entire file system would be cumbersome).

However, these are cases where the user needs to create a new note in an arbitrary directory. The following command can do this. Put the code in your configuration file and evaluate it. Then call the command by its name with ‘M-x’.

(defun my-denote-create-note-in-any-directory ()
  "Create new Denote note in any directory.
Prompt for the directory using minibuffer completion."
  (declare (interactive-only t))
  (let ((denote-directory (read-directory-name "New note in: " nil nil :must-match)))
    (call-interactively 'denote)))

16.3 Find empty notes and put them in a Dired buffer

[ This feature is based on the command denote-sort-dired (Sort files by component). ]

Users may have a workflow where they use the commands denote-link-or-create or denote-link-after-creating (and related) to produce new notes that they plan to elaborate on later (Link to an existing note or create a new one).

To help users find those empty notes, we document the following commands:

  • my-denote-sort-dired-empty-files
  • my-denote-sort-dired-without-empty-files
  • my-denote-sort-dired-all-empty-files
  • my-denote-sort-dired-without-all-empty-files
(require 'denote-sort)

(defun my-denote--note-has-no-contents-p (file)
  "Return non-nil if FILE is an empty note.
This means that FILE conforms with `denote-file-is-note-p' and either
has no contents or has only the front matter."
  (and (denote-file-is-note-p file)
       (or (denote--file-with-temp-buffer file
             (re-search-forward "^$" nil t)
             (if (re-search-forward "[^\s\t\n\r]+" nil t)
           ;; This must come later because here we consider a file
           ;; "empty" even if it only has front matter.
           (denote--file-empty-p file))))

(defun my-denote-sort-dired-empty-files (files-matching-regexp sort-by-component reverse)
  "Like `denote-sort-dired' but only cover empty files.
Empty files are those that satisfy `my-denote--note-has-no-contents-p'."
   (append (list (denote-files-matching-regexp-prompt)) (denote-sort-dired--prompts)))
  (let ((component (or sort-by-component
        (reverse-sort (or reverse
    (if-let* ((default-directory (denote-directory))
              (files (denote-sort-get-directory-files files-matching-regexp component reverse-sort))
              (empty-files (seq-filter #'my-denote--note-has-no-contents-p files))
              ;; NOTE 2023-12-04: Passing the FILES-MATCHING-REGEXP as
              ;; buffer-name produces an error if the regexp contains a
              ;; wildcard for a directory. I can reproduce this in emacs
              ;; -Q and am not sure if it is a bug. Anyway, I will report
              ;; it upstream, but even if it is fixed we cannot use it
              ;; for now (whatever fix will be available for Emacs 30+).
              (denote-sort-dired-buffer-name (format "Denote sort `%s' by `%s'" files-matching-regexp component))
              (buffer-name (format "Denote sort by `%s' at %s" component (format-time-string "%T"))))
        (let ((dired-buffer (dired (cons buffer-name (mapcar #'file-relative-name empty-files)))))
          (setq denote-sort--dired-buffer dired-buffer)
          (with-current-buffer dired-buffer
            (setq-local revert-buffer-function
                        (lambda (&rest _)
                          (kill-buffer dired-buffer)
                          (denote-sort-dired files-matching-regexp component reverse-sort))))
          ;; Because of the above NOTE, I am printing a message.  Not
          ;; what I want, but it is better than nothing...
          (message denote-sort-dired-buffer-name))
      (message "No matching files for: %s" files-matching-regexp))))

(defun my-denote-sort-dired-without-empty-files (files-matching-regexp sort-by-component reverse)
  "Like `denote-sort-dired' but only cover empty files.
Empty files are those that satisfy `my-denote--note-has-no-contents-p'."
   (append (list (denote-files-matching-regexp-prompt)) (denote-sort-dired--prompts)))
  (let ((component (or sort-by-component
        (reverse-sort (or reverse
    (if-let* ((default-directory (denote-directory))
              (files (denote-sort-get-directory-files files-matching-regexp component reverse-sort))
              (empty-files (seq-remove #'my-denote--note-has-no-contents-p files))
              ;; NOTE 2023-12-04: Passing the FILES-MATCHING-REGEXP as
              ;; buffer-name produces an error if the regexp contains a
              ;; wildcard for a directory. I can reproduce this in emacs
              ;; -Q and am not sure if it is a bug. Anyway, I will report
              ;; it upstream, but even if it is fixed we cannot use it
              ;; for now (whatever fix will be available for Emacs 30+).
              (denote-sort-dired-buffer-name (format "Denote sort `%s' by `%s'" files-matching-regexp component))
              (buffer-name (format "Denote sort by `%s' at %s" component (format-time-string "%T"))))
        (let ((dired-buffer (dired (cons buffer-name (mapcar #'file-relative-name empty-files)))))
          (setq denote-sort--dired-buffer dired-buffer)
          (with-current-buffer dired-buffer
            (setq-local revert-buffer-function
                        (lambda (&rest _)
                          (kill-buffer dired-buffer)
                          (denote-sort-dired files-matching-regexp component reverse-sort))))
          ;; Because of the above NOTE, I am printing a message.  Not
          ;; what I want, but it is better than nothing...
          (message denote-sort-dired-buffer-name))
      (message "No matching files for: %s" files-matching-regexp))))

(defun my-denote-sort-dired-all-empty-files ()
  "List all empty files in a Dired buffer.
This is the same as calling `my-denote-sort-dired' with a
  (declare (interactive-only t))
  (let* ((other-prompts (denote-sort-dired--prompts))
         (sort-key (nth 1 other-prompts))
         (reverse (nth 2 other-prompts)))
    (funcall-interactively #'my-denote-sort-dired-empty-files ".*" sort-key reverse)))

(defun my-denote-sort-dired-without-all-empty-files ()
  "List all empty files in a Dired buffer.
This is the same as calling `my-denote-sort-dired' with a
  (declare (interactive-only t))
  (let* ((other-prompts (denote-sort-dired--prompts))
         (sort-key (nth 1 other-prompts))
         (reverse (nth 2 other-prompts)))
    (funcall-interactively #'my-denote-sort-dired-without-empty-files ".*" sort-key reverse)))

[ In the above snippet, I am purposefully duplicating code to make it easier for users to pick the ones they need. ]

16.4 Automatically rename the note after saving it

While experimenting with Denote, users may need to try different workflows to figure out what works for them. Those might involve changing keywords and specifying titles in a particular way. The following sample can be used:

(defun my-denote-always-rename-on-save-based-on-front-matter ()
  "Rename the current Denote file, if needed, upon saving the file.
Rename the file based on its front matter, checking for changes in the
title or keywords fields.

Add this function to the `after-save-hook'."
  (let ((denote-rename-confirmations nil)
        (denote-save-buffers t)) ; to save again post-rename
    (when (and buffer-file-name (denote-file-is-note-p buffer-file-name))
      (ignore-errors (denote-rename-file-using-front-matter buffer-file-name))
      (message "Buffer saved; Denote file renamed"))))

(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'my-denote-always-rename-on-save-based-on-front-matter)

16.5 Narrow the list of files in Dired

Emacs’ standard file manager (or directory editor) can read a regular expression to mark the matching files. This is the command dired-mark-files-regexp, which is bound to ‘% m’ by default. For example, ‘% m _denote’ will match all files that have the ‘denote’ keyword (Features of the file-naming scheme for searching or filtering).

Once the files are matched, the user has two options: (i) narrow the list to the matching items or (ii) exclude the matching items from the list.

For the former, we want to toggle the marks by typing ‘t’ (calls the command dired-toggle-marks by default) and then hit the letter ‘k’ (for dired-do-kill-lines). The remaining files are those that match the regexp that was provided earlier.

For the latter approach of filtering out the matching items, simply involves the use of the ‘k’ command (dired-do-kill-lines) to omit the marked files from the list.

These sequences can be combined to incrementally narrow the list. Note that dired-do-kill-lines does not delete files: it simply hides them from the current view.

Revert to the original listing with ‘g’ (revert-buffer).

For a convenient wrapper, consider this example:

(defvar prot-dired--limit-hist '()
  "Minibuffer history for `prot-dired-limit-regexp'.")

(defun prot-dired-limit-regexp (regexp omit)
  "Limit Dired to keep files matching REGEXP.

With optional OMIT argument as a prefix (\\[universal-argument]),
exclude files matching REGEXP.

Restore the buffer with \\<dired-mode-map>`\\[revert-buffer]'."
     (concat "Files "
             (when current-prefix-arg
               (propertize "NOT " 'face 'warning))
             "matching PATTERN: ")
     nil 'prot-dired--limit-hist)
  (dired-mark-files-regexp regexp)
  (unless omit (dired-toggle-marks))

16.6 Use dired-virtual-mode for arbitrary file listings

Emacs’ Dired is a powerful file manager that builds its functionality on top of the Unix ‘ls’ command. As noted elsewhere in this manual, the user can update the ‘ls’ flags that Dired uses to display its contents (I want to sort by last modified, why won’t Denote let me?).

What Dired cannot do is parse the output of a result that is produced by piped commands, such as ‘ls -l | sort -t _ -k2’. This specific example targets the second underscore-separated field of the file name, per our conventions (The file-naming scheme). Conceretely, it matches the “alpha” as the sorting key in something like this:


Consider then, how Dired will sort those files by their identifier:


Whereas on the command line, we can get the following:

$ ls | sort -t _ -k 2

This is where dired-virtual-mode shows its utility. If we tweak our command-line invocation to include ‘ls -l’, this mode can behave like Dired on the listed files. (We omit the output of the ‘-l’ flag from this tutorial, as it is too verbose.)

What we now need is to capture the output of ‘ls -l | sort -t _ -k 2’ in an Emacs buffer and then enable dired-virtual-mode. To do that, we can rely on either ‘M-x shell’ or ‘M-x eshell’ and then manually copy the relevant contents.

For the user’s convenience, I share what I have for Eshell to quickly capture the last command’s output in a dedicated buffer:

(defcustom prot-eshell-output-buffer "*Exported Eshell output*"
  "Name of buffer with the last output of Eshell command.
Used by `prot-eshell-export'."
  :type 'string
  :group 'prot-eshell)

(defcustom prot-eshell-output-delimiter "* * *"
  "Delimiter for successive `prot-eshell-export' outputs.
This is formatted internally to have newline characters before
and after it."
  :type 'string
  :group 'prot-eshell)

(defun prot-eshell--command-prompt-output ()
  "Capture last command prompt and its output."
  (let ((beg (save-excursion
               (goto-char (eshell-beginning-of-input))
               (goto-char (point-at-bol)))))
    (when (derived-mode-p 'eshell-mode)
      (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (eshell-end-of-output)))))

(defun prot-eshell-export ()
  "Produce a buffer with output of the last Eshell command.
If `prot-eshell-output-buffer' does not exist, create it.  Else
append to it, while separating multiple outputs with
  (let ((eshell-output (prot-eshell--command-prompt-output)))
    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create prot-eshell-output-buffer)
      (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
        (goto-char (point-max))
        (unless (eq (point-min) (point-max))
          (insert (format "\n%s\n\n" prot-eshell-output-delimiter)))
        (goto-char (point-at-bol))
        (insert eshell-output)
        (switch-to-buffer-other-window (current-buffer))))))

Bind prot-eshell-export to a key in the eshell-mode-map and give it a try (I use ‘C-c C-e’). In the produced buffer, activate the dired-virtual-mode.

