GNU-devel ELPA - org-jami-bot


Capture GNU Jami messages as notes and todos in Org mode
org-jami-bot- (.sig), 2024-Mar-31, 2.11 MiB
Hanno Perrey <>
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Full description

org-jami-bot builds upon jami-bot and extends it with Org mode capture functionality for text messages and images. It allows to schedule agenda items at specific dates and compose multi-measure captures including pictures – all by sending a message via the GNU Jami messenger.

1. Demo (with cats!)


Figure 1: Animation of a multi-message capture from the Android Jami app.

The animation shows how one initiates a multi-message capture from within the Jami messenger app – that is, a capture process that consists of several messages and can include even images and other files. The process is started by sending the command !start followed by the title of the capture. Every command consists of an exclamation mark and a single word, for example: !help which shows the available commands or !today which captures the remainder of the message as a todo entry scheduled today. Everything else is treated as a normal message (and captured verbatim).

On the other side of the chat is jami-bot running within Emacs on my local computer. It responds to each of my messages to indicate how it was processed.

Once the multi-message capture session is started, every following message is simply added. This includes images which will be downloaded and stored locally on my computer. A reference in the form of a link will be included in the notes.

Putting down the phone and opening the computer again, I will see something like this on the screen:


Figure 2: Screenshot of the Emacs instance running jami-bot: to the left the capture and to the right the screenshot of the conversation (also sent via Jami).

On the left is the capture buffer which includes the individual messages and the image I sent shown inline. Additional meta information like the capture date is also included. Files sent separately as a single message, such as the screenshot in the next entry, are captured as links to the locally downloaded file and tagged as FILE. In principle, further automatic processing (e.g. OCR) could easily be integrated. In clear text, the first example capture looks like this:

* Demonstration of a multi-message capture :)
:CREATED: [2023-04-10 Mon 18:26]
This is the first line to be added.
But there can more!
#+ATTR_ORG: :width 400
Like cute cat pictures 😻
That's it!

Any received file will also be added to the variable org-stored-links and can then be easily inserted as link in any Org mode document using C-c C-l. For me, this has become the easiest and quickest way to transfer specific files from my mobile phone to my computer and into my notes.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of using Jami and jami-bot

Jami is a distributed and private messenger that is part of the GNU project and mainly developed by Savoir-faire Linux. Private in this context does not only refer to the fact that messages, calls and video chats are encrypted, but that you need to provide essentially no personal information to create a Jami account. Distributed means that you can have encrypted (group) chats without requiring any server to exchange them through – which even works between devices on the same local network while the internet is down.

Jami is easy to deploy on most OS and is available for different mobile devices as well. That coupled with that fact that it was rather straightforward to interface from Emacs made it a ideal candidate for this experiment.

However, Jami has some rougher edges from a user's perspective (that is to say, my personal one). While the mobile Android client has improved significantly over the past years, it still might quietly fail to sync up with other clients. In those cases, only a restart of the App seems to help reliably. Other quirks can be slightly annoying at times: pasting from the clipboard, for example, wipes the current message draft on my Android client – and I tend to insert links as the last step of composing a message.

Similarly, also the desktop daemon, jamid, which runs in the background while jami-bot interacts with it, sometimes needs a friendly killall jamid followed by M-x jami-bot-register to re-initiate the service. In particular, network state changes, i.e. a temporary loss of connectivity seems to cause a drop from the Jami network which Jami does not recover quickly from.

One more thing to be aware of is that jami-bot only reacts to messages being received. So if the daemon (and/or the GUI app) is already running before jami-bot is registered and started, some messages might slip by unnoticed. Should you not yet have received them yet though, for example because the daemon lost the connection, you can simply follow the killall-and-register procedure outlined above and you will capture any missed messages.

Personally, I can live with these compromises.

One last thing to consider is security: I am not aware of any recent security audit of Jami. Either way, bugs affecting the security of the messenger likely exist. Personally, I assume that by disabling unneeded features such as phone and video calls on my account, disallowing connections with unknown accounts and limiting my accounts exposure will keep it sufficiently secure for me. Timely updates are a given of course. (org-)jami-bot should only marginally increase the attack surface as long as you use it with trusted devices and accounts and do not extend it with functions that directly execute parts of the message received as code. In case you discover any potential security risks with the code I provide or the way I interface with Jami, please let me know!

In any case, you should make your own threat model for your use case and situation.

That said, let's look into setting things up!

3. Setup

You need to have the Jami daemon, jamid, installed on the local system. On Debian, this can be done by simply running sudo apt install jami which will also install the GUI application. The latter is not strictly necessary but can be more comfortable to use during the account setup. The version installed through apt, however, is likely older than what is provided on the official Jami download pages – consider updating should you run into any connectivity issues later.

