GNU-devel ELPA - ascii-art-to-unicode


a small artist adjunct
ascii-art-to-unicode- (.sig), 2024-Mar-31, 30.0 KiB
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To install this package from Emacs, use package-install or list-packages.

Full description

The command ‘aa2u’ converts simple ASCII art line drawings in
the {active,accessible} region of the current buffer to Unicode.
Command ‘aa2u-rectangle’ is like ‘aa2u’, but works on rectangles.

Example use case:
- M-x artist-mode RET
- C-c C-a r               ; artist-select-op-rectangle
- (draw two rectangles)

  |               |
  |       +-------+--+
  |       |       |  |
  |       |       |  |
  |       |       |  |
  +-------+-------+  |
          |          |
          |          |
          |          |

- C-c C-c                 ; artist-mode-off (optional)
- C-x n n                 ; narrow-to-region
- M-x aa2u RET

  │               │
  │       ┌───────┼──┐
  │       │       │  │
  │       │       │  │
  │       │       │  │
  └───────┼───────┘  │
          │          │
          │          │
          │          │

Much easier on the eyes now!

Normally, lines are drawn with the ‘LIGHT’ weight.  If you set var
‘aa2u-uniform-weight’ to symbol ‘HEAVY’, you will see, instead:

  ┃               ┃
  ┃       ┏━━━━━━━╋━━┓
  ┃       ┃       ┃  ┃
  ┃       ┃       ┃  ┃
  ┃       ┃       ┃  ┃
  ┗━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━┛  ┃
          ┃          ┃
          ┃          ┃
          ┃          ┃

To protect particular ‘|’, ‘-’ or ‘+’ characters from conversion,
you can set the property ‘aa2u-text’ on that text with command
‘aa2u-mark-as-text’.  A prefix arg clears the property, instead.
(You can use ‘describe-text-properties’ to check.)  For example:

     │                   │
     │ |\/|              │
     │ ‘Oo’   --Oop Ack! │
     │  ^&-MM.           │
     │                   │

Command ‘aa2u-mark-rectangle-as-text’ is similar, for rectangles.

Tip: For best results, you should make sure all the tab characters
are converted to spaces.  See: ‘untabify’, ‘indent-tabs-mode’.

Old versions

ascii-art-to-unicode- KiB
ascii-art-to-unicode- KiB
ascii-art-to-unicode- KiB
ascii-art-to-unicode- KiB


NEWS for ascii-art-to-unicode.el
See the end for copying conditions.

- 1.13 | 2020-11-24
  - handle modern ‘ucs-names’ being a hash table

- 1.12 | 2018-04-29
  - Commentary, docstrings now use U+2018, U+2019
  - mention ‘DOUBLE’ as possible value for ‘aa2u-uniform-weight’
  - small docfixes

- 1.11 | 2017-10-03
  - fix uncool attempt to be cool :-/

- 1.10 | 2017-10-03
  - be cool w/ Emacs where (ucs-names) => hash table

- 1.9 | 2014-05-29
  - new command: ‘aa2u-mark-rectangle-as-text’
  - new homepage:

- 1.8 | 2014-05-21
  - new command: ‘aa2u-mark-as-text’
  - package keywords added (to help discovery)

- 1.7 | 2014-05-11
  - new var: ‘aa2u-uniform-weight’
  - new command: ‘aa2u-rectangle’
  - HACKING and Tip Jar links in Commentary

- 1.6 | 2014-05-09
  - fix regression for interactive invocation w/o active region

- 1.5 | 2014-04-03
  - ‘aa2u’ takes args BEG and END

- 1.4 | 2014-01-14
  - move to ELPA (from <>)
  - change copyright to FSF
  - require 'cl-lib instead of 'cl
  - use ‘cl-flet’ and ‘cl-labels’
  - comment munging
    - add ‘lexical-binding: t’
    - remove huge list at EOF
    - add Author and News headers

- 1.3 | 2013-09-21
  - bug fixed: ‘?+’ neighbor valuation polarity flipped
  - new support for BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT {UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT} (singleton)

- 1.2 | 2012-11-05
  - refer to Unicode characters by name, not number

- 1.1 | 2012-04-17
  - TAB agnostic
  - ‘aa2u’ operates on active region if ‘use-region-p’
  - example use case also demonstrates transformation

- 1.0 | 2012-04-07
  - initial release

  Local Variables:
  mode: outline
  outline-regexp: "\\([ ][ ]\\)*- "

Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.