16.7 Use Embark to collect minibuffer candidates

embark’ is a remarkable package that lets you perform relevant, context-dependent actions using a prefix key (simplifying in the interest of brevity).

For our purposes, Embark can be used to produce a Dired listing directly from the minibuffer. Suppose the current note has links to three other notes. You might use the denote-find-link command to pick one via the minibuffer. But why not turn those three links into their own Dired listing? While in the minibuffer, invoke embark-act which you may have already bound to ‘C-.’ and then follow it up with ‘E’ (for the embark-export command).

This pattern can be repeated with any list of candidates, meaning that you can narrow the list by providing some input before eventually exporting the results with Embark.

Overall, this is very powerful and you might prefer it over doing the same thing directly in Dired, since you also benefit from all the power of the minibuffer (Narrow the list of files in Dired).

16.8 Search file contents

[ Users of consult can use the consult-denote package instead (Use the consult-denote package for enhanced minibuffer interactions). ]

Emacs provides built-in commands which are wrappers of standard Unix tools: ‘M-x grep’ lets the user input the flags of a grep call and pass a regular expression to the ‘-e’ flag.

The author of Denote uses this thin wrapper instead:

(defvar prot-search--grep-hist '()
  "Input history of grep searches.")

(defun prot-search-grep (regexp &optional recursive)
  "Run grep for REGEXP.

Search in the current directory using `lgrep'.  With optional
prefix argument (\\[universal-argument]) for RECURSIVE, run a
search starting from the current directory with `rgrep'."
    (read-from-minibuffer (concat (if current-prefix-arg
                                      (propertize "Recursive" 'face 'warning)
                                  " grep for PATTERN: ")
                          nil nil nil 'prot-search--grep-hist)
  (unless grep-command
  (if recursive
      (rgrep regexp "*" default-directory)
    (lgrep regexp "*" default-directory)))

Rather than maintain custom code, consider using the excellent ‘consult’ package: it provides commands such as consult-grep and consult-find which provide live results and are generally easier to use than the built-in commands.

16.9 Bookmark the directory with the notes

Part of the reason Denote does not reinvent existing functionality is to encourage you to learn more about Emacs. You do not need a bespoke “jump to my notes” directory because such commands do not scale well. Will you have a “jump to my downloads” then another for multimedia and so on? No.

Emacs has a built-in framework for recording persistent markers to locations. Visit the denote-directory (or any dir/file for that matter) and invoke the bookmark-set command (bound to ‘C-x r m’ by default). It lets you create a bookmark.

The list of bookmarks can be reviewed with the bookmark-bmenu-list command (bound to ‘C-x r l’ by default). A minibuffer interface is available with bookmark-jump (‘C-x r b’).

If you use the ‘consult’ package, its default consult-buffer command has the means to group together buffers, recent files, and bookmarks. Each of those types can be narrowed to with a prefix key. The package ‘consult-dir’ is an extension to ‘consult’ which provides useful extras for working with directories, including bookmarks.

16.10 Treat your notes as a project

Emacs has a built-in library for treating a directory tree as a “project”. This means that the contents of this tree are seen as part of the same set, so commands like project-switch-to-buffer (‘C-x p b’ by default) will only consider buffers in the current project (e.g. three notes that are currently being visited).

Normally, a “project” is a directory tree whose root is under version control. For our purposes, all you need is to navigate to the denote-directory (for the shell or via Dired) and use the command-line to run this (requires the ‘git’ executable):

git init

From Dired, you can type ‘M-!’ which invokes dired-smart-shell-command and then run the git call there.

The project can then be registered by invoking any project-related command inside of it, such as project-find-file (‘C-x p f’).

It is a good idea to keep your notes under version control, as that gives you a history of changes for each file. We shall not delve into the technicalities here, though suffice to note that Emacs’ built-in version control framework or the exceptionally well-crafted ‘magit’ package will get the job done (VC can work with other backends besides Git).

16.11 Use the tree-based file prompt for select commands

Older versions of Denote had a file prompt that resembled that of the standard find-file command (bound to ‘C-x C-f’ by default). This means that it used a tree-based method of navigating the filesystem by selecting the specific directory and then the given file.

Currently, Denote flattens the file prompt so that every file in the denote-directory and its subdirectories can be matched from anywhere using the power of Emacs’ minibuffer completion (such as with the help of the orderless package in addition to built-in options).

Users who need the old behaviour on a per-command basis can define their own wrapper functions as shown in the following code block.

;; This is the old `denote-file-prompt' that we renamed to
;; `denote-file-prompt-original' for clarity.
(defun denote-file-prompt-original (&optional initial-text)
  "Prompt for file with identifier in variable `denote-directory'.
With optional INITIAL-TEXT, use it to prepopulate the minibuffer."
  (read-file-name "Select note: " (denote-directory) nil nil initial-text
                  (lambda (f)
                    (or (denote-file-has-identifier-p f)
                        (file-directory-p f)))))

;; Our wrapper command that changes the current `denote-file-prompt'
;; to the functionality of `denote-file-prompt-original' only when
;; this command is used.
(defun my-denote-link ()
  "Call `denote-link' but use Denote's original file prompt.
See `denote-file-prompt-original'."
  (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'denote-file-prompt) #'denote-file-prompt-original))
    (call-interactively #'denote-link)))

16.12 Rename files with Denote in the Image Dired thumbnails buffer

Rename files with Denote using dired-preview

Just as with the denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords, we can use Denote in the Image Dired buffer (Rename multiple files at once). Here is the custom code:

(autoload 'image-dired--with-marked "image-dired")
(autoload 'image-dired-original-file-name "image-dired-util")

(defun my-denote-image-dired-rename-marked-files (keywords)
  "Like `denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords' but for Image Dired.
Prompt for KEYWORDS and rename all marked files in the Image
Dired buffer to have a Denote-style file name with the given

IMPORTANT NOTE: if there are marked files in the corresponding
Dired buffers, those will be targeted as well.  This is not the
fault of Denote: it is how Dired and Image Dired work in tandem.
To only rename the marked thumbnails, start by unmarking
everything in Dired.  Then mark the items in Image Dired and
invoke this command."
  (interactive (list (denote-keywords-prompt)) image-dired-thumbnail-mode)
   (when-let* ((file (image-dired-original-file-name))
               (dir (file-name-directory file))
               (id (or (denote-retrieve-filename-identifier file) ""))
               (file-type (denote-filetype-heuristics file))
               (title (denote--retrieve-title-or-filename file file-type))
               (signature (or (denote-retrieve-filename-signature file) "")
               (extension (file-name-extension file t))
               (new-name (denote-format-file-name dir id keywords title extension signature))
               (default-directory dir))
     (denote-rename-file-and-buffer file new-name))))

While the my-denote-image-dired-rename-marked-files renames files in the helpful Denote-compliant way, users may still need to not prepend a unique identifier and not sluggify (hyphenate and downcase) the image’s existing file name. To this end, the following custom command can be used instead:

(defun my-image-dired-rename-marked-files (keywords)
  "Like `denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords' but for Image Dired.
Prompt for keywords and rename all marked files in the Image
Dired buffer to have Denote-style keywords, but none of the other
conventions of Denote's file-naming scheme."
  (interactive (list (denote-keywords-prompt)) image-dired-thumbnail-mode)
   (when-let* ((file (image-dired-original-file-name))
               (dir (file-name-directory file))
               (file-type (denote-filetype-heuristics file))
               (title (denote--retrieve-title-or-filename file file-type))
               (extension (file-name-extension file t))
               (kws (denote--keywords-combine keywords))
               (new-name (concat dir title "__" kws extension))
               (default-directory dir))
     (denote-rename-file-and-buffer file new-name))))

16.13 Rename files with Denote using dired-preview

The dired-preview package (by me/Protesilaos) automatically displays a preview of the file at point in Dired. This can be helpful in tandem with Denote when we want to rename multiple files by taking a quick look at their contents.

The command denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords will generate Denote-style file names based on the keywords it prompts for. Identifiers are derived from each file’s modification date (Rename multiple files at once). There is no need for any custom code in this scenario.

As noted in the section about Image Dired, the user may sometimes not need a fully fledged Denote-style file name but only append Denote-like keywords to each file name (e.g. ‘Original Name__denote_test.jpg’ instead of ‘20230710T195843--original-name__denote_test.jpg’).

Rename files with Denote in the Image Dired thumbnails buffer

In such a workflow, it is unlikely to be dealing with ordinary text files where front matter can be helpful. A custom command does not need to behave like what Denote provides out-of-the-box, but can instead append keywords to file names without conducting any further actions. We thus have:

(defun my-denote-dired-rename-marked-files-keywords-only ()
  "Like `denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords' but only for keywords in file names.

Prompt for keywords and rename all marked files in the Dired
buffer to only have Denote-style keywords, but none of the other
conventions of Denote's file-naming scheme."
  (interactive nil dired-mode)
  (if-let* ((marks (dired-get-marked-files)))
      (let ((keywords (denote-keywords-prompt)))
        (dolist (file marks)
          (let* ((dir (file-name-directory file))
                 (file-type (denote-filetype-heuristics file))
                 (title (denote--retrieve-title-or-filename file file-type))
                 (extension (file-name-extension file t))
                 (kws (denote--keywords-combine keywords))
                 (new-name (concat dir title "__" kws extension)))
            (denote-rename-file-and-buffer file new-name)))
    (user-error "No marked files; aborting")))

16.14 Avoid duplicate identifiers when exporting Denote notes

When exporting Denote notes to, for example, an HTML or PDF file, there is a high probability that the same file name is used with a new extension. This is problematic because it creates files with duplicate identifiers. The ‘’ produces a ‘20230515T085612--example__keyword.pdf’. Any link to the ‘20230515T085612’ will thus break: it does not honor Denote’s expectation of finding unique identifiers. This is not the fault of Denote: exporting is done by the user without Denote’s involvement.

Org Mode and Markdown use different approaches to exporting files. No recommended method is available for plain text files as there is no standardised export functionality for this format (the user can always create a new note using the file type they want on a case-by-case basis: Convenience commands for note creation).

16.14.1 Export Denote notes with Org Mode

Org Mode has a built-in configurable export engine. You can prevent duplicate identifiers when exporting manually for each exported file or by advising the Org export function.

Denote also provides commands to convert ‘denote:’ links to their ‘file:’ equivalent, in case this is a required pre-processing step for export purposes (Convert ‘denote’ links to ‘file’ links).

  1. Manually configure Org export

    Insert ‘#+export_file_name: FILENAME’ in the front matter before exporting to force a filename called whatever the value of ‘FILENAME’ is. The ‘FILENAME’ does not specify the file type extension, such as ‘.pdf’. This is up to the export engine. For example, a Denote note with a complete file name of ‘’ and a front matter entry of ‘#+export_file_name: hello’ will be exported as ‘hello.pdf’.

    The advantage of this manual method is that it gives the user full control over the resulting file name. The disadvantage is that it depends on the user’s behaviour. Forgetting to add a new name can lead to duplicate identifiers, as already noted in the introduction to this section (Export Denote notes).

  2. Automatically store Org exports in another folder

    It is possible to automatically place all exports in another folder by making Org’s function org-export-output-file-name create the target directory if needed and move the exported file there. Remember that advising Elisp code must be handled with care, as it might break the original function in subtle ways.