Jami is controlled by jami-bot via a protocol called D-Bus. If you are using a Linux-based system such as Ubuntu, you are almost certainly already running D-Bus and an Emacs with built-in support.

Then you will need to create a Jami account. The easiest is to make a completely new one only for jami-bot, even if you already have a Jami account. By default, jami-bot will react to any message sent to any local Jami account but will ignore message sent from local accounts (to avoid feedback loops). In case you have several local accounts and would like to limit jami-bot to only one of them, you can configure the variable jami-bot-account-user-names.

3.1. jami-bot and org-jami-bot

You will also need to install both the jami-bot and org-jami-bot packages in Emacs. These will eventually be made available via e.g. MELPA but currently, you need to install from source. Once that is done, simply require the org-jami-bot package to load them:

(require 'org-jami-bot)

In order to capture messages automatically and without user interaction, we need to set up an appropriate capture template. Let us start by setting an associated key:

(setq org-jami-bot-capture-key "J")

Just make sure that this does not conflict with any other already defined template in org-capture-templates.

If you just want to get started right way with the default setup for org-jami-bot, simply run


and skip ahead to the next section! If you would like to understand the configuration a little bit better or make adjustments, read on!

3.2. Setup explained

For the actual template, use initial content (%i), define the key via the above variable, and set the property :immediate-finish to file the capture away directly. In the code below, you might want to replace org-default-notes-file with another location:

(if (assoc org-jami-bot-capture-key org-capture-templates)
    (message "Capture template referred to by \"%s\" key already defined!"
  (add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
	     `(,org-jami-bot-capture-key "Jami message" entry (file org-default-notes-file)
	       "%i" :immediate-finish t)))

3.3. Extending jami-bot commands for capture

Anytime you send a Jami message that starts with an exclamation mark, jami-bot will interpret this as a command that will trigger a special action. However, jami-bot comes only with a rudimentary set of commands. These are extended via org-jami-bot and need to be registered so that jami-bot knows about them:

(setq jami-bot-command-function-alist (append jami-bot-command-function-alist
  '(("!today" . org-jami-bot--command-function-today)
    ("!schedule" . org-jami-bot--command-function-schedule)
    ("!start" . org-jami-bot--command-function-start)
    ("!done" . org-jami-bot--command-function-done))))

This maps the command strings to the functions that handle them. The latter will be explained in more detail in the next section!

As this list of commands is easily forgotten while on the road, you can always send the command !help via Jami to receive a summary of all known commands and their docstrings as reply. Of course, you can easily add additional mappings to the list above. Just be sure that you do not overwrite the default commands already listed in jami-bot-command-function-alist, or you would lose e.g. the !help command.

Finally, we also want non-command messages captured, whether it is a plain text message or a file being sent. This is accomplished by adding corresponding hooks that will be run when jami-bot processes such messages:

(add-hook 'jami-bot-text-message-functions 'org-jami-bot--capture-plain-messsage)
(add-hook 'jami-bot-data-transfer-functions 'org-jami-bot--capture-file)

While we are at it, you might want to adjust the directory to which files are being downloaded to from its default value:

(setq jami-bot-download-path "~/jami/")

Finally, we need to register jami-bot so it listens to incoming messages:


This is all the setup we need! Now it is time to fire up Jami on your phone or any other device and capture messages!

4. First steps

Once you have jami-bot and org-jami-bot configured, check that the account you want to send captures to is shown as present in Jami (indicated by a green dot in the profile). Send a simple command such as !help or !ping first. On the computer running jami-bot, you should see a message appear in the minibuffer indicating that the message was received. Shortly after, you should get a response via Jami.

After that, try a capture: simply send a text message (without starting it with an exclamation mark). You should see the response "captured" after only a moment. The message should be filed at the location you specified in your capture template (org-default-notes-file by default).

Try sending an image or starting a multi-message capture (by sending !start) next. If all works as intended, you might want to adjust or extend the format of the capture – so let us look into the code handling the captures!

5. Extending functionality of org-jami-bot

I have written two blog posts explaining the principles behind jami-bot and org-jami-bot, respectively. These should provide you a good starting point to extend either package:

6. Troubleshooting

6.1. Stuck messages / no reply from jami-bot

Especially should your network connectivity drop out, Jami might not be able to sync messages and you will see no reply. Try to stop the Jami daemon:

killall jamid

and then run M-x jami-bot-register to restart it and register jami-bot to listen on the messageReceived signal.


   - extended and clarified documentation