GNU-devel ELPA - do-at-point

do-at-point Atom Feed

Generic context-sensitive action dispatcher.
do-at-point- (.sig), 2025-Jan-31, 60.0 KiB
Philip Kaludercic <>
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To install this package from Emacs, use package-install or list-packages.

Full description

The command `do-at-point' is a generalised `find-file-at-point',
both in the sense that it can understand more than just files, and
do more than just open a file.  Depending on the "thing" at point,
different "actions" can be dispatched, e.g. opening a url using
`browse-url' or occurring a symbol at point.

The entry point of this package is `do-at-point'.  Bind it to a
convenient key:

  (global-set-key (kbd "C-'") #'do-at-point)

Most of the behaviour is controlled via the user option
`do-at-point-actions' and `do-at-point-user-actions'.  A mode may
use `do-at-point-local-actions' to add additional things and/or

Inspired by Embark and `isearch-forward-thing-at-point'.

Old versions

do-at-point- KiB
do-at-point- KiB
do-at-point- KiB
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do-at-point- KiB
do-at-point- KiB
do-at-point- KiB
do-at-point- KiB


Version 0.1.2

- New general actions: "delete-region" and "yank-and-swap".

- New hook `do-at-point-mode-hook'.

- New minor mode `do-at-point-persist-mode', bound to M-<return> by
  default.  If enabled, it disables the disactivation of selections
  after an action.  To enable it by default, evaluate

    (add-hook 'do-at-point-hook #'do-at-point-persist-mode)

- Allow customising the quick-confirm key (by Visuwesh).