    (defvar my-org-export-output-directory-prefix "./export_"
      "Prefix of directory used for org-mode export.
    The single dot means that the directory is created on the same
    level as the one where the Org file that performs the exporting
    is.  Use two dots to place the directory on a level above the
    current one.
    If this directory is part of `denote-directory', make sure it is
    not read by Denote.  See `denote-excluded-directories-regexp'.
    This way there will be no known duplicate Denote identifiers
    produced by the Org export mechanism.")
    (defun my-org-export-create-directory (fn extension &rest args)
      "Move Org export file to its appropriate directory.
    Append the file type EXTENSION of the exported file to
    `my-org-export-output-directory-prefix' and, if absent, create a
    directory named accordingly.
    Install this as advice around `org-export-output-file-name'.  The
    EXTENSION is supplied by that function.  ARGS are its remaining
      (let ((export-dir (format "%s%s" my-org-export-output-directory-prefix extension)))
        (unless (file-directory-p export-dir)
          (make-directory export-dir)))
      (apply fn extension args))
    (advice-add #'org-export-output-file-name :around #'my-org-export-create-directory)

    The target export directory should not be a subdirectory of denote-directory, as that will result in duplicate identifiers. Exclude it with the denote-excluded-directories-regexp user option (Exclude certain directories from all operations).

    [ NOTE: I (Protesilaos) am not a LaTeX user and cannot test the following. ]

    Using a different directory will require some additional configuration when exporting using LaTeX. The export folder cannot be inside the path of the denote-directory to prevent Denote from recognising it as an attachment:

  3. Org Mode Publishing

    Org Mode also has a publishing tool for exporting a collection of files. Some user might apply this approach to convert their note collection to a public or private website.

    The org-publish-project-alist variable drives the publishing process, including the publishing directory.

    The publishing directory should not be a subdirectory of denote-directory, as that will result in duplicate identifiers. Exclude it with the denote-excluded-directories-regexp user option (Exclude certain directories from all operations).

16.14.2 Export Denote notes with Markdown

Exporting from Markdown requires an external processor (e.g.,, Pandoc, or MultiMarkdown). The markdown-command variable defines the command line used in export, for example:

(setq markdown-command "multimarkdown")

The export process thus occurs outside of Emacs. Users need to read the documentation of their preferred processor to prevent the creation of duplicate Denote identifiers.

16.15 Set up your workflow for daily or weekly meeting notes

Perhaps as part of work, we meet with certain people on a regular basis. During the meeting we may discuss a variety of topics. How best to approach with the help of Denote?

One option is to write a new file for each meeting, giving it the appropriate keywords each time (Points of entry). This is what Denote does by default and does not need any further tweaks. If we need to review those notes, we can use the command denote-sort-dired (Sort files by component), or one of the Org dynamic blocks we provide (Use Org dynamic blocks), among other options.

Another approach is to write one file per person with the regular denote command (or related), give it the name of the person as a title and, optionally, use some relevant keywords. Inside each file, write a top-level heading with the date of the meeting, and then produce the meeting notes below as paragraphs and subheadings. This can all be done without any changes to Denote, though we can streamline it by incorporating the following code in our setup. Configure my-denote-colleagues and then use the command my-denote-colleagues-new-meeting to see how it works.

(defvar my-denote-colleagues '("Prot" "Protesilaos")
  "List of names I collaborate with.
There is at least one file in the variable `denote-directory' that has
the name of this person.")

(defvar my-denote-colleagues-prompt-history nil
  "Minibuffer history for `my-denote-colleagues-new-meeting'.")

(defun my-denote-colleagues-prompt ()
  "Prompt with completion for a name among `my-denote-colleagues'.
Use the last input as the default value."
  (let ((default-value (car my-denote-colleagues-prompt-history)))
     (format-prompt "New meeting with COLLEAGUE" default-value)
     nil :require-match nil

(defun my-denote-colleagues-get-file (name)
  "Find file in variable `denote-directory' for NAME colleague.
If there are more than one files, prompt with completion for one among

NAME is one among `my-denote-colleagues'."
  (if-let* ((files (denote-directory-files name))
            (length-of-files (length files)))
       ((= length-of-files 1)
        (car files))
       ((> length-of-files 1)
        (completing-read "Select a file: " files nil :require-match)))
    (user-error "No files for colleague with name `%s'" name)))

(defun my-denote-colleagues-new-meeting ()
  "Prompt for the name of a colleague and insert a timestamped heading therein.
The name of a colleague corresponds to at least one file in the variable
`denote-directory'.  In case there are multiple files, prompt to choose
one among them and operate therein."
  (declare (interactive-only t))
  (let* ((name (my-denote-colleagues-prompt))
         (file (my-denote-colleagues-get-file name))
         (time (format-time-string "%F %a %R")))  ; remove %R if you do not want the time
    (with-current-buffer (find-file file)
      (goto-char (point-max))
      ;; Here I am assuming we are in `org-mode', hence the leading
      ;; asterisk for the heading.  Adapt accordingly.
      (insert (format "* [%s]\n\n" time)))))

17 Installation

17.1 GNU ELPA package

The package is available as ‘denote’. Simply do:

M-x package-refresh-contents
M-x package-install

And search for it.

GNU ELPA provides the latest stable release. Those who prefer to follow the development process in order to report bugs or suggest changes, can use the version of the package from the GNU-devel ELPA archive. Read:

Previous: , Up: Installation   [Index]

17.2 Manual installation

Assuming your Emacs files are found in ‘~/.emacs.d/’, execute the following commands in a shell prompt:

cd ~/.emacs.d

# Create a directory for manually-installed packages
mkdir manual-packages

# Go to the new directory
cd manual-packages

# Clone this repo, naming it "denote"
git clone denote

Finally, in your ‘init.el’ (or equivalent) evaluate this:

;; Make Elisp files in that directory available to the user.
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/manual-packages/denote")

Everything is in place to set up the package.

18 Sample configuration

Denote is immediately useful for beginners and power users alike. This manual covers everything in detail, though do not let the numerous possibilities distract you from the fact that a basic configuration is enough to be highly productive (Get started with this sample configuration).

18.1 Get started with this sample configuration

If you are new to Denote, this a good place to start. Then work your way through the manual and expand your configuration accordingly. Only include commands/variables that are useful to you. We provide another code sample if you need some ideas (More comprehensive sample configuration).

;; Another basic setup with a little more to it.
(use-package denote
  :ensure t
  :hook (dired-mode . denote-dired-mode)
  (("C-c n n" . denote)
   ("C-c n r" . denote-rename-file)
   ("C-c n l" . denote-link)
   ("C-c n b" . denote-backlinks)
   ("C-c n d" . denote-sort-dired))
  (setq denote-directory (expand-file-name "~/Documents/notes/"))

  ;; Automatically rename Denote buffers when opening them so that
  ;; instead of their long file name they have, for example, a literal
  ;; "[D]" followed by the file's title.  Read the doc string of
  ;; `denote-rename-buffer-format' for how to modify this.
  (denote-rename-buffer-mode 1))

18.2 More comprehensive sample configuration

Here we include more of what you can configure with Denote (Get started with this sample configuration).

(use-package denote
  :ensure t
  ( ;; If you use Markdown or plain text files, then you want to make
   ;; the Denote links clickable (Org renders links as buttons right
   ;; away)
   (text-mode . denote-fontify-links-mode-maybe)
   ;; Apply colours to Denote names in Dired.  This applies to all
   ;; directories.  Check `denote-dired-directories' for the specific
   ;; directories you may prefer instead.  Then, instead of
   ;; `denote-dired-mode', use `denote-dired-mode-in-directories'.
   (dired-mode . denote-dired-mode))
  ;; Denote DOES NOT define any key bindings.  This is for the user to
  ;; decide.  For example:
  ( :map global-map
    ("C-c n n" . denote)
    ("C-c n d" . denote-sort-dired)
    ;; If you intend to use Denote with a variety of file types, it is
    ;; easier to bind the link-related commands to the `global-map', as
    ;; shown here.  Otherwise follow the same pattern for `org-mode-map',
    ;; `markdown-mode-map', and/or `text-mode-map'.
    ("C-c n l" . denote-link)
    ("C-c n L" . denote-add-links)
    ("C-c n b" . denote-backlinks)
    ;; Note that `denote-rename-file' can work from any context, not just
    ;; Dired bufffers.  That is why we bind it here to the `global-map'.
    ("C-c n r" . denote-rename-file)
    ("C-c n R" . denote-rename-file-using-front-matter)

    ;; Key bindings specifically for Dired.
    :map dired-mode-map
    ("C-c C-d C-i" . denote-dired-link-marked-notes)
    ("C-c C-d C-r" . denote-dired-rename-files)
    ("C-c C-d C-k" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords)
    ("C-c C-d C-R" . denote-dired-rename-marked-files-using-front-matter))

  ;; Remember to check the doc string of each of those variables.
  (setq denote-directory (expand-file-name "~/Documents/notes/"))
  (setq denote-save-buffers nil)
  (setq denote-known-keywords '("emacs" "philosophy" "politics" "economics"))
  (setq denote-infer-keywords t)
  (setq denote-sort-keywords t)
  (setq denote-prompts '(title keywords))
  (setq denote-excluded-directories-regexp nil)
  (setq denote-excluded-keywords-regexp nil)
  (setq denote-rename-confirmations '(rewrite-front-matter modify-file-name))

  ;; Pick dates, where relevant, with Org's advanced interface:
  (setq denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date t)

  ;; By default, we do not show the context of links.  We just display
  ;; file names.  This provides a more informative view.
  (setq denote-backlinks-show-context t)

  ;; Automatically rename Denote buffers using the `denote-rename-buffer-format'.
  (denote-rename-buffer-mode 1))

19 For developers or advanced users

Denote is in a stable state and can be relied upon as the basis for custom extensions (Packages that build on Denote). Further below is a list with the functions or variables we provide for public usage. Those are in addition to all user options and commands that are already documented in the various sections of this manual.

In this context “public” is any form with single hyphens in its symbol, such as denote-directory-files. We expressly support those, meaning that we consider them reliable and commit to documenting any changes in their particularities (such as through make-obsolete, a record in the change log, a blog post on the maintainer’s website, and the like).

By contradistinction, a “private” form is declared with two hyphens in its symbol such as denote--file-extension. Do not use those as we might change them without further notice.

Variable denote-id-format

Format of ID prefix of a note’s filename. The note’s ID is derived from the date and time of its creation (The file-naming scheme).

Variable denote-id-regexp

Regular expression to match denote-id-format.

Variable denote-signature-regexp

Regular expression to match the ‘SIGNATURE’ field in a file name.

Variable denote-title-regexp

Regular expression to match the ‘TITLE’ field in a file name (The file-naming scheme).

Variable denote-keywords-regexp

Regular expression to match the ‘KEYWORDS’ field in a file name (The file-naming scheme).

Function denote-identifier-p

Return non-nil if ‘IDENTIFIER’ string is a Denote identifier.

Function denote-file-is-note-p

Return non-nil if ‘FILE’ is an actual Denote note. For our purposes, a note must satisfy file-regular-p and denote-filename-is-note-p.

Function denote-file-has-identifier-p

Return non-nil if ‘FILE’ has a Denote identifier.

Function denote-file-has-denoted-filename-p

Return non-nil if ‘FILE’ respects the file-naming scheme of Denote. This tests the rules of Denote’s file-naming scheme. Sluggification is ignored. It is done by removing all file name components and validating what remains. [ This function is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

Function denote-file-has-signature-p

Return non-nil if ‘FILE’ has a signature.

Function denote-file-has-supported-extension-p

Return non-nil if ‘FILE’ has supported extension. Also account for the possibility of an added ‘.gpg’ suffix. Supported extensions are those implied by denote-file-type.

Function denote-file-is-writable-and-supported-p

Return non-nil if ‘FILE’ is writable and has supported extension.

Function denote-file-type-extensions

Return all file type extensions in denote-file-types.

Variable denote-encryption-file-extensions

List of strings specifying file extensions for encryption.

Function denote-file-type-extensions-with-encryption

Derive denote-file-type-extensions plus denote-encryption-file-extensions.

Function denote-get-file-extension

Return extension of ‘FILE’ with dot included. Account for denote-encryption-file-extensions. In other words, return something like ‘.org.gpg’ if it is part of the file, else return ‘.org’.

Function denote-get-file-extension-sans-encryption

Return extension of ‘FILE’ with dot included and without the encryption part. Build on top of denote-get-file-extension though always return something like ‘.org’ even if the actual file extension is ‘.org.gpg’.

Function denote-keywords

Return appropriate list of keyword candidates. If denote-infer-keywords is non-nil, infer keywords from existing notes and combine them into a list with denote-known-keywords. Else use only the latter set of keywords (Standard note creation).

Function denote-keywords-sort

Sort ‘KEYWORDS’ if denote-sort-keywords is non-nil. ‘KEYWORDS’ is a list of strings, per denote-keywords-prompt.

Function denote-keywords-combine

Combine ‘KEYWORDS’ list of strings into a single string. Keywords are separated by the underscore character, per the Denote file-naming scheme.

Function denote-valid-date-p

Return ‘DATE’ as a valid date. A valid ‘DATE’ is a value that can be parsed by either decode-time or date-to-time .Those functions signal an error if ‘DATE’ is a value they do not recognise. If ‘DATE’ is nil, return nil.

Function denote-directory

Return path of the variable denote-directory as a proper directory, also because it accepts a directory-local value for what we internally refer to as “silos” (Maintain separate directories for notes). Custom Lisp code can let bind the value of the variable denote-directory to override what this function returns.

Function denote-directory-files

Return list of absolute file paths in variable denote-directory. Files that match denote-excluded-files-regexp are excluded from the list. Files only need to have an identifier. The return value may thus include file types that are not implied by denote-file-type. With optional ‘FILES-MATCHING-REGEXP’, restrict files to those matching the given regular expression. With optional ‘OMIT-CURRENT’ as a non-nil value, do not include the current Denote file in the returned list. With optional ‘TEXT-ONLY’ as a non-nil value, limit the results to text files that satisfy denote-file-is-note-p. With optional ‘EXCLUDE-REGEXP’ exclude the files that match the given regular expression. This is done after ‘FILES-MATCHING-REGEXP’ and ‘OMIT-CURRENT’ have been applied. [ The optional ‘EXCLUDE-REGEXP’ is part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

Function denote-directory-subdirectories

Return list of subdirectories in variable denote-directory. Omit dotfiles (such as .git) unconditionally. Also exclude whatever matches denote-excluded-directories-regexp. Note that the denote-directory accepts a directory-local value for what we call “silos” (Maintain separate directories for notes).

Function denote-file-name-relative-to-denote-directory

Return name of ‘FILE’ relative to the variable denote-directory. ‘FILE’ must be an absolute path.

Function denote-get-path-by-id

Return absolute path of ‘ID’ string in denote-directory-files.

Function denote-get-identifier-at-point

Return the identifier at point or ‘POINT’.

Function denote-slug-keep-only-ascii

Remove all non-ASCII characters from ‘STR’ and replace them with spaces. This is useful as a helper function to construct denote-file-name-slug-functions (Custom sluggification to remove non-ASCII characters).

Function denote-sluggify

Make ‘STR’ an appropriate slug for file name ‘COMPONENT’ (Sluggification of file name components). Apply the function specified in denote-file-name-slug-function to ‘COMPONENT’ which is one of ‘title’, ‘signature’, ‘keyword’. If the resulting string still contains consecutive ‘-’,=_= or =, they are replaced by a single occurence of the character, if necessary according to ‘COMPONENT’. If ‘COMPONENT’ is keyword, remove underscores from ‘STR’ as they are used as the keywords separator in file names.

Function denote-sluggify-keyword

Sluggify ‘STR’ while joining separate words.

Function denote-sluggify-signature

Make ‘STR’ an appropriate slug for signatures (Sluggification of file name components).

Function denote-sluggify-keywords

Sluggify ‘KEYWORDS’, which is a list of strings (Sluggification of file name components).

Function denote-filetype-heuristics

Return likely file type of ‘FILE’. If in the process of org-capture, consider the file type to be that of Org. Otherwise, use the file extension to detect the file type of ‘FILE’.

If more than one file type correspond to this file extension, use the first file type for which the :title-key-regexp in denote-file-types matches in the file.

Return nil if the file type is not recognized.

Function denote-use-date

The date to be used in a note creation command. See the documentation of denote for acceptable values. This variable is ignored if nil. Only ever let bind this, otherwise the title will always be the same and the title prompt will be skipped.

Function denote-use-directory

The directory to be used in a note creation command. See the documentation of denote for acceptable values. This variable is ignored if nil. Only ever let bind this, otherwise the title will always be the same and the title prompt will be skipped.

Function denote-use-file-type

The file type to be used in a note creation command. See the documentation of denote for acceptable values. This variable is ignored if nil. Only ever let bind this, otherwise the title will always be the same and the title prompt will be skipped.

Function denote-use-keywords

The keywords to be used in a note creation command. See the documentation of denote for acceptable values. This variable is ignored if nil. Only ever let bind this, otherwise the title will always be the same and the title prompt will be skipped.

Function denote-use-signature

The signature to be used in a note creation command. See the documentation of denote for acceptable values. This variable is ignored if nil. Only ever let bind this, otherwise the title will always be the same and the title prompt will be skipped.

Function denote-use-template

The template to be used in a note creation command. See the documentation of denote for acceptable values. This variable is ignored if nil. Only ever let bind this, otherwise the title will always be the same and the title prompt will be skipped.

Function denote-use-title

The title to be used in a note creation command. See the documentation of denote for acceptable values. This variable is ignored if nil. Only ever let bind this, otherwise the title will always be the same and the title prompt will be skipped.

Function denote-format-file-name

Format file name. ‘DIR-PATH’, ‘ID’, ‘KEYWORDS’, ‘TITLE’, ‘EXTENSION’ and ‘SIGNATURE’ are expected to be supplied by denote or equivalent command.

DIR-PATH’ is a string pointing to a directory. It ends with a forward slash (the function denote-directory makes sure this is the case when returning the value of the variable denote-directory). ‘DIR-PATH’ cannot be nil or an empty string.

ID’ is a string holding the identifier of the note. It can be an empty string, in which case its respective file name component is not added to the base file name. [ This is changed as part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

DIR-PATH’ and ‘ID’ form the base file name.

KEYWORDS’ is a list of strings that is reduced to a single string by denote-keywords-combine. ‘KEYWORDS’ can be an empty list or a nil value, in which case the relevant file name component is not added to the base file name.

TITLE’ and ‘SIGNATURE’ are strings. They can be an empty string, in which case their respective file name component is not added to the base file name.

EXTENSION’ is a string that contains a dot followed by the file type extension. It can be an empty string or a nil value, in which case it is not added to the base file name.

Function denote-extract-keywords-from-path

Extract keywords from ‘PATH’ and return them as a list of strings. ‘PATH’ must be a Denote-style file name where keywords are prefixed with an underscore. If ‘PATH’ has no such keywords, which is possible, return nil (The file-naming scheme). [ As part of 3.2.0-dev, this function has an alias denote-retrieve-filename-keywords-as-list which should make it easier to discover this functionality. ]

Function denote-extract-id-from-string

Return existing Denote identifier in ‘STRING’, else nil.

Function denote-retrieve-filename-identifier

Extract identifier from ‘FILE’ name, if present, else return nil. To create a new one from a date, refer to the denote-get-identifier function. [ This is changed as part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

Function denote-retrieve-filename-title

Extract Denote title component from ‘FILE’ name, if present, else return nil.

Function denote-retrieve-filename-keywords

Extract keywords from ‘FILE’ name, if present, else return nil. Return matched keywords as a single string.

Function denote-retrieve-filename-signature

Extract signature from ‘FILE’ name, if present, else return nil.

Function denote-retrieve-title-or-filename

Return appropriate title for ‘FILE’ given its ‘TYPE’. This is a wrapper for denote-retrieve-front-matter-title-value and ‘denote-retrieve-filename-title’.

Function denote-get-identifier

Convert ‘DATE’ into a Denote identifier using denote-id-format. If ‘DATE’ is nil, return an empty string as the identifier. [ This is changed as part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

Function denote-retrieve-front-matter-title-value

Return title value from ‘FILE’ front matter per ‘FILE-TYPE’.

Function denote-retrieve-front-matter-title-line

Return title line from ‘FILE’ front matter per ‘FILE-TYPE’.

Function denote-retrieve-front-matter-keywords-value

Return keywords value from ‘FILE’ front matter per ‘FILE-TYPE’. The return value is a list of strings.

Function denote-retrieve-front-matter-keywords-line

Return keywords line from ‘FILE’ front matter per ‘FILE-TYPE’.

Function denote-add-prompts

Add list of ‘ADDITIONAL-PROMPTS’ to denote-prompts. This is best done inside of a let to create a wrapper function around denote, denote-rename-file, and generally any command that consults the value of denote-prompts.

Function denote-signature-prompt

Prompt for signature string. With optional ‘INITIAL-SIGNATURE’ use it as the initial minibuffer text. With optional ‘PROMPT-TEXT’ use it in the minibuffer instead of the default prompt. Previous inputs at this prompt are available for minibuffer completion if the user option denote-history-completion-in-prompts is set to a non-nil value (The denote-history-completion-in-prompts option).

Function denote-file-prompt

Prompt for file in variable denote-directory. Files that match denote-excluded-files-regexp are excluded from the list. With optional ‘FILES-MATCHING-REGEXP’, filter the candidates per the given regular expression. With optional ‘PROMPT-TEXT’, use it instead of the default call to select a file. With optional ‘NO-REQUIRE-MATCH’ accept the given input as-is. Return the absolute path to the matching file.

Function denote-keywords-prompt

Prompt for one or more keywords. Read entries as separate when they are demarcated by the crm-separator, which typically is a comma. With optional ‘PROMPT-TEXT’, use it to prompt the user for keywords. Else use a generic prompt. With optional ‘INITIAL-KEYWORDS’ use them as the initial minibuffer text.

Function denote-title-prompt

Prompt for title string. With optional ‘INITIAL-TITLE’ use it as the initial minibuffer text. With optional ‘PROMPT-TEXT’ use it in the minibuffer instead of the default prompt. Previous inputs at this prompt are available for minibuffer completion if the user option denote-history-completion-in-prompts is set to a non-nil value (The denote-history-completion-in-prompts option).

Variable denote-title-prompt-current-default

Currently bound default title for denote-title-prompt. Set the value of this variable within the lexical scope of a command that needs to supply a default title before calling denote-title-prompt and use unwind-protect to set its value back to nil.

Function denote-file-type-prompt

Prompt for denote-file-type. Note that a non-nil value other than text, markdown-yaml, and markdown-toml falls back to an Org file type. We use org here for clarity.

Function denote-date-prompt

Prompt for date, expecting ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ or that plus ‘HH:MM’ (or even ‘HH:MM:SS’). Use Org’s more advanced date selection utility if the user option denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date is non-nil. It requires Org (The denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date option). With optional ‘INITIAL-DATE’ use it as the initial minibuffer text. With optional ‘PROMPT-TEXT’ use it in the minibuffer instead of the default prompt. ‘INITIAL-DATE’ is a string that can be processed by denote-valid-date-p, a value that can be parsed by decode-time or nil. [ The ‘INITIAL-DATE’ and ‘PROMPT-TEXT’ are part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

Function denote-command-prompt

Prompt for command among denote-commands-for-new-notes (Points of entry).

Variable denote-prompts-with-history-as-completion

Prompts that conditionally perform completion against their history. These are minibuffer prompts that ordinarily accept a free form string input, as opposed to matching against a predefined set. These prompts can optionally perform completion against their own minibuffer history when the user option denote-history-completion-in-prompts is set to a non-nil value (The denote-history-completion-in-prompts option).

Function denote-files-matching-regexp-prompt

Prompt for ‘REGEXP’ to filter Denote files by. With optional ‘PROMPT-TEXT’ use it instead of a generic prompt.

Function denote-prompt-for-date-return-id

Use denote-date-prompt and return it as denote-id-format.

Function denote-template-prompt

Prompt for template key in denote-templates and return its value.

Function denote-subdirectory-prompt

Prompt for subdirectory of the variable denote-directory. The table uses the file completion category (so it works with packages such as marginalia and embark).

Function denote-rename-file-prompt

Prompt to rename file named ‘OLD-NAME’ to ‘NEW-NAME’. If denote-rename-confirmations does not contain modify-file-name, return t without prompting.

Function denote-rename-file-and-buffer

Rename file named ‘OLD-NAME’ to ‘NEW-NAME’, updating buffer name.

Function denote-prepend-front-matter

Prepend front matter to ‘FILE’. The ‘TITLE’, ‘KEYWORDS’, ‘DATE’, ‘ID’, ‘SIGNATURE’, and ‘FILE-TYPE’ are passed from the renaming command and are used to construct a new front matter block if appropriate. [ This function is available as part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

Function denote-rewrite-front-matter

Rewrite front matter of note after denote-rename-file (or related) The ‘FILE’, ‘TITLE’, ‘KEYWORDS’, ‘SIGNATURE’, ‘DATE’, ‘IDENTIFIER’, and ‘FILE-TYPE’ arguments are given by the renaming command and are used to construct new front matter values if appropriate. If denote-rename-confirmations contains rewrite-front-matter, prompt to confirm the rewriting of the front matter. Otherwise produce a y-or-n-p prompt to that effect. [ This function is changed as part of 3.2.0-dev. ]

Function denote-add-front-matter-prompt

Prompt to add a front-matter to ‘FILE’. Return non-nil if a new front matter should be added. If denote-rename-confirmations does not contain add-front-matter, return t without prompting.

Function denote-rewrite-keywords

Rewrite ‘KEYWORDS’ in ‘FILE’ outright according to ‘FILE-TYPE’. Do the same as denote-rewrite-front-matter for keywords, but do not ask for confirmation. With optional ‘SAVE-BUFFER’, save the buffer corresponding to ‘FILE’. This function is for use in the commands denote-keywords-add, denote-keywords-remove, denote-dired-rename-files, or related.

Function denote-update-dired-buffers

Update Dired buffers of variable denote-directory. Also revert the current Dired buffer even if it is not inside the denote-directory. Note that the denote-directory accepts a directory-local value for what we internally refer to as “silos” (Maintain separate directories for notes).

Variable denote-file-types

Alist of denote-file-type and their format properties.

Each element is of the form ‘(SYMBOL PROPERTY-LIST)’. ‘SYMBOL’ is one of those specified in denote-file-type or an arbitrary symbol that defines a new file type.

PROPERTY-LIST’ is a plist that consists of the following elements:

  1. :extension’ is a string with the file extension including the period.
  2. :date-function’ is a function that can format a date. See the functions denote--date-iso-8601, denote--date-rfc3339, and denote--date-org-timestamp.
  3. :front-matter’ is either a string passed to format or a variable holding such a string. The format function accepts four arguments, which come from denote in this order: ‘TITLE’, ‘DATE’, ‘KEYWORDS’, ‘IDENTIFIER’. Read the doc string of format on how to reorder arguments.
  4. :title-key-regexp’ is a regular expression that is used to retrieve the title line in a file. The first line matching this regexp is considered the title line.
  5. :title-value-function’ is the function used to format the raw title string for inclusion in the front matter (e.g. to surround it with quotes). Use the identity function if no further processing is required.
  6. :title-value-reverse-function’ is the function used to retrieve the raw title string from the front matter. It performs the reverse of ‘:title-value-function’.
  7. :keywords-key-regexp’ is a regular expression used to retrieve the keywords’ line in the file. The first line matching this regexp is considered the keywords’ line.
  8. :keywords-value-function’ is the function used to format the keywords’ list of strings as a single string, with appropriate delimiters, for inclusion in the front matter.
  9. :keywords-value-reverse-function’ is the function used to retrieve the keywords’ value from the front matter. It performs the reverse of the ‘:keywords-value-function’.
  10. :link’ is a string, or variable holding a string, that specifies the format of a link. See the variables denote-org-link-format, denote-md-link-format.
  11. :link-in-context-regexp’ is a regular expression that is used to match the aforementioned link format. See the variables denote-org-link-in-context-regexp, denote-md-link-in-context-regexp.

If denote-file-type is nil, use the first element of this list for new note creation. The default is org.

Variable denote-org-front-matter

Specifies the Org front matter. It is passed to format with arguments ‘TITLE’, ‘DATE’, ‘KEYWORDS’, ‘ID’ (Change the front matter format)

Variable denote-yaml-front-matter

Specifies the YAML (Markdown) front matter. It is passed to format with arguments ‘TITLE’, ‘DATE’, ‘KEYWORDS’, ‘ID’ (Change the front matter format)

Variable denote-toml-front-matter

Specifies the TOML (Markdown) front matter. It is passed to format with arguments ‘TITLE’, ‘DATE’, ‘KEYWORDS’, ‘ID’ (Change the front matter format)

Variable denote-text-front-matter

Specifies the plain text front matter. It is passed to format with arguments ‘TITLE’, ‘DATE’, ‘KEYWORDS’, ‘ID’ (Change the front matter format)

Variable denote-org-link-format

Format of Org link to note. The value is passed to format with ‘IDENTIFIER’ and ‘TITLE’ arguments, in this order. Also see denote-org-link-in-context-regexp.

Variable denote-md-link-format

Format of Markdown link to note. The ‘%N$s’ notation used in the default value is for format as the supplied arguments are ‘IDENTIFIER’ and ‘TITLE’, in this order. Also see denote-md-link-in-context-regexp.

Variable denote-id-only-link-format

Format of identifier-only link to note. The value is passed to format with ‘IDENTIFIER’ as its sole argument. Also see denote-id-only-link-in-context-regexp.

Variable denote-org-link-in-context-regexp

Regexp to match an Org link in its context. The format of such links is denote-org-link-format.

Variable denote-md-link-in-context-regexp

Regexp to match an Markdown link in its context. The format of such links is denote-md-link-format.

Variable denote-id-only-link-in-context-regexp

Regexp to match an identifier-only link in its context. The format of such links is denote-id-only-link-format.

Function denote-date-org-timestamp

Format ‘DATE’ using the Org inactive timestamp notation.

Function denote-date-rfc3339

Format ‘DATE’ using the RFC3339 specification.

Function denote-date-iso-8601

Format ‘DATE’ according to ISO 8601 standard.

Function denote-trim-whitespace

Trim whitespace around string ‘S’. This can be used in denote-file-types to format front mattter.

Function denote-trim-whitespace-then-quotes

Trim whitespace then quotes around string ‘S’. This can be used in denote-file-types to format front mattter.

Function denote-format-string-for-org-front-matter

Return string ‘S’ as-is for Org or plain text front matter. If ‘S’ is not a string, return an empty string.

Function denote-format-string-for-md-front-matter

Surround string ‘S’ with quotes. If ‘S’ is not a string, return a literal emptry string. This can be used in denote-file-types to format front mattter.

Function denote-format-keywords-for-md-front-matter

Format front matter ‘KEYWORDS’ for markdown file type. ‘KEYWORDS’ is a list of strings. Consult the denote-file-types for how this is used.

Function denote-format-keywords-for-text-front-matter

Format front matter ‘KEYWORDS’ for text file type. ‘KEYWORDS’ is a list of strings. Consult the denote-file-types for how this is used.

Function denote-format-keywords-for-org-front-matter

Format front matter ‘KEYWORDS’ for org file type. ‘KEYWORDS’ is a list of strings. Consult the denote-file-types for how this is used.

Function denote-extract-keywords-from-front-matter

Format front matter ‘KEYWORDS’ for org file type. ‘KEYWORDS’ is a list of strings. Consult the denote-file-types for how this is used.

Function denote-select-linked-file-prompt

Prompt for linked file among ‘FILES’.

Function denote-link-return-links

Return list of links in current or optional ‘FILE’. Also see denote-link-return-backlinks.

Function denote-link-return-backlinks

Return list of backlinks in current or optional ‘FILE’. Also see denote-link-return-links.

Function denote-link-description-with-signature-and-title

Return link description for ‘FILE’. Produce a description as follows:

If the region is active, use it as the description.

If ‘FILE’ as a signature, then use the denote-link-signature-format. By default, this looks like “signature title”.

If ‘FILE’ does not have a signature, then use its title as the description.

Variable denote-link-description-function

Function to use to create the description of links. The function specified should take a ‘FILE’ argument and should return the description as a string. By default, the title of the file is returned as the description.

20 Troubleshoot Denote in a pristine environment

Sometimes we get reports on bugs that may not be actually caused by some error in the Denote code base. To help gain insight into what the problem is, we need to be able to reproduce the issue in a minimum viable system. Below is one way to achieve this.

  1. Find where your ‘denote.el’ file is stored on your filesystem.
  2. Assuming you have already installed the package, one way to do this is to invoke ‘M-x find-library’ and search for denote. It will take you to the source file. There do ‘M-x eval-expression’, which will bring up a minibuffer prompt. At the prompt evaluate:
(kill-new (expand-file-name (buffer-file-name)))
  1. The above will save the full file system path to your kill ring.
  2. In a terminal emulator or an ‘M-x shell’ buffer execute:
emacs -Q
  1. This will open a new instance of Emacs in a pristine environment. Only the default settings are loaded.
  2. In the ‘*scratch*’ buffer of ‘emacs -Q’, add your configurations like the following and try to reproduce the issue:
(require 'denote "/full/path/to/what/you/got/denote.el")

;; Your configurations here

Then try to see if your problem still occurs. If it does, then the fault is with Denote. Otherwise there is something external to it that we need to account for. Whatever the case, this exercise helps us get a better sense of the specifics.

21 Contributing

Denote is a GNU ELPA package. As such, any significant change to the code requires copyright assignment to the Free Software Foundation (more below).

You do not need to be a programmer to contribute to this package. Sharing an idea or describing a workflow is equally helpful, as it teaches us something we may not know and might be able to cover either by extending Denote or expanding this manual. If you prefer to write a blog post, make sure you share it with us: we can add a section herein referencing all such articles. Everyone gets acknowledged (Acknowledgements). There is no such thing as an “insignificant contribution”—they all matter.

If our public media are not suitable, you are welcome to contact me (Protesilaos) in private:

Copyright assignment is a prerequisite to sharing code. It is a simple process. Check the request form below (please adapt it accordingly). You must write an email to the address mentioned in the form and then wait for the FSF to send you a legal agreement. Sign the document and file it back to them. This could all happen via email and take about a week. You are encouraged to go through this process. You only need to do it once. It will allow you to make contributions to Emacs in general.

Please email the following information to, and we
will send you the assignment form for your past and future changes.

Please use your full legal name (in ASCII characters) as the subject
line of the message.


[What is the name of the program or package you're contributing to?]

GNU Emacs

[Did you copy any files or text written by someone else in these changes?
Even if that material is free software, we need to know about it.]

Copied a few snippets from the same files I edited.  Their author,
Protesilaos Stavrou, has already assigned copyright to the Free Software

[Do you have an employer who might have a basis to claim to own
your changes?  Do you attend a school which might make such a claim?]

[For the copyright registration, what country are you a citizen of?]

[What year were you born?]

[Please write your email address here.]

[Please write your postal address here.]

[Which files have you changed so far, and which new files have you written
so far?]

Up: Contributing   [Index]

21.1 Wishlist of what we can do to extend Denote

These are various ideas to extend Denote. Whether they should be in the core package or a separate extension is something we can discuss. I, Protesilaos, am happy to help anyone who wants to do any of this.


Provide integration with the embark package. This can be for doing something with the identifier/link at point. For example, it could provide an action to produce backlinks for the identifier/file we are linking to, not just the current one.


The transient package is built into Emacs 29 (Denote supports Emacs 28 though). We can use it to define an alternative to what we have for the menu bar. Perhaps this interface can used to toggle various options, such as to call denote with a different set of prompts.

A denote-directories user option

This can be either an extension of the denote-directory (accept a list of file paths value) or a new variable. The idea is to let the user define separate Denote directories which do know about the presence of each other (unlike silos). This way, a user can have an entry in ‘~/Documents/notes/’ link to something ‘~/Git/projects/’ and everything work as if the denote-directory is set to the ‘~/’ (with the status quo as of 2024-02-18 08:27 +0200).

Encode the day in the identifier

The idea is to use some coded reference for Monday, Tuesday, etc. instead of having the generic ‘T’ in the identifier. For example, Monday is ‘A’ so the identifier for it is something like ‘20240219A101522’ instead of what we now have as ‘20240219T101522’. The old method should still be supported. Apart from changing a few regular expressions, this does not seem too complex to me. We would need a user option to opt in to such a feature. Then tweak the relevant parts. The tricky issue is to define a mapping of day names to letters/symbols that works for everyone. Do all countries have a seven-day week, for example? We need something universally applicable here.

Anything else? You are welcome to discuss these and/or add to the list.

22 Publications about Denote

The Emacs community is putting Denote to great use. This section includes publications that show how people configure their note-taking setup. If you have a blog post, video, or configuration file about Denote, feel welcome to tell us about it (Contributing).

23 Alternatives to Denote

What follows is a list of Emacs packages for note-taking. I (Protesilaos) have not used any of them, as I was manually applying my file-naming scheme beforehand and by the time those packages were available I was already hacking on the predecessor of Denote as a means of learning Emacs Lisp (a package which I called “Unassuming Sidenotes of Little Significance”, aka “USLS” which is pronounced as “U-S-L-S” or “useless”). As such, I cannot comment at length on the differences between Denote and each of those packages, beside what I gather from their documentation.


The de facto standard in the Emacs milieu—and rightly so! It has a massive community, is featureful, and should be an excellent companion to anyone who is invested in the Org ecosystem and/or knows what “Roam” is (I don’t). It has been explained to me that Org Roam uses a database to store a cache about your notes. It otherwise uses standard Org files. The cache helps refer to the same node through aliases which can provide lots of options. Personally, I follow a single-topic-per-note approach, so anything beyond that is overkill. If the database is only for a cache, then maybe that has no downside, though I am careful with any kind of specialised program as it creates a dependency. If you ask me about database software in particular, I have no idea how to use one, let alone debug it or retrieve data from it if something goes awry (I could learn, but that is beside the point).

zk (or zk.el)

Reading its documentation makes me think that this is Denote’s sibling—the two projects have a lot of things in common, including the preference to rely on plain files and standard tools. The core difference is that Denote has a strict file-naming scheme. Other differences in available features are, in principle, matters of style or circumstance: both packages can have them. As its initials imply, ZK enables a zettelkasten-like workflow. It does not enforce it though, letting the user adapt the method to their needs and requirements.


This is another one of Denote’s relatives, at least insofar as the goal of simplicity is concerned. The major difference is that according to its documentation “the name of the file that is created is just a unique ID”. This is not consistent with our file-naming scheme which is all about making sense of your files by their name alone and being able to visually parse a listing of them without any kind of specialised tool (e.g. ‘ls -l’ or ‘ls -C’ on the command-line from inside the denote-directory give you a human-readable set of files names, while ‘find * -maxdepth 0 -type f’ is another approach).


This is a zettelkasten note-taking system built on top of the ‘deft’ package. Deft provides a search interface to a directory, in this case the one holding the user’s ‘zetteldeft’ notes. Denote has no such dependency and is not opinionated about how the user prefers to search/access their notes: use Dired, Grep, the ‘consult’ package, or whatever else you already have set up for all things Emacs, not just your notes.

Searching through ‘M-x list-packages’ for “zettel” brings up more matches. ‘zetteldesk’ is an extension to Org Roam and, as such, I cannot possibly know what Org Roam truly misses and what the added-value of this package is. ‘neuron-mode’ builds on top of an external program called ‘neuron’, which I have never used.

Searching for “note” gives us a few more results. ‘notes-mode’ has precious little documentation and I cannot tell what it actually does (as I said in my presentation for LibrePlanet 2022, inadequate docs are a bug). ‘side-notes’ differs from what we try to do with Denote, as it basically gives you the means to record your thoughts about some other project you are working on and keep them on the side: so it and Denote should not be mutually exclusive.

If I missed something, please let me know.

23.1 Alternative implementations and further reading

This section covers blog posts and implementations from the Emacs community about the topic of note-taking and file organization. They may refer to some of the packages covered in the previous section or provide their custom code (Alternatives to Denote). The list is unsorted.

[ Development note: help expand this list. ]

24 Frequently Asked Questions

I (Protesilaos) answer some questions I have received or might get. It is assumed that you have read the rest of this manual: I will not go into the specifics of how Denote works.

24.1 Why develop Denote when PACKAGE already exists?

I wrote Denote because I was using a variant of Denote’s file-naming scheme before I was even an Emacs user (I switched to Emacs from Tmux+Vim+CLI in the summer of 2019). I was originally inspired by Jekyll, the static site generator, which I started using for my website in 2016 (was on WordPress before). Jekyll’s files follow the ‘’ pattern. I liked its efficiency relative to the unstructured mess I had before. Eventually, I started using that scheme outside the confines of my website’s source code. Over time I refined it and here we are.

Note-taking is something I take very seriously, as I am a prolific writer (just check my website, which only reveals the tip of the iceberg). As such, I need a program that does exactly what I want and which I know how to extend. I originally tried to use Org capture templates to create new files with a Denote-style file-naming scheme but never managed to achieve it. Maybe because org-capture has some hard-coded assumptions or I simply am not competent enough to hack on core Org facilities. Whatever the case, an alternative was in order.

The existence of PACKAGE is never a good reason for me not to conduct my own experiments for recreational, educational, or practical purposes. When the question arises of “why not contribute to PACKAGE instead?” the answer is that without me experimenting in the first place, I would lack the skills for such a task. Furthermore, contributing to another package does not guarantee I get what I want in terms of workflow.

Whether you should use Denote or not is another matter altogether: choose whatever you want.

24.2 Why not rely exclusively on Org?

I think Org is one of Emacs’ killer apps. I also believe it is not the right tool for every job. When I write notes, I want to focus on writing. Nothing more. I thus have no need for stuff like org-babel, scheduling to-do items, clocking time, and so on. The more “mental dependencies” you add to your workflow, the heavier the burden you carry and the less focused you are on the task at hand: there is always that temptation to tweak the markup, tinker with some syntactic construct, obsess about what ought to be irrelevant to writing as such.

In technical terms, I also am not fond of Org’s code base (I understand why it is the way it is—just commenting on the fact). Ever tried to read it? You will routinely find functions that are tens-to-hundreds of lines long and have all sorts of special casing. As I am not a programmer and only learnt to write Elisp through trial and error, I have no confidence in my ability to make Org do what I want at that level, hence ‘denote’ instead of ‘org-denote’ or something.

Perhaps the master programmer is one who can deal with complexity and keep adding to it. I am of the opposite view, as language—code included—is at its communicative best when it is clear and accessible.

Make no mistake: I use Org for the agenda and also to write technical documentation that needs to be exported to various formats, including this very manual.

24.3 Why care about Unix tools when you use Emacs?

My notes form part of my longer-term storage. I do not want to have to rely on a special program to be able to read them or filter them. Unix is universal, at least as far as I am concerned.

Denote streamlines some tasks and makes things easier in general, which is consistent with how Emacs provides a layer of interactivity on top of Unix. Still, Denote’s utilities can, in principle, be implemented as POSIX shell scripts (minus the Emacs-specific parts like fontification in Dired or the buttonization of links).

Portability matters. For example, in the future I might own a smartphone, so I prefer not to require Emacs, Org, or some other executable to access my files on the go.

Furthermore, I might want to share those files with someone. If I make Emacs a requirement, I am limiting my circle to a handful of relatively advanced users.

Please don’t misinterpret this: I am using Emacs full-time for my computing and maintain a growing list of packages for it. This is just me thinking long-term.

24.4 Why many small files instead of few large ones?

I have read that Org favours the latter method. If true, I strongly disagree with it because of the implicit dependency it introduces and the way it favours machine-friendliness over human-readability in terms of accessing information. Notes are long-term storage. I might want to access them on (i) some device with limited features, (ii) print on paper, (iii) share with another person who is not a tech wizard.

There are good arguments for few large files, but all either prioritize machine-friendliness or presuppose the use of sophisticated tools like Emacs+Org.

Good luck using ‘less’ on a generic TTY to read a file with a zillion words, headings, sub-headings, sub-sub-headings, property drawers, and other constructs! You will not get the otherwise wonderful folding of headings the way you do in Emacs—do not take such features for granted.

My point is that notes should be atomic to help the user—and potentially the user’s family, friends, acquaintances—make sense of them in a wide range of scenaria. The more program-agnostic your file is, the better for you and/or everyone else you might share your writings with.

Human-readability means that we optimize for what matters to us. If (a) you are the only one who will ever read your notes, (b) always have access to good software like Emacs+Org, (c) do not care about printing on paper, then Denote’s model is not for you. Maybe you need to tweak some org-capture template to append a new entry to one mega file (I do that for my Org agenda, by the way, as I explained before about using the right tool for the job).

24.5 Does Denote perform well at scale?

Denote does not do anything fancy and has no special requirements: it uses standard tools to accomplish ordinary tasks. If Emacs can cope with lots of files, then that is all you need to know: Denote will work.

To put this to the test, Peter Prevos is running simulations with R that generate large volumes of notes. You can read the technicalities here: Excerpt:

Using this code I generated ten thousands notes and used this to test the Denote package to see it if works at a large scale. This tests shows that Prot’s approach is perfectly capable of working with thousands of notes.

Of course, we are always prepared to make refinements to the code, where necessary, without compromising on the project’s principles.

24.6 I add TODOs to my notes; will many files slow down the Org agenda?

Yes, many files will slow down the agenda due to how that works. Org collects all files specified in the org-agenda-files, searches through their contents for timestamped entries, and then loops through all days to determine where each entry belongs. The more days and more files, the longer it takes to build the agenda. Doing this with potentially hundreds of files will have a noticeable impact on performance.

This is not a deficiency of Denote. It happens with generic Org files. The way the agenda is built is heavily favoring the use of a single file that holds all your timestamped entries (or at least a few such files). Tens or hundreds of files are inefficient for this job. Plus doing so has the side-effect of making Emacs open all those files, which you probably do not need.

If you want my opinion though, be more forceful with the separation of concerns. Decouple your knowledge base from your ephemeral to-do list: Denote (and others) can be used for the former, while you let standard Org work splendidly for the latter—that is what I do, anyway.

Org has a powerful linking facility, whether you use org-store-link or do it via an org-capture template. If you want a certain note to be associated with a task, just store the task in a single ‘’ (or however you name it) and link to the relevant context.

Do not mix your knowledge base with your to-do items. If you need help figuring out the specifics of this workflow, you are welcome to ask for help in our relevant channels (Contributing).

24.7 I want to sort by last modified in Dired, why won’t Denote let me?

Denote does not control how Dired sorts files. I encourage you to read the manpage of the ‘ls’ executable. It will help you in general, while it applies to Emacs as well via Dired. The gist is that you can update the ‘ls’ flags that Dired uses on-the-fly: type ‘C-u M-x dired-sort-toggle-or-edit’ (‘C-u s’ by default) and append ‘--sort=time’ at the prompt. To reverse the order, add the ‘-r’ flag. The user option dired-listing-switches sets your default preference.

For an on-demand sorted and filtered Dired listing of Denote files, use the command denote-sort-dired (Sort files by component).

24.8 How do you handle the last modified case?

Denote does not insert any meta data or heading pertaining to edits in the file. I am of the view that these either do not scale well or are not descriptive enough. Suppose you use a “lastmod” heading with a timestamp: which lines where edited and what did the change amount to?

This is where an external program can be helpful. Use a Version Control System, such as Git, to keep track of all your notes. Every time you add a new file, record the addition. Same for post-creation edits. Your VCS will let you review the history of those changes. For instance, Emacs’ built-in version control framework has a command that produces a log of changes for the current file: ‘M-x vc-print-log’, bound to ‘C-x v l’ by default. From there one can access the corresponding diff output (use ‘M-x describe-mode’ (‘C-h m’) in an unfamiliar buffer to learn more about it). With Git in particular, Emacs users have the option of the all-round excellent ‘magit’ package.

In short: let Denote (or equivalent) create notes and link between them, the file manager organise and provide access to files, search programs deal with searching and narrowing, and version control software handle the tracking of changes.

24.12 Why do I get a double ‘#+title’ in Doom Emacs?

Doom Emacs provides a set of bespoke templates for Org. One of those prefills any new Org file with a ‘#+title’ field. So when Denote creates a new Org file and inserts front matter to it, it inevitably adds an extra title to the existing one.

This is not a Denote problem. We can only expect a new file to be empty by default. Check how to disable the relevant module in your Doom Emacs configuration file.

25 Acknowledgements

Denote is meant to be a collective effort. Every bit of help matters.


Protesilaos Stavrou.

Contributions to code or the manual

Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali, Abin Simon, Adam Růžička, Alan Schmitt, Alexandre Rousseau, Ashton Wiersdorf, Aziz, Benjamin Kästner, Bruno Boal, Charanjit Singh, Claudio Migliorelli, Clemens Radermacher, Colin McLear, Damien Cassou, Eduardo Grajeda, Elias Storms, Eshel Yaron, Florian, Glenna D., Graham Marlow, Hilde Rhyne, Ivan Sokolov, Jack Baty, Jakub Szczerbowski, Jean-Charles Bagneris, Jean-Philippe Gagné Guay, Jianwei Hou, Joseph Turner, Jürgen Hötzel, Kaushal Modi, Kai von Fintel, Kierin Bell, Kostas Andreadis, Kristoffer Balintona, Kyle Meyer, Laurent Gatto, Maikol Solis, Marc Fargas, Matthew Lemon, Noboru Ota (nobiot), Norwid Behrnd, Octavian, Peter Prevos, Philip Kaludercic, Quiliro Ordóñez, Stephen R. Kifer, Stefan Monnier, Stefan Thesing, Thibaut Benjamin, Tomasz Hołubowicz, Vedang Manerikar, Wesley Harvey, Zhenxu Xu, arsaber101, bryanrinders, ezchi, jarofromel, leinfink (Henrik), l-o-l-h (Lincoln), mattyonweb, maxbrieiev, mentalisttraceur, pmenair, relict007, skissue.

Ideas and/or user feedback

Abin Simon, Aditya Yadav, Alan Schmitt, Aleksandr Vityazev, Alex Griffin, Alex Hirschfeld, Alexis Purslane, Alfredo Borrás, Alp Eren Kose, Ashton Wiersdorf, Benjamin Kästner, Claudio Migliorelli, Claudiu Tănăselia, Colin McLear, Cosmin-Octavian C, Damien Cassou, Elias Storms, Federico Stilman, Florian, Frédéric Willem Frank Ehmsen, Glenna D., Guo Yong, Hanspeter Gisler Harold Ollivier, IceAsteroid, Jack Baty, Jay Rajput, Jean-Charles Bagneris, Jeff Valk, Jens Östlund, Jeremy Friesen, Jonathan Sahar, Johan Bolmsjö, Jonas Großekathöfer, Jousimies, Juanjo Presa, Julian Hoch, Kai von Fintel, Kaushal Modi, Kolmas, Lukas C. Bossert, M. Hadi Timachi, Maikol Solis, Mark Olson, Mirko Hernandez, Niall Dooley, Nick Bell, Oliver Epper, Paul van Gelder, Peter Prevos, Peter Smith, Riccardo Giannitrapani, Samuel W. Flint, Sergio Rey, Suhail Singh, Shreyas Ragavan, Stefan Thesing, Summer Emacs, Sven Seebeck, Taoufik, TJ Stankus, Vick (VicZz), Viktor Haag, Vineet C. Kulkarni, Wade Mealing, Wilf, Yi Liu, Ypot, atanasj, azegas, babusri, bdillahu, coherentstate, doolio, duli, drcxd, elge70, elliottw, fingerknight, hpgisler, hyperfocus1337, jtpavlock, juh, leafarbelm, mentalisttraceur, pRot0ta1p, rbenit68, relict007, sarcom-sar, sienic, skissue, sundar bp, yetanotherfossman, zadca123

Special thanks to Peter Povinec who helped refine the file-naming scheme, which is the cornerstone of this project.

Special thanks to Jean-Philippe Gagné Guay for the numerous contributions to the code base.

Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

    The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


    This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law.

    A “Modified Version” of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language.

    A “Secondary Section” is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document’s overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.

    The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

    The “Cover Texts” are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

    A “Transparent” copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, that is suitable for revising the document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A copy that is not “Transparent” is called “Opaque”.

    Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word processors for output purposes only.

    The “Title Page” means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, “Title Page” means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work’s title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

    The “publisher” means any person or entity that distributes copies of the Document to the public.

    A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, “Endorsements”, or “History”.) To “Preserve the Title” of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section “Entitled XYZ” according to this definition.

    The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this License.


    You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

    You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies.


    If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the Document’s license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

    If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.

    If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public.

    It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.


    You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

    1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
    2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement.
    3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher.
    4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
    5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.
    6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
    7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice.
    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
    10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
    11. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
    12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
    13. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version.
    14. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
    15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

    If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

    You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

    The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


    You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

    Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

    Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does not give you any rights to use it.


    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.


    “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site” (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

    “CC-BY-SA” means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization.

    “Incorporate” means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document.

    An MMC is “eligible for relicensing” if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.

    The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

  Copyright (C)  year  your name.
  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
  or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
  with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
  Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
  Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with…Texts.” line with this:

    with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with
    the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
    being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.

B Indices

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B.1 Function index

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denote: Points of entry
denote-add-front-matter-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-add-links: Insert links matching a regexp
denote-add-prompts: For developers or advanced users
denote-backlinks: The backlinks' buffer
denote-backlinks-mode: The backlinks' buffer
denote-backlinks-toggle-context: The backlinks' buffer
denote-change-file-type-and-front-matter: Rename a file by changing only its file type
denote-command-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-create-note: Standard note creation
denote-create-note-in-subdirectory: Convenience commands for note creation
denote-create-note-using-date: Convenience commands for note creation
denote-create-note-using-type: Convenience commands for note creation
denote-create-note-with-template: Convenience commands for note creation
denote-date: Points of entry
denote-date-iso-8601: For developers or advanced users
denote-date-org-timestamp: For developers or advanced users
denote-date-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-date-rfc3339: For developers or advanced users
denote-directory: For developers or advanced users
denote-directory-files: For developers or advanced users
denote-directory-subdirectories: For developers or advanced users
denote-dired-link-marked-notes: Insert links from marked files in Dired
denote-dired-mode: Fontification in Dired
denote-dired-mode-in-directories: Fontification in Dired
denote-dired-rename-files: Rename multiple files interactively
denote-dired-rename-marked-files: Rename multiple files interactively
denote-dired-rename-marked-files-add-keywords: Rename multiple files at once by asking only for keywords
denote-dired-rename-marked-files-remove-keywords: Rename multiple files at once by asking only for keywords
denote-dired-rename-marked-files-using-front-matter: Rename multiple files based on their front matter
denote-dired-rename-marked-files-with-keywords: Rename multiple files at once by asking only for keywords
denote-extract-id-from-string: For developers or advanced users
denote-extract-keywords-from-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-extract-keywords-from-path: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-has-denoted-filename-p: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-has-identifier-p: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-has-signature-p: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-has-supported-extension-p: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-is-note-p: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-is-writable-and-supported-p: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-name-relative-to-denote-directory: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-type-extensions: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-type-extensions-with-encryption: For developers or advanced users
denote-file-type-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-files-matching-regexp-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-filetype-heuristics: For developers or advanced users
denote-find-backlink: Visiting linked files via the minibuffer
denote-find-link: Visiting linked files via the minibuffer
denote-fontify-links-mode: Fontify links in non-Org buffers
denote-format-file-name: For developers or advanced users
denote-format-keywords-for-md-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-format-keywords-for-org-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-format-keywords-for-text-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-format-string-for-md-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-format-string-for-org-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-get-file-extension: For developers or advanced users
denote-get-file-extension-sans-encryption: For developers or advanced users
denote-get-identifier: For developers or advanced users
denote-get-identifier-at-point: For developers or advanced users
denote-get-path-by-id: For developers or advanced users
denote-identifier-p: For developers or advanced users
denote-insert-link: Aliases for the linking commands
denote-journal-extras-link-or-create-entry: Keep a journal or diary
denote-journal-extras-new-entry: Keep a journal or diary
denote-journal-extras-new-or-existing-entry: Keep a journal or diary
denote-keywords: For developers or advanced users
denote-keywords-combine: For developers or advanced users
denote-keywords-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-keywords-sort: For developers or advanced users
denote-link: Adding a single link
denote-link-after-creating: Link to an existing note or create a new one
denote-link-after-creating-with-command: Link to an existing note or create a new one
denote-link-description-with-signature-and-title: For developers or advanced users
denote-link-dired-marked-notes: Insert links from marked files in Dired
denote-link-insert-links-matching-regexp: Aliases for the linking commands
denote-link-markdown-follow: Fontify links in non-Org buffers
denote-link-or-create: Link to an existing note or create a new one
denote-link-return-backlinks: For developers or advanced users
denote-link-return-links: For developers or advanced users
denote-md-extras-convert-links-to-denote-type: Convert ‘denote’ links to paths in Markdown or Obsidian style
denote-md-extras-convert-links-to-file-paths: Convert ‘denote’ links to paths in Markdown or Obsidian style
denote-md-extras-convert-links-to-obsidian-type: Convert ‘denote’ links to paths in Markdown or Obsidian style
denote-md-extras-convert-obsidian-links-to-denote-type: Convert ‘denote’ links to paths in Markdown or Obsidian style
denote-menu-bar-mode: Use Denote commands from the menu bar or context menu
denote-open-or-create: Open an existing note or create it if missing
denote-open-or-create-with-command: Open an existing note or create it if missing
denote-org-capture: Points of entry
denote-org-capture-with-prompts: Create note with specific prompts using Org capture
denote-org-extras-convert-links-to-denote-type: Convert ‘denote’ links to ‘file’ links in Org
denote-org-extras-convert-links-to-file-type: Convert ‘denote’ links to ‘file’ links in Org
denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-backlinks: The Org dynamic block to insert backlinks
denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-files: Org dynamic block to insert file contents
denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-files-as-headings: Org dynamic block to insert Org files as headings
denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-links: Org dynamic blocks to insert links
denote-org-extras-dblock-insert-missing-links: The Org dynamic block to insert missing links only
denote-org-extras-extract-org-subtree: Create a note from the current Org subtree
denote-org-extras-link-to-heading: Insert link to an Org file with a further pointer to a heading
denote-prepend-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-prompt-for-date-return-id: For developers or advanced users
denote-region: Create a note with the region's contents
denote-rename-buffer: Automatically rename Denote buffers
denote-rename-buffer-mode: Automatically rename Denote buffers
denote-rename-file: Rename a single file
denote-rename-file-and-buffer: For developers or advanced users
denote-rename-file-keywords: Rename a file by adding or removing keywords interactively
denote-rename-file-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-rename-file-signature: Rename a file by adding or removing a signature interactively
denote-rename-file-title: Rename a file by adding or removing a title interactively
denote-rename-file-using-front-matter: Rename a single file based on its front matter
denote-retrieve-filename-identifier: For developers or advanced users
denote-retrieve-filename-keywords: For developers or advanced users
denote-retrieve-filename-signature: For developers or advanced users
denote-retrieve-filename-title: For developers or advanced users
denote-retrieve-front-matter-keywords-line: For developers or advanced users
denote-retrieve-front-matter-keywords-value: For developers or advanced users
denote-retrieve-front-matter-title-line: For developers or advanced users
denote-retrieve-front-matter-title-value: For developers or advanced users
denote-retrieve-title-or-filename: For developers or advanced users
denote-rewrite-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-rewrite-keywords: For developers or advanced users
denote-select-linked-file-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-sequence: Create parent child or sibling sequence notes
denote-sequence-convert: Convert from one sequencing scheme to another
denote-sequence-dired: Show all or some sequences in a Dired buffer
denote-sequence-find: Find a relative of the current sequence
denote-sequence-find-dired: Find a relative of the current sequence
denote-sequence-link: Link only to sequences
denote-sequence-new-child: Create parent child or sibling sequence notes
denote-sequence-new-child-of-current: Create parent child or sibling sequence notes
denote-sequence-new-parent: Create parent child or sibling sequence notes
denote-sequence-new-sibling: Create parent child or sibling sequence notes
denote-sequence-new-sibling-of-current: Create parent child or sibling sequence notes
denote-sequence-reparent: Re-parent a file to extend a given sequence
denote-show-backlinks-buffer: Aliases for the linking commands
denote-signature: Points of entry
denote-signature-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-silo-extras-create-note: The ‘denote-silo-extrasel
denote-silo-extras-open-or-create: The ‘denote-silo-extrasel
denote-silo-extras-select-silo-then-command: The ‘denote-silo-extrasel
denote-slug-keep-only-ascii: For developers or advanced users
denote-sluggify: For developers or advanced users
denote-sluggify-keyword: For developers or advanced users
denote-sluggify-keywords: For developers or advanced users
denote-sluggify-signature: For developers or advanced users
denote-sort-dired: Sort files by component
denote-subdirectory: Points of entry
denote-subdirectory-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-template: Points of entry
denote-template-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-title-prompt: For developers or advanced users
denote-trim-whitespace: For developers or advanced users
denote-trim-whitespace-then-quotes: For developers or advanced users
denote-type: Points of entry
denote-update-dired-buffers: For developers or advanced users
denote-use-date: Create note with specific values using Org capture
denote-use-date: For developers or advanced users
denote-use-directory: Create note with specific values using Org capture
denote-use-directory: For developers or advanced users
denote-use-file-type: Create note with specific values using Org capture
denote-use-file-type: For developers or advanced users
denote-use-keywords: Create note with specific values using Org capture
denote-use-keywords: For developers or advanced users
denote-use-signature: Create note with specific values using Org capture
denote-use-signature: For developers or advanced users
denote-use-template: Create note with specific values using Org capture
denote-use-template: For developers or advanced users
denote-use-title: Create note with specific values using Org capture
denote-use-title: For developers or advanced users
denote-valid-date-p: For developers or advanced users

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B.2 Variable index

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Index Entry  Section

denote-after-new-note-hook: Standard note creation
denote-after-rename-file-hook: Renaming files
denote-backlinks-display-buffer-action: The backlinks' buffer
denote-backlinks-mode-map: The backlinks' buffer
denote-backlinks-show-context: The backlinks' buffer
denote-commands-for-new-notes: Choose which commands to prompt for
denote-current-data: Access the data of the latest note
denote-date-format: Front matter
denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date: The denote-date-prompt-use-org-read-date option
denote-directory: The file-naming scheme
denote-dired-directories: Fontification in Dired
denote-dired-directories-include-subdirectories: Fontification in Dired
denote-encryption-file-extensions: For developers or advanced users
denote-excluded-directories-regexp: Exclude certain directories from all operations
denote-excluded-files-regexp: Exclude certain files from file prompts
denote-excluded-keywords-regexp: Exclude certain keywords from being inferred
denote-faces-date: Fontification in Dired
denote-faces-delimiter: Fontification in Dired
denote-faces-extension: Fontification in Dired
denote-faces-keywords: Fontification in Dired
denote-faces-link: Adding a single link
denote-faces-signature: Fontification in Dired
denote-faces-subdirectory: Fontification in Dired
denote-faces-time: Fontification in Dired
denote-faces-title: Fontification in Dired
denote-file-name-components-order: Change the order of file name components
denote-file-name-slug-functions: User-defined sluggification of file name components
denote-file-type: The file-naming scheme
denote-file-types: For developers or advanced users
denote-history-completion-in-prompts: The denote-history-completion-in-prompts option
denote-id-format: For developers or advanced users
denote-id-only-link-format: For developers or advanced users
denote-id-only-link-in-context-regexp: For developers or advanced users
denote-id-regexp: For developers or advanced users
denote-infer-keywords: Standard note creation
denote-journal-extras-directory: Keep a journal or diary
denote-journal-extras-hook: Keep a journal or diary
denote-journal-extras-keyword: Keep a journal or diary
denote-journal-extras-title-format: Keep a journal or diary
denote-keywords-regexp: For developers or advanced users
denote-kill-buffers: The denote-kill-buffers option
denote-known-keywords: Standard note creation
denote-link-description-function: For developers or advanced users
denote-md-link-format: For developers or advanced users
denote-md-link-in-context-regexp: For developers or advanced users
denote-open-link-function: The denote-open-link-function user option
denote-org-capture-specifiers: Create note using Org capture
denote-org-extras-dblock-file-contents-separator: Org dynamic block to insert file contents
denote-org-front-matter: Change the front matter format
denote-org-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-org-link-format: For developers or advanced users
denote-org-link-in-context-regexp: For developers or advanced users
denote-org-store-link-to-heading: The denote-org-store-link-to-heading user option
denote-prompts: The denote-prompts option
denote-prompts-with-history-as-completion: For developers or advanced users
denote-region-after-new-note-functions: Create a note with the region's contents
denote-rename-buffer-backlinks-indicator: The denote-rename-buffer-format option
denote-rename-buffer-format: Automatically rename Denote buffers
denote-rename-buffer-function: Automatically rename Denote buffers
denote-rename-confirmations: The denote-rename-confirmations option
denote-save-buffers: The denote-save-buffers option
denote-sequence-scheme: Select a sequencing scheme for denote-sequence-scheme
denote-signature-regexp: For developers or advanced users
denote-silo-extras-directories: The ‘denote-silo-extrasel
denote-sort-dired-default-reverse-sort: Configure what extra prompts denote-sort-dired issues
denote-sort-dired-default-sort-component: Configure what extra prompts denote-sort-dired issues
denote-sort-dired-extra-prompts: Configure what extra prompts denote-sort-dired issues
denote-sort-identifier-comparison-function: Define a sorting function per component
denote-sort-keywords: Standard note creation
denote-sort-keywords-comparison-function: Define a sorting function per component
denote-sort-signature-comparison-function: Define a sorting function per component
denote-sort-title-comparison-function: Define a sorting function per component
denote-templates: The denote-templates option
denote-text-front-matter: Change the front matter format
denote-text-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-title-prompt-current-default: For developers or advanced users
denote-title-regexp: For developers or advanced users
denote-toml-front-matter: Change the front matter format
denote-toml-front-matter: For developers or advanced users
denote-yaml-front-matter: Change the front matter format
denote-yaml-front-matter: For developers or advanced users

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B.3 Concept index

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Index Entry  Section

Contributors: Acknowledgements

Installation instructions: Installation

Note silos: Maintain separate directory silos for notes

Package configuration: Sample configuration